We respond instantly following natural and other disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who need it most.
Each ShelterBox supplies an extended family with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless.
We are now firmly established at the forefront of disaster relief and our work constantly earns the respect of outside agencies.
Our goal is to help 50,000 families who lose everything in a disaster every year and we can achieve this goal with your help.
The video below shows Sitti Ayesha, a young girl who lost her home in the 2006
Thanks to ShelterBox and our supporters, she was able to start rebuilding her life.
The ShelterBox solution in disaster response is as simple as it is effective. We deliver the essentials a family needs to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Each green
ShelterBox [3] is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage [4] and purification equipment, cooking utensils [4], a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items [5].In addition to ShelterBox kits, we also provide disaster-specific equipment. Learn more about
the ShelterBox Solution [6].http://www.shelterboxusa.org/about.php [7]
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anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate
http://realneo.us/content/anti-speciesism-quest-ministries-gofundme-plea... [9]
[1] http://www.shelterboxusa.org/about.php?page=1
[2] http://shelterboxusa.org/deployments.php
[3] http://www.shelterboxusa.org/about.php?page=9
[4] http://www.shelterboxusa.org/about.php#
[5] http://wyiwyg.blogspot.com
[6] http://shelterboxusa.org/about.php?page=86
[7] http://www.shelterboxusa.org/about.php
[8] http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&username=questministries
[9] http://realneo.us/content/anti-speciesism-quest-ministries-gofundme-please-donate
[10] http://www.gofundme.com/42dq3w