With the need to address the abandoned properties in the county it is unfortunate that this process was and is completely politicized. Except for the opinions of a couple of county board members the disagreements and debate are within the Democrat party, of course, and it's all about control.
The Land Bank Project is left over from the old county government which was build on patronage and cronyism. In the final months of that former "government" those involved in creating the Land Bank worked overtime to secure a process and make sure it remained with the old guard. Loyal soldiers were rewarded and placed in leadership roles.
Gus Frangos, who worked for Jim Rokakis, is a former Cleveland City Councilperson as was Rokakis. Enough said, right? Frangos and his family are part of the old machine.
Fitzgerald and the county council should go back to the drawing board and start at the beginning and form and entirely new entity. Fitzgerald should appoint his most competent council member, Dave Greenspan, to head an exploratory committee to set up a un-politicized government council to manage the land bank. Five members from the ranks of business and professional people should be chosen. The backgrounds of these five members should not be politically connected, but instead, should have backgrounds in real estate, development, business start-ups and management in the free market.
Frangos and the remains of the old guard must go. We need to address the problem of abandoned properties and redevelopment. We do not need another power struggle within the county's Democrat machine.
Or, better yet, hire a management company to run the agency. It would be cheaper, more efficient, profit driven; it's success would be measurable and best of all--they could be fired if they perform badly.
Why is the government in the job of fixing foreclosed homes up to sell. There are 1000's of real estate people that do that for a living. WHile 90% of CMHA buildings don't meet inspection criteria we are dumping more tax dollars into yet another rat hole. I wonder who gets the work fixing or tearing this stuff down.
Here is an idea. Make the MLS system that real estate people use public to foreclosures. Create a county wide data bank of every foreclosed home and allow PEOPLE (not the government) to easily purchase the homes with a set of certain goals for the fix up as terms of the purchase. The money would be put in escrow and when the repairs are complete then a family could have a nice starter home for a 20,000 dollar investment.
That is true first time buyer program not providing 400K to people with a 350 credit rating without proof of citizenship. My Parents first started in a neighborhood here I would enter now without a 50 caliber but it was their home and they then sold it to move and upgrade when they could afford it.
Government got involved when those 1000s of companies that you mentioned did nothing to maintain foreclosures and allowed them to be stripped and become a drag on home prices in the neighborhoods that surrounded them. Why in heaven's name would we allow them to once again trash our neighborhoods by neglecting the properties?
Same thing holds for tranche's comments. Both of you obviously have not had to deal with the actual results of these foreclosures. If you did you would be shocked at how the banks and their management companies refuse to maintain or secure the properties.
And yes, it sounds great about people buying the houses, fixing them up and living in them. However, a large number end up as rentals with landlords that are just as bad as the bank management companies. And that also contributes to neighborhood decline.
If the dang private sector was so blessedly efficient as you maintain, then the banks would not be refusing legitimate offers on these properties before they become stripped and wrecks. I know one rehabber who tried to buy the foreclosure on his streert at a decent price and was turned down. He bid again after someone stripped the house of copper etc. and was turned down. The house finally sold for 8K less than he bid about a year later. The whole process took 2 and half years. '
At least the landbank keeps the properties up or tears them down helping to stabilize the values in the neighborhood. They also respond to cities about their properties and do the necessary maintenance.
Blah- blah-blah-blah-blah.
Another Detroit.
Of course Gus Frangos is going to push for additional funds.
Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Agent/Registrant for 43 business entities.
Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Incorporator for 122 business entities.
A large number of the business entities are for real estate companies, contractors, developers and parking lots.
Several properties that were once in Gus Frangos name were transferred to LLC's that do NOT pay propety taxes.
Gus Frangos was named as a defendant/debtor and owes Cuyahoga County over 1.5 MILLION in default loans.
Gus Frangos and his numerous business entities owe Cuyahoga County hundreds of thousands in property taxes.
Gus apparently lacks the ability to properly manage his own real estate. How can he be in charge of managing Cuyahoga County taxpayer's real estate?
Gus Frangos and Jim Rokakis were responsible for dragging Plymouth Park Tax Services into Cuyahoga County via the delinquent property tax lien purchase. Plymouth Park recently admitted to rigging the tax lien process in 31 states- including Ohio.
Plymouth Park filed thousands of tax foreclosures and owned 89 properties obtained via tax delinquent foreclosures. And Plymouth Park was tax delinquent for well over one year on 88 of the properties.
Enough of this already. KILL THE LANDBANK. Let the market take over.
If an out-of-state investor wants to invest in this Ghost Town, let them. They might even pay their own property taxes. Imagine that!
Thank you Dave Greenspan! Don't give up on this issue.
Informed by a friend of a little known bit of Cleveland history that relates Kucinich, Rokakis and Slavic Village:
In addition to being Mayor of Cleveland, Kucinich has served on the Cleveland City Council (1970-75, 1981-82); served as the Clerk of Courts for the Cleveland Municipal Court (1976-77); been an Ohio State Senator (1994-96); and in November 2008, was elected to his seventh term as a Member of the United States House of Representatives (1997-present).
