12 / 24
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12 / 30
Start: 10:30 am
End: 12:30 pm
12 / 31
01 / 1
01 / 2
Start: 12:00 am
End: 11:59 pm
My beautiful little Angel will celebrate her 9th Birthday on this date...
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01 / 9
01 / 10
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm

Voice your comments and suggestions on improving Cleveland's neighborhoods with Community Development Block Grant Funds, Federal HOME, Emergency grant, Neighborhood Stabilization and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.
01 / 11
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01 / 17
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 1:59 pm
01 / 18
01 / 19
01 / 20
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Ward 14 Democratic club's first 2011 event-- hosting County Councilman Dan Brady who will report on the status of new government and take questions.
Thursday, January 20, 6:30 PM, Applewood Center gym.
Jones Campus
3518 West 25th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44109-1995
(216) 741-2241 fax: 459-9821
01 / 21
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