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Typesort iconTitleAuthorRepliesLast CommentPosted
Book pageVisioning on REI 11/16/04 - "The Value of International Students to Northeast Ohio" Norm Roulet020 years 12 weeks ago11/18/2004 - 13:15
Book pagePILOT PROJECT: Economic Development Initiative For Marketing, Retaining and Attracting Small Immigrant-Owned Businesses Richard Herman020 years 12 weeks ago11/19/2004 - 00:57
Book pageBACKGROUNDER ON GO GLOBAL CLEVELAND Richard Herman020 years 12 weeks ago11/19/2004 - 01:18
Book pageANALYSIS: NEO Regional Economic Growth Through Attraction and Retention of International Students Richard Herman020 years 12 weeks ago11/19/2004 - 01:11
Book pageARTICLE: Cities scrambling to attract new immigrants Richard Herman020 years 12 weeks ago11/19/2004 - 00:23
Book pageARTICLE: Reclaiming Cleveland's Immigrant Entrepreneurs Richard Herman020 years 12 weeks ago11/19/2004 - 00:10
Blog entryWant smart workers in NEO? Consider "High-fat diet could harm the brain" Norm Roulet020 years 12 weeks ago10/29/2004 - 10:01
Blog entryEconomic benefits of breastfeeding: $ billions in reduced workplace, household and healthcare costs! Norm Roulet020 years 12 weeks ago11/14/2004 - 20:01
Book pageNOTES: 12:00 – 12:45 Panel Discussion - Moderator: Ed Morrison Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 00:54
Book pageDetailed agenda, resources, links and planning Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/14/2004 - 23:47
Book pageProgram, Presenters, Panelists and Collaborators Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/14/2004 - 23:55
Book pageIntroduction and overview Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/14/2004 - 23:52
Book pageNEED NOTES: 10:00-11:45 Applications 2: Inner City Prosperity Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 00:42
Book pageNEED NOTES: 10:00-11:45 Applications 1: Creative Arts & Industries Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 00:37
Book pageNOTES: 8:30-9:45 Open source economic development Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 00:32
Book pageCivic Innovation Lab COIL Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/17/2004 - 15:08
Book pageNOTES: 8:15-8:30 Welcome and target outcomes for the meeting Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 00:29
EventEvent: Civic Innovation Lab's newest champions Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/02/2004 - 21:16
EventNovember 16, 2004 - Amin Varghai, CSU Student Chapter, NEOSA - LIVEWire Forums Norm Roulet120 years 13 weeks ago10/21/2004 - 20:42
EventCIA Presents STELARC - Australian-based performance artist Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/16/2004 - 00:23
Event Saturday MBA Open House Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 18:36
EventIn partnership with The Hunger Project - Ethiopian Ambassador Fitigu Tadesse Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 18:33
Event State of the Cities City Forum Luncheon Meeting Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 18:30
Event The Impact of Social Compact on Urban Retailing Norm Roulet020 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 18:09
Book pageUser Guide to REALNEO site - Excellent Bryght Summary Overview Norm Roulet120 years 13 weeks ago11/15/2004 - 03:48