Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast Commentsort iconPosted
Book pageAbout City Club of Cleveland, their website, and radio and TV broadcasts Norm Roulet020 years 9 weeks ago12/07/2004 - 12:30
ImageColor for your MInd - Ohio blooms in December Jeff Buster520 years 9 weeks ago12/05/2004 - 15:24
EventSeussical Yvette Hanzel020 years 9 weeks ago12/06/2004 - 09:58
Blog entryConnecting early child care with economic development Ed Morrison020 years 10 weeks ago12/04/2004 - 18:59
Blog entryOutsourcing creativity Ed Morrison020 years 10 weeks ago12/04/2004 - 12:01
Blog entryFollowing the example of Phoenix Ed Morrison120 years 10 weeks ago12/03/2004 - 04:49
Blog entryImmigration as an economic development strategy Ed Morrison120 years 10 weeks ago12/03/2004 - 05:54
Book pageNOTES FROM: CIA/REI BizArt explores synergies between arts and business Norm Roulet220 years 10 weeks ago11/29/2004 - 11:38
EventA Downtown Casino: Salvation or a Roll of the Dice? Norm Roulet220 years 10 weeks ago11/23/2004 - 23:05
Imageconey island danmorgan020 years 10 weeks ago12/01/2004 - 12:23
EventLocal artist Derek Hess having sale on Strhess gear Norm Roulet120 years 10 weeks ago11/24/2004 - 00:37
Blog entryThanks to CoolCleveland for the mention - please know this is everyone's site Norm Roulet020 years 10 weeks ago12/01/2004 - 12:08
Blog entryCleveland last in Brown University city eGov analysis Norm Roulet120 years 10 weeks ago10/12/2004 - 02:08
Forum topicYou are invited to a REALNEO orientation session at Case/REI Norm Roulet120 years 10 weeks ago11/29/2004 - 17:40
Book pageCommunity of Minds at Case/REI Norm Roulet020 years 10 weeks ago11/29/2004 - 15:09
EventFund for Our Economic Future to hold regional minority forum Norm Roulet020 years 10 weeks ago11/26/2004 - 13:37
EventClevleand Area BaaN User Group Meeting Lynne Filicko020 years 10 weeks ago11/29/2004 - 10:59
Book pageLeading Edge Lean Supply Tool Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems Lynne Filicko020 years 10 weeks ago11/29/2004 - 10:52
Book pageBendix Commercial Vehicle Systems Implements Cutting-Edge Lean Supply Solution Joe LaMantia020 years 10 weeks ago11/05/2004 - 17:30
Book pageEnterprise Application Integrator seamlessly connects different business systems Lynne Filicko020 years 10 weeks ago11/23/2004 - 12:04
Blog entryOpen Source development means big business in NEO Norm Roulet320 years 11 weeks ago11/08/2004 - 23:44
Book pageNow at CIA: Shimon Attie's "History of Another" visualizes Structural Violence for NEO Norm Roulet120 years 11 weeks ago11/14/2004 - 02:09
EventCIA Student Holiday Art Sale Norm Roulet020 years 11 weeks ago11/24/2004 - 01:18
EventCIA Student Holiday Art Sale Norm Roulet020 years 11 weeks ago11/24/2004 - 01:16
EventKent State Entrepreneurial Academy - Dr. Carol Cartwright and Mayor Jane Campbell Norm Roulet020 years 11 weeks ago11/23/2004 - 23:21