Did you know that the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo [1] is a good place to see art as well as exotic animals? This duct tape giraffe was made by Nicholas Hiltner [2] of the Cleveland Institute of Art. How real does it look? I'm not sure, the live giraffes were being shy that day so I could n't compare. There are other great sculptures at the zoo -- many are by Cleveland's own Viktor Schreckengost. [3]
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RN Giraffe by Hiltner.jpg [4] | 46.66 KB |
[1] http://www.clemetzoo.com/
[2] http://www.nhiltner.com/
[3] http://www.viktorschreckengost.org/
[4] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/system/files/RN+Giraffe+by+Hiltner.jpg
[5] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/art-of-the-day-spitball-by-tony-smith/art-of-the-day-steve-cagan
[6] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/art-of-the-day-spitball-by-tony-smith
[7] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/art-of-the-day-the-new-sculpture-on-the-block