Kucinich, after being driven out of office as Mayor, served as Council rep, again, in Slavic Village for enough time to appoint Ed Rybka (now B&H Demos for Developers)...and so it goes. Current council rep for Slavic Village is Anthony Brancatelli, who chairs Land Bank for Gus Frangos...this never ends.
A galaxy of political talent from Ohio has coalesced behind an idea that would create federal tax credits -- and perhaps supply some tax dollars -- to fund a massive demolition program designed to save endangered neighborhoods. --Brent Larkin
http://www.cleveland.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/01/plague_of_abandoned_h... [9]
Amazing, the Rokakis never noticed the corruption, the crumbling of the political infrastructure and the wasting of money, the jobs given to cronies. Now he is secure with pension and a nonprofit job.
Why did people leave the city and the first ring suburbs? Why did politicians help and encourage people who were clearly without the means--financial and social--to own a home to take on the the challenging task of home owning?
Government cannot take over and relieve the citizens of personal responsibility. Welfare doesn't solve problems. Public housing has failed. Nothing is more destructive to a neighborhood that section 8 housing.
Yes, the lending institutions are guilty. Yes, our financial institutions have been less than ethical at times. Nevertheless, it is government, a kind of government that says "we will take care of you" that has created our problems. Our cities were destroyed by the liberals' agenda. Our public schools were manipulated by social scientists.
Supposedly one of the problems in removing these abandoned homes is the cost of demolition. Naturally the work would have to be done--if the government is involved--by union contractors. This would mean unreasonable costs. Although many of these homes are of little value and need to be bull-dozed into a land fill, many could be restored; parts could be reused.
Offer the homes to individuals or groups of individuals willing to "disassemble" the homes and then rebuild them in other locations. I'd start by offering the homes to the Amish community. They would take all of the usable and reusable parts of the structure.
Actually, businesses could be created by groups of people. They get the house for free. They come into the city disassemble the house and take all usable parts to a warehouse. Someone could then come to the warehouse and purchase all or parts of a home and create a new house.
Difficult and challenging yes. Impossible, no. The more we can involved individuals in a free market, entrepreneurial approach the greater the chance of success. The less government involvement the better.
As for the neighborhoods that suffer from the physical and economic deterioration let us not forget that it is the human infrastructure that was first to be destroyed by the welfare state. The physical deterioration followed.
Land Bank is money laundering for the mess left by Plymouth Park and tax liens sales authorized by County Treasurer which stopped in 2008, because Plymouth Park was not paying their taxes. Rokakis regrouped his scheme and used the "land bank" to pick up these delinquent liens, where the liens and title to these properties can be sanitized with some wite out. Frangos who leads up "Land Bank" was at Boards of Revision before the promotion...here's a description of how land bank lots work for developers.
Kickbacks for Developers....
Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on December 15, 2010 - 1:38am.
Kickbacks are all legalized with the right connections:
1) Remember, even though they bought them for $1.00...they were able to give an EQUITABLE VALUE to these properties that empowered them to use them as a leverage in the big scheme of capital investments towards leveraging dollar for dollar grants...Thus if they said the property was valued at $50,000 as a buildable vacant lot...then they got credit for that value and that much in funding towards their building project along with HOPE grant subsidies...it's an extraordinary web of money laundering for high end development! Below is a 1996 HUD outline of some of the original funding outlines!
a) Brownfield Development Funding (See the properties of Battery Park as an example).
b) 15 year tax abatements
c) Tax Credits for new development that is supposed to be low-moderate income housing...
d) HUD Funding for administration costs:
1) Empowerment Zone funds (East side of Cleveland)
2) Enterprise Zone Funds
3) Supplemental Empowerment Zone Funds
4) Home Ownership Zone funding collaboratives
God you people are embarassing. Schochet won't make decisions based on what the Plain Dealer writes-- much less what some yo-yos in the comments are saying. He isn't here because he cares a whit about the city. He's here for there reasons.
One. land here is dirt-cheap, compared to other cities. You look at what it costs compared to any comparable city and it's ridiculously low.
Two, after the death of Dick Jacobs and the decrepitude (brought on by age) in the Ranter/Miller family, there is no one in town who's really smart when it comes to real estate. Thie smartest guy in town is Dan Gilbert and he couldn't care less about the 99,9% of the city not directly connected to his basketball team. (The Cleveland Clinic doesn't care what happens either, as long as the area around their fiefdom stays cheap.)
Three, the region is ripe for the taking. The city is run by morons. The county has only one functioning intellect... and Ed Fitzgerald is just a highly ambitious guys who is bright enough to know he has to have lots of shiny buildings (just like Voin-O) if he wants to be governor. The entities that are supposed to be looking out of the residents' best interest (the political parties, the newspaper, chamber of commerce, local philanthrpists) are all mindless lapdogs who don't know anything about development.
