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EventsSaturday June 3, 2006
Start: 10:00 am
Start: 06/03/2006 - 10:00
End: 06/06/2006 - 13:00
Used books are the best, so don't miss the best used book sale in Cleveland! 60th Anniversary Case Book Sale 2006, sponsored by The Association for Continuiing Education Saturday, June 3rd 10 am -12 noon Preview ($20 Fee), 12 noon - 6 pm Free admission Begins
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 4:00 pm
The Learning Garden Festival -- something for everyone!
Start: 3:30 pm
End: 5:00 pm
This documentary will be shown twice, with a discussion after each showing.
Sunday June 4, 2006
(all day)
Start: 06/03/2006 - 10:00
End: 06/06/2006 - 13:00
Used books are the best, so don't miss the best used book sale in Cleveland! 60th Anniversary Case Book Sale 2006, sponsored by The Association for Continuiing Education Saturday, June 3rd 10 am -12 noon Preview ($20 Fee), 12 noon - 6 pm Free admission Begins
Monday June 5, 2006
(all day)
Start: 06/03/2006 - 10:00
End: 06/06/2006 - 13:00
Used books are the best, so don't miss the best used book sale in Cleveland! 60th Anniversary Case Book Sale 2006, sponsored by The Association for Continuiing Education Saturday, June 3rd 10 am -12 noon Preview ($20 Fee), 12 noon - 6 pm Free admission Begins
Tuesday June 6, 2006
End: 1:00 pm
Start: 06/03/2006 - 10:00
End: 06/06/2006 - 13:00
Used books are the best, so don't miss the best used book sale in Cleveland! 60th Anniversary Case Book Sale 2006, sponsored by The Association for Continuiing Education Saturday, June 3rd 10 am -12 noon Preview ($20 Fee), 12 noon - 6 pm Free admission Begins
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Recycling the organic waste of a household into compost allows us to return badly needed organic matter to the soil. In this way, we participate in nature's cycle, and cut down on garbage going into burgeoning landfills. Worm composting is a method for recycling food waste into a rich, dark, earth-smelling soil conditioner. The great advantage of worm composting is that this can be done indoors and outdoors, thus allowing year round composting. It also provides apartment dwellers with a means of composting. Contact Tori Mills at 216-321-5935, x234 to register or go to to order your composter.
Wednesday June 7, 2006
Start: 10:00 am
Picked up from GreenCityBL events listing: Notice that there is to be discussion of wind turbines off of Ohio's north coast. I can't attend but would love to have a report posted back to RealNeo.
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Thursday June 8, 2006
Start: 8:00 pm
Season Finale! Opera-in-concert, sung in Italian with English surtitles. Join The Cleveland Orchestra, Music Director Franz Welser-Most, and an internationally renonwned cast of singers led by Renato Bruson in the title role of Verdi's comic opera Falstaff. Based on Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor and King Henry IV, this opera was a huge success when it was first heard in Milan in 1893 and has been acclaimed by many to be Verdi's greatest opera.
Friday June 9, 2006
Start: 9:30 am
End: 2:00 pm
Start: 11:30 am
End: 1:30 pm
John Osher never went to class on a sunny day. In fact, he struggled through seven years of undergraduate work at three separate universities before graduating from Boston University with a degree in Psychology. John has never been hired to work for any company, nor has he ever been elected or appointed to any office of any kind. And yet, he has proven to be one of America's most successful entrepreneurs over the past twenty years. He did it simply by short circuiting the system, by starting all of his own businesses and appointing himself President since the age of five. Now that he is older, he prefers to appoint himself Chairman.
Saturday June 10, 2006
Start: 11:00 am
End: 4:00 pm
Parade the Circle at Wade oval will feature international and national guest artists along with dozens of Northeast Ohio artists and community groups. Activities include entertainment and food. for detail, maps and direction:
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Spoken word / multimedia show with a New Orleans street music backdrop. For more on Chandler, see
Sunday June 11, 2006
Start: 7:00 pm
Season Finale! Opera-in-concert, sung in Italian with English surtitles. Join The Cleveland Orchestra, Music Director Franz Welser-Most, and an internationally renonwned cast of singers led by Renato Bruson in the title role of Verdi's comic opera Falstaff. Based on Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor and King Henry IV, this opera was a huge success when it was first heard in Milan in 1893 and has been acclaimed by many to be Verdi's greatest opera.
Wednesday June 14, 2006
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 1:30 pm
On Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at noon, Blake Ross, the 20-year-old developer of the web browser Firefox, will be speaking at The City Club of Cleveland.
Thursday June 15, 2006
Saturday June 17, 2006
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
It’s finally time to get out and ride your bicycles as the CAAO High Rollers group! The first meeting and ride will be on SATURDAY, June 17, 2006 at 5:00 P.M. Meet your CAAO members! Connect with old friends and meet new cycling friends! Include your spouse or friends / relatives in our group. Bring your ride ideas!! You can introduce the group to your own favorite ride!
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Thursday June 22, 2006
Start: 8:00 am
End: 8:00 pm
Hiram College Center for Literature and Medicine in partnership with
Saturday June 24, 2006
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
Come to the Community Colonnade on the corner of Lee Rd. and Van Aken Blvd. Featuring performances y Rolando pizana y sus Rhumberos, The Prayer Warriors, and Blue Lunch, plus jewelry, crafts and gifts made by local artists; children's activities; lighting ceremony and a variety of food and beverages.
Sunday June 25, 2006
Start: 7:00 am
End: 10:00 pm
The Consortium of African American Organizations (CAAO) will be partnering with the Grand Prix of Cleveland presented by U.S. Bank to help celebrate the event’s 25th Anniversary. Under new ownership, many new exciting activities have been added. “CAAO is celebrating its 5th Anniversary this year”, states Connie Atkins, Executive Director of CAAO. “We are looking forward to working with the Grand Prix of Cleveland this year and for years to come.”
Start: 10:00 am
End: 5:00 pm
Larchmere is probably the most fun place in NEO to go antiqueing. A variety of interesting stores on a almost quaint street with great restaurants. The annual antiques fair brings the cool stuff from the stores out on the street. While you are their, stop for a bite to eat at my favorite -- Cafe Limbo -- the entres always taste very fresh and there are many vegetarian options, coffee and desserts are good too.
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes is flying ack to the sxities with swams of activities: * Groove to the live music of renowned children's musician Justin Roberts
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Start: 7:00 pm
Tue Jun 27 , 7 pm SPACES World Artists Program artist-in-residence Pavel Kopriva will be giving a gallery talk and slide presentation of life in the Czech Republic, and its impact on his work.
Wednesday June 28, 2006
Start: 8:00 am
End: 12:00 pm
Strap on your goggles...It's a whole new game! Presented with the generous support of Cleveland State University Nance College of Business Administration
Thursday June 29, 2006
Start: 8:00 am
End: 4:00 pm
Day One and Two: Thursday, June 29th & Friday, June 30th
Open Source Economic Development: New Practices and Tools for Economic Development. Open Source Economic Development is a new approach to economic development that shows you how to develop the open networks that drive innovation in a two-day curriculum.
Friday June 30, 2006
Start: 8:00 am
End: 4:00 pm
Day One and Two: Thursday, June 29th & Friday, June 30th
Open Source Economic Development: New Practices and Tools for Economic Development. Open Source Economic Development is a new approach to economic development that shows you how to develop the open networks that drive innovation in a two-day curriculum.
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