Wednesday, February 16, 2022, was an overcast day -- when the temperature reached a high of 56 deg, F as confirmed by the outdoor electronic display at the St. Vincent De Paul church on Lorain Avenue and West 134th Street. See the lead photograph.
Since January 17th when we got 11 inches of snow in the Jefferson Park neighborhood and about 6 to 8 inches of additional snow since -- I have been in a month-long snow-lockdown because of the nearly daily freezing temperatures some as close to 0 deg. F.
But with the unusually high temperature on this day -- the snow started to melt and I was able to carve a narrow path at the edge of our driveway to Cooley Avenue as shown in the second photograph. Our house is located on the south side of the park.
It was a good day to go out grocery shopping to Marc’s. I am car-less (no driver's license either) -- so I walk all around. I push and pull my cart along the way. (My late wife -- Sarah Clingain Puri and I are from New York City -- and we have been shopping using shopping carts since the late 1960s). None of the problems with driving cars or looking for parking spaces for us.
The sidewalks around the park were clear -- but there were piles of snow along the curbs.
When I reached Lorain Avenue, most of the sidewalks were still covered with snow.
So, I walked in the bike lane.
It was also windy. At one point, a strong gust pushed my cart, when it was free standing as I was busy snapping photographs, to the curb where the pile of snow stopped it.
The third photograph shows me on my way back from Marc's with my cart full to the top.

Again, I had to walk in the bike lane -- with snow piled up on one side and the traffic on the other side.
I had one of the signs (Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square) in my left hand -- identifying for the drivers that I was walking and to be careful -- which they were. The other sign -- Teaching Young Scientists in Cleveland's Parks -- is from a very successful teaching program conducted before the pandemic. I am a volunteer teacher at CMSD's Riverside School --2019 was my last year -- I have not gone back yet because of the pandemic. The other sign is from a campaign protesting the corruption in the renovation of downtown's public square -- this sign -- which is now part of performance art -- has been seen all over Cleveland since 2016.
The fourth photograph shows plants (that were buried under 12-18 inches of snow for a month) – along our driveway starting to sprout. The plants (weeds) will have small yellow flowers that will come out in late April and last through most of the summer.
Swallows were busy in the afternoon flying around, singing, and eating at the feeder as shown in the fifth photograph.
The last photograph shows Gingy – one of our two outdoor cats – his mother Smokey was away somewhere else – moving around enjoying the afternoon. Both Gingy and Smokey are my constant companions and follow me wherever I go. They miss their friend Galena, our golden retriever with a curly tale, now at the Rainbow Bridge.

Today, we got over 10.5 -hours of sunlight – a gain of over an hour and a half since start of winter.
The days are getting longer -- on the first day of spring – March 20th -- about 5-weeks away -- we will have 12-hour long days -- and the start of the blossoming of flowers.
Enjoy the remaining winter – stay healthy and cheerful!
Note: Most of the snow shown in the photographs had melted on the next day (February 17) because of the rain all day and a high temperature of 52 deg. F. There were puddles of water at some grassy locations. While more snow is predicted in the coming days – because the days are getting longer and the average temperatures are rising – don’t expect the snow to stick around for too long – definitely not like the month-long freeze that ended today.