The full April supermoon arrived as scheduled on the evening of Monday, April 26, 2021.
Fortunately, it was not fully overcast – even though there were enough clouds to play hide and seek.
The attached #1 (composite) photograph (going clockwise) shows the supermoon out in full-brightness and then gradually covered by the clouds – all in a span of 17 minutes – from 10:08 p.m. to 10:25 p.m. Also, see the full-sized photographs (#5 to #8) shown near the end.
The photographs were taken from the front lawn of our house on the south side of Jefferson Park – looking in a southeasterly direction.
Our Moon’s Elliptical Orbit:
Our moon follows an elliptical orbit around our earth – meaning – it is not always at the same distance like in a circle as #2 shows:
At apogee – when farthest away – the moon is nearly 252,088 miles away.
At perigee – when closest – the moon is nearly 225,623 miles away.
On average – our moon is about 238,855 miles away.
Supermoons are Bigger and Brighter:
#3 shows that the Supermoon appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter because the Supermoon is closer to Earth than the Average Full Moon. So during Supermoon – our moon is near perigee – it is 238,855 - 225,623 = 13,232 miles closer.
Note: Even though the supermoom is 30% brighter than a regular moon – it is really very close in brightness to a 25-watt bulb.
Pink Moon: According to the Internet, the “April Moon is only called the Pink Moon because it coincides with the early springtime blooms of phlox subulata, a “moss pink” wildflower commonly known as creeping phlox or moss phlox. April's full moon is also known as the Fish Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, and the Egg Moon.”
Any Pink Phlox in our House Garden?
#4 shows a composite of April flowers along our driveway and in our backyard.
A collection of yellow flowers -- daffodils, wildflowers (name?), and dandelions;
lavender lilacs, and white rhododendrons.
Years ago we had some phlox plants – not any more – and they bloomed in July – not April.

Smokey & Gingy:
It was truly remarkable – as I was photographing the moon – a celestial object – created nearly 4.5 billion years ago – and three of us (Smokey, Gingy, --- our two outdoor cats and me) – two species of earth-bound mammals developed from earlier forms – starting about 210 million years ago – were just moon-struck.
#9 shows Smokey and Gingy, her son – keeping me company while I photographed the April Supermoon shortly after 10:00 p.m. on the evening of April 26.
They were very excited – running up and down the driveway and across Cooley Avenue to the south side of Jefferson Park. And, you can bet, their dear friend Galena, our golden retriever with a curly tail, now at the Rainbow Bridge, was also up and about in her heavenly setting.
More Supermoons: The next two moons are also going to be supermoons like the April moon: May 26 – Super Flower Moon, and June 24 – Super Strawberry Moon.
Enjoy the rest of the spring!