Back in 2004 Norm Roulet rolled out Realneo at Case's REI Tuesdays. At the time Case was struggling trying to communicate on the web with wikis - wikis were awkward and difficult to use and inspired Norm to introduce Realneo at REI as a content managment system. That's when I first became a Realneo User.
Drupal was/is today the software behind Realneo. Realneo was one of the first web sites in NEO to use open source, modular, Drupal software.
Today, almost 9 years since Realneo began, there are many Drupal web sites in NEO, and scores of Drupal enthusiasts in NEO and world wide.
I attended the Cleveland Drupal Users Group [1] November 14, 2012 meeting - graciously hosted by the IT folks at CSU - and - paired off with Drupalistas more experienced than myself - was guided through the download of my first AMP stack.
I also learned that CSU is adopting Drupal - that's how far Drupal's come.
Realneo is presently running on 5.3 - a way-out-of-date version of Drupal - Drupal 8.0 is being developed and will be introduced soon.
A reasonable goal would be to migrate Realneo to Drupal 7.
If you are interested in learning Drupal, and meeting others who value the community which develops the Drupal modules, check in at a meeting of the Cleveland Drupal Users Group [1]
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