Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorRepliessort iconLast CommentPosted
Event02.22.05 REALNEO@REI orientation Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/22/2005 - 00:17
Event02.22.05 Tuesday@REI: "Cognitive Science," Dean Mark Turner, A&S, Case Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/22/2005 - 00:16
PageArea leaders focusing on Early Childhood Development, for healthcare and the economy Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/21/2005 - 01:10
StoryHIPAA & Beyond: Business Opportunities at the Intersection of Privacy, Technology, & Healthcare Ted Takacs019 years 14 weeks ago02/18/2005 - 11:12
Book page02.14.05 Initiatives identified at Economics of Early Child Development Forum 2 Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/15/2005 - 23:28
Book pageThanks to the latest edition of the quarterly Mercury News venture capital survey... Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/16/2005 - 02:06
Forum topicBiotech for NEO More Better119 years 14 weeks ago11/08/2005 - 11:02
Book page1,000,000s of patients, 100s of hospitals, entire countries, open source and $7.5 million in VC are right about medical IS Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/10/2005 - 21:38
Book pageIf you need another reason to think open source: New program attacks Microsoft's AntiSpyware Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/10/2005 - 21:25
Book pageSocial networking against society? Who wants to own your dreams and aspirations? Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/09/2005 - 23:56
Book pageIntergenerational School presentation: from 02.08.05 Tuesday@REI by Catherine Whitehouse Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/09/2005 - 13:18
Book page02.08.05 Tuesday@REI Collabortion: "Intergenerational Learning" in public education Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/09/2005 - 02:21
Book page02.08.05 Tuesday@REI NOTES: A needed dialogue begins? But no PD in sight! - from attendee Bill Vasu Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/09/2005 - 02:29
Book pageKeeping score on the world-champion Cleveland Clinic - home and away Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/07/2005 - 17:44
Book pageWorld's largest Heart Center will pump $1.2 billion/year into NEO economy Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/07/2005 - 17:24
Book pageNext Steps to the powerful Economics of Early Childhood Development Forum are HERE! Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/03/2005 - 00:27
StoryMaking the inside of the newsroom as big as the outside Ted Takacs019 years 14 weeks ago02/01/2005 - 08:08
Blog entryStrong Environmental Policies Generate Economic Leadership Kevin Cronin019 years 14 weeks ago02/02/2005 - 09:02
Blog entryResources on Early Child Development and Economic Development Ed Morrison019 years 14 weeks ago02/01/2005 - 12:09
Book pageBrazil Makes Move to Open Source Software - can Ohio be far behind? Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago02/01/2005 - 03:17
Book page01.25.05 NOTES: 90.3@9 discussion on Early Child Development Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago01/25/2005 - 09:21
Blog entryAt 01/19/05 Community of Minds: Ed Morrison, Director, REI Ed Morrison019 years 14 weeks ago01/20/2005 - 16:17
Book page10.19.04 Tuesday@REI "Supply Chain and Logistics Technology: Northeast Ohio's Economic Development Engine" Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago10/19/2004 - 15:42
Book pageIt is significant President Bush's first post-election stop in Ohio is Cleveland Clinic Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago01/25/2005 - 03:26
Book pageFinancial Times asks Dear Peter: is New York's loss Cleveland's gain? Norm Roulet019 years 14 weeks ago01/22/2005 - 02:31