[2]Rear Adm. William D. French, Commander, Navy Region Southwest, presents the Purple Heart medal to retired Navy civilian firefighter Lewis E. Meyer during a ceremony aboard USS Midway Museum. Meyer was presented two Purple Heart medals and a Prisoner of War medal for his service during the Vietnam War. Meyer joins the ranks of Purple Heart recipients as one of two DOD civilian employees held captive during the war, from Feb. 1968 to March 1973. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kari R. Rodriguez.
SAN DIEGO – Retired Navy civilian firefighter, Lewis E. Meyer, was awarded two Purple Hearts and a Prisoner of War (POW) Medal on Jan. 8 during a ceremony aboard USS Midway Museum. Meyer was recognized for being one of only two DOD civilian employees captured during the Vietnam War. He was held prisoner from Feb. 1968 to March 1973. “These awards open up old wounds for me, but I am proud to be here,” said Meyer. “I am very honored [to receive] these awards and attribute everything to those who defend America.” Rear Adm. William D. French, Commander, Navy Region Southwest was on-hand to present Meyer with the medals. “We are all gathered here today to acknowledge a person dedicated to the service of his country and someone who is a true patriot, Mr. Meyer, for his courageous actions during the Vietnam War,” said French. “Nothing can take away from what he has experienced and this is a privilege and honor this afternoon to recognize his actions by presenting him both the Purple Heart and [POW] Medals.” After learning that Meyer was originally denied the medals due to being a civilian, former Congressman Duncan Hunter (R – Calif.) appealed directly to Secretary of the Navy. In Nov. 2009, it was announced that Meyer would be presented with the awards. “Even as a civilian firefighter, Lewis Meyer served in a combat zone during the Vietnam War and endured years of captivity and abuse,” said Hunter. “The enemy did not care that he was a civilian and made no exceptions for his status. Lewis Meyer’s experience as a prisoner of war was shared by many others who were rightly recognized for their service and sacrifice, and I’m pleased that he is finally receiving the recognition he deserves.” Last Updated on Friday, 08 January 2010 14:07
Rear Adm. William D. French, Commander, Navy Region Southwest, presents the Purple Heart medal to retired Navy civilian firefighter Lewis E. Meyer during a ceremony aboard USS Midway Museum. Meyer was presented two Purple Heart medals and a Prisoner of War medal for his service during the Vietnam War. Meyer joins the ranks of Purple Heart recipients as one of two DOD civilian employees held captive during the war, from Feb. 1968 to March 1973. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kari R. Rodriguez.
http://navycompass.com/index.php/top-stories/1923-mc3-kari-r-rodriguez [3]
http://www.disclosureproject.com [6] TRUTH - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
[1] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/content/lewismeyerfirefighternavyjpg
[2] http://realneo.us/content/lewismeyerfirefighternavyjpg
[3] http://navycompass.com/index.php/top-stories/1923-mc3-kari-r-rodriguez
[4] http://realneo.us/blogs/questministries
[5] http://www.nationalwardogsmonument.org/
[6] http://www.disclosureproject.com/