On an overcast Wednesday -- the first day of September 2021 – I was totally dazzled by the sight of a morning glory flower as shown in the first photograph.
And it was not even morning time – it was 12:41 p.m.
The morning glory was growing out of a pot – I had planted a seed from a packet I got from Marc’s this past spring.
Most of our plants grow out of pots.
I had just ventured out of our house on the south side of Jefferson Park – after completing a long list of chores.
When I am out – I look all around – and marvel at nature’s creations.
Here was a flower that developed from a plant that grew out of a tiny seed – that had been pushed an inch into a pot that got mostly rain water (I collect rain in a variety of containers) and sunlight.
And as my eye wandered over our backyard’s lush summer's landscape (our house like the neighbor’s -- are the only two houses among the nearly sixty houses around Jefferson Park – that have double lots) -- trees, shrubs, and vines (autumn clematis) -- I saw another morning glory flower as shown in the second photograph.
The second one was growing out of a plant in the ground. It was again nature showing its handiwork – blowing seeds in the wind -- from a plant to other locations -- to populate the planet with more plants.
Plants are technically nature’s vast network for recycling (converting carbon dioxide into oxygen) and producing food in the process.
The third photograph shows the lush greenery in the double lot.
When I looked above – the sun was missing!
It was totally overcast – dark clouds – indicative of impending rain, thunder, and lightening – maybe nature's way of announcing the first of the month as the fourth photograph shows.
The clouds play hide and seek with our sun.
Enjoy the rest of summer!