« May 30, 2010 - June 30, 2010 »
05 / 30
(all day)
Start: 04/28/2010 - 09:00
End: 06/01/2010 - 17:00
Young Audiences is seeking submissions of art to be featured as the cover design for our 2010-2011 Program Guide.
Submission Guidelines
--Entrants must be a student (PreK-12) --Entries must be 8.5” wide x 11” tall --All entries must include the attached entry form --Use any medium you choose (2 dimensions) --Have fun!
Please mail all entries to:
Program Guide Cover Art Contest Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio
05 / 31
(all day)
Start: 04/28/2010 - 09:00
End: 06/01/2010 - 17:00
Young Audiences is seeking submissions of art to be featured as the cover design for our 2010-2011 Program Guide.
Submission Guidelines
--Entrants must be a student (PreK-12) --Entries must be 8.5” wide x 11” tall --All entries must include the attached entry form --Use any medium you choose (2 dimensions) --Have fun!
Please mail all entries to:
Program Guide Cover Art Contest Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio
06 / 1
End: 5:00 pm
Start: 04/28/2010 - 09:00
End: 06/01/2010 - 17:00
Young Audiences is seeking submissions of art to be featured as the cover design for our 2010-2011 Program Guide.
Submission Guidelines
--Entrants must be a student (PreK-12) --Entries must be 8.5” wide x 11” tall --All entries must include the attached entry form --Use any medium you choose (2 dimensions) --Have fun!
Please mail all entries to:
Program Guide Cover Art Contest Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 11:00 pm
Dine Out For Peace at Bac Asian-American - an asian american bistro & bar
A casual bistro with full bar & outdoor patio featuring authentic Asian & fusion cuisine, along with Asian-inspired drink specials. Say, "I'm with Dine Out for Peace!" and 20% of your purchase will benefit the peace groups. (Includes Dine-In and Take Out. Bar Not Included.)
06 / 2
06 / 3
Start: 1:00 am
Start: 06/03/2010 - 01:00
End: 06/06/2010 - 01:59

How can we reshape journalism so that it engages and serves all people & communities?
Participate in "Journalism That Matters Detroit -- Create or Die: Forging communities that initiate, incubate and innovate."
This focused, three-day gathering of results-driven, action-oriented participants will discover, assess, shape and create forward-looking enterprises focused on key elements of community -- diversity, shared values, tolerance, participation and developing youth.
JTM especially invites persons of color -- journalists, entrepreneurs, programmers, technologists, bloggers, videographers, venture capitalists, artists, funders, educators and all who have an interest -- to explore how voices often unheard or misrepresented can reshape the future of journalism.
06 / 4
(all day)
Start: 06/03/2010 - 01:00
End: 06/06/2010 - 01:59

How can we reshape journalism so that it engages and serves all people & communities?
Participate in "Journalism That Matters Detroit -- Create or Die: Forging communities that initiate, incubate and innovate."
This focused, three-day gathering of results-driven, action-oriented participants will discover, assess, shape and create forward-looking enterprises focused on key elements of community -- diversity, shared values, tolerance, participation and developing youth.
JTM especially invites persons of color -- journalists, entrepreneurs, programmers, technologists, bloggers, videographers, venture capitalists, artists, funders, educators and all who have an interest -- to explore how voices often unheard or misrepresented can reshape the future of journalism.
06 / 5
(all day)
Start: 06/03/2010 - 01:00
End: 06/06/2010 - 01:59

How can we reshape journalism so that it engages and serves all people & communities?
Participate in "Journalism That Matters Detroit -- Create or Die: Forging communities that initiate, incubate and innovate."
This focused, three-day gathering of results-driven, action-oriented participants will discover, assess, shape and create forward-looking enterprises focused on key elements of community -- diversity, shared values, tolerance, participation and developing youth.
JTM especially invites persons of color -- journalists, entrepreneurs, programmers, technologists, bloggers, videographers, venture capitalists, artists, funders, educators and all who have an interest -- to explore how voices often unheard or misrepresented can reshape the future of journalism.
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 1:59 pm
Activities are being organized on Saturday, June 5, 2010 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to give visitors a better idea of what the Organization does and how its work helps contribute to human and social progress. Program.
06 / 6
End: 1:59 am
Start: 06/03/2010 - 01:00
End: 06/06/2010 - 01:59

How can we reshape journalism so that it engages and serves all people & communities?
Participate in "Journalism That Matters Detroit -- Create or Die: Forging communities that initiate, incubate and innovate."
This focused, three-day gathering of results-driven, action-oriented participants will discover, assess, shape and create forward-looking enterprises focused on key elements of community -- diversity, shared values, tolerance, participation and developing youth.
JTM especially invites persons of color -- journalists, entrepreneurs, programmers, technologists, bloggers, videographers, venture capitalists, artists, funders, educators and all who have an interest -- to explore how voices often unheard or misrepresented can reshape the future of journalism.
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
I received a Facebook Group invitation from a computer programmer Facebook friend in town that led me to his Facebook account and the following message - "10 years in one job then one day, out of the blue, unemployed. What's a person to do? Easy, open a Head Shop in Cleveland's up & coming art district on Waterloo. Close to the Beachland, straight off the freeway. Opening day is June 6th."
06 / 7
06 / 8
06 / 9
06 / 10
06 / 11
Start: 7:30 am
End: 12:00 pm
Please save the date for the 2010 Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory 5th Annual Symposium.
What: 2010 Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council 5th Annual Symposium
Healthy Kids, Homes, & Places – Ensuring a better future for our community
06 / 12
06 / 13
06 / 14
06 / 15
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
June 15, 2010 (5:00 PM - )
Jacqueline Edelberg Featured Speaker for City Club in the City June 15

06 / 16
06 / 17
Start: 8:00 pm
End: 9:30 pm
06 / 18
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm

I’m writing to invite you all to the opening of an exhibit by three Cleveland photographers about three refugee families from Burundi, Burma and Nepal/Bhutan who are living in our area. The same night, you can also enjoy the premiere of a video about the families.
06 / 19
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm
The Fine Arts Department is pleased to present vocalist Chelsea Coyne, mezzo-soprano, on June 19th, 2010 at 2pm in the 3rd floor lobby of the Main Library building (325 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 44114). In a recital entitled "Opera 2 Broadway," Ms. Coyne, and her accompanist Oksana Vignan, will perform works by Rossini, Bizet, Gershwin and more! This program is free and open to all ages. For more information call 216-623-2848 or visit Ms. Coyne's website. Please join us for this informal, intimate and entertaining concert.
06 / 20
06 / 21
06 / 22
06 / 23
06 / 24
Start: 1:00 am
End: 1:59 am
The response from the City only promises a response to my request of 3-19-10, not the actual records or being able to review them. What is taking so long?
Today, excerpted from the e-mail:
"The demolition file is being reviewed for release and we anticipate the response to you no later than Thursday, June 24, 2010."
06 / 25
06 / 26
Start: 12:00 am
End: 11:59 pm
Air Quality Advisory Issued for Northeast Ohio
Saturday, June 26, 2010 due to Ozone Concentratio
Northeast Ohio- There is potential for high ozone pollution levels Saturday, June 26, due to high-temperature conditions. Pollution may reach levels considered "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups" during the afternoon or early evening hours in areas not subject to rain.
06 / 27
06 / 28
06 / 29
06 / 30
