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Wednesday June 14, 2023
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm

 Kudos to Rebecca Maurer for keeping her constituents informed.  I can't make the 6/14 meeting, but I signed up for design review

Tuesday June 27, 2023
Start: 11:00 am

Rally for Justice Set for Tuesday June 27 at 5 PM, at the Ohio Supreme Court in Columbus, on the eve of Disbarment Proceedings against Former Federal Prosecutor Mark Bennett • Rally highlights Bennett’s two decades of sexual assault, false statements & misconduct that led to incarceration of hundreds of innocent citizens • Yale Law School Legal Brief details Bennett misconduct, suppression of evidence in 1,000 criminal cases prosecuted by joint Task Force • Attorney Kim Corral highlights Bennett’s use of perjured testimony to win cases and covering up an affa