"Kudos on providing a forum for hatred, racism and trolling. Hope you considered this project a "success"" - believelandd [1]. I couldn't say it better myself... this comment by a Cleveland.com reader, posted on Cleveland.com today, condemning the departing "Chief Executive" of the smoke and mirrors PlainDealer/Newhouse's wretched little portal to spam. Hard to calculate anything that has harmed development of the new economy in Cleveland so much in our history... and so The Chief Executive is being universally trashed in departure.
Perhaps getting out of the way of some litigation [2]... smart to get out now?!?!
I do feel it is a shame a possibly decent person was harmed so much by her employer. I'm sure she was paid well for that, and is jumping ship with a great big golden parachute, but still.. it must be like working for a coal burning company, knowing your life causes such harm....
Hoping for a worthy replacement.
For some real social media reality at the Cleveland Plain Dealer, read the comments among the subjects at Cleveland.com about the loss of their "leader" - wonder if the PD executives will bother reading those comments, or just delete them, and how quickly...?!!?
Chief executive of cleveland.com is leaving to join a local software start up company
By Shaheen Samavati, The Plain Dealer [3]
April 26, 2010, 2:36PM
Eliza Wing
Updated at 6:14 p.m.
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The chief executive of cleveland.com [4] said Monday that she will step down to accept a new position at a technology start-up that will produce electronic books for mobile devices.
Eliza Wing was hired in 1996 to help launch cleveland.com, the Web site that hosts content from The Plain Dealer and other local news sources. Wing started as editor and was promoted to chief executive the following year. Today she manages about 30 people.
"I think cleveland.com is at a place in its history when its ready to take the next step and I'm excited for the company," she said. "We're exceeding our revenue goals and our audience is continuing to grow. There's just so much more to do. That was part of what made the decision so hard."
If you really want to congratulate Eliza, she's part of the Facemob here [5]...
More on her departure from Cleveland.com on Cleveland.com... read through the comments and reflect that these are REALLY her best friends [6]...
[1] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/believelandd/index.html
[2] http://realneo.us/content/prickly-ethical-issues-commenters-plain-dealer
[3] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/ssamavat/index.html
[4] http://www.cleveland.com/
[5] http://www.facebook.com/eliza.wing
[6] http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2010/04/chief_executive_of_clevelandco.html