He says, in the article, what he intends to do: First, snap up as much cheap property as he can, now, when it's cheap. Second, roll the city and the county for billions in block grants, low-interest loans and tax abatements by blackmailing them. Three, do a concerted push to drive up property values, by building, poaching (from other cities) or growing companies.
Unless a business manufactures things, it can be located anywhere. There's no reason that a company needs to pay $$$$ per square foot in Chicago, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis or Columbus when it can pay pennies here. Key figured that out, which is why they did not move office here, like they originally intended. So have the corporate raiders who stole National City Bank.
The region will see some benefit-- to get rich, Schochet will need to have his building occupied. But there will be much less benefit for the region than people think, because he'll make Dick Jacobs, Gordon Gund and Randy Lerner look like Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers and Captain Penny when it comes to cutting him deals. To get some company comparable to Sears here, he'll make sure that the city, county and state aren't collecting all or most of the payroll or income taxes they would normally be entitled to, so he has a deal that no other city can beat.
The buldings will be full... but not by people who generate revenue. Quite likely it'll be a situation like Gateway, where the region makes less money from the shiny buildings than they did with the old Central Market and its adjoining slums.
Tarax, you should examine the ignorance of your own statement. You said that getting properties back onto the tax rolls creates a win-win situation while the article above says Rokakis "wiped out the taxes" for several large investors. Which one is it? Are we getting the taxes or are they being wiped out for select, out-of-state investors?
If Rokakis can easily "wipe out the taxes" for out-of-state real estate investors like Thor, who live in California, and who own 24 tax delinquent and blighted properties in Cuyahoga County as the article stated, then why didn't he just "wipe out the taxes" for tax delinquent residents and homeowners of Cuyahoga County who got behind because they lost their jobs or faced other financial hardships that created the delinquency in the first place? Better yet, why didn't he offer delinquent "resident" property owners the same discount on their own tax bill that he sold to the investors? Tarax you are so grossly misinformed it's scarey.
More importantly, why is Rokakis "wiping out taxes" for out-of-state investors instead of investing land bank money to help mayors and councils make them pay-up and fix up or demolish their own properties? About 65 percent of the money Rokakis wiped out goes to the school district, while about 15 percent goes to the city while the rest goes to the county. "Wiping out the taxes" AND using county money to demolish an out-of-state investor's vacant properties lets the big guy completely off-the-hook while the little guy is forced to pay-up. This is absolutely nuts and terrible public policy.
Five years ago Cleveland had over 17,000 vacant properties. That number has exceeded 25,000 today. There ain't enough money in the land bank to knock them all down and I guarantee that this money won't go to the neighborhoods hardest hit by foreclosure on Cleveland's east side, in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. And I will not back down from my statement that Rokakis' policies began to create vacant housing on hundreds of streets long before the foreclosure crisis hit Cuyahoga County. His policies exacerbated the crisis and anyone who's been paying attention to this issue knows this area was "hardest hit" because of the double-whammy effect of sub-prime lending AND Rokakis' third party tax lien sales. Mayor Frank Jackson asked him to stop selling third party liens in his city three years ago. Rokakis, arrogantly, ignored him.
Most cities have "blight" ordinances on the books that they can't afford to enforce. Those ordinances allow local mayors and councils to declare a property to be a nuisance and to pursue the owner for remedies, up to and including prosecution. Instead of investing anywhere from $7500 to $50,000 and more to demolish vacant structures, Rokakis could help cities by allocating a portion of the money to enforcement actions.
And Rokakis' campaign finance report is most definintely full of contributions from the individuals who represent the third party investment firms buying delinquent tax liens, and with investors who own large holdings of properties. Go get it from the Board of Elections and then get a list of the employees who represent the investment firms and compare the two. That's an easy enough assignment.
There's nothing vitriolic about facts, and I bear no ill will towards Rokakis, only his policies. He's been getting away with this charade for the last decade and, unfortunately, the only chance for it to end is under the new form of government. To all the county CEO candidates, hone in on this issue. You're going to inherit one big mess with this one.
Plain Dealer has deleted many posted comments to their site--Jar65 was finally shut down--I was CitizenX ...and so it goes:
The turnpike rehired Castrigano immediately after he retired Oct. 31. He agreed to stay on until April 2, as the turnpike works through a series of changes in top management.
I like how this was buried in the article. Make a stink about what he was paid out but rehire him.
To funny.
So 56 tips have been investigated with a price of?
If missing 53 work days by an employee cost the county $15,000 then what is the cost to investigate the tips?
Actually if the guy had accumulated sick time and was close to retiring he was burning off his sick time. If he retired he would only get 1/4 of the time paid to him.
So I'm guessing that the information supplied is skewed in favor of the county, again.
Dimora's attorneys are pushing for a mistrial so they can then claim Double Jeopardy.
Nice ply and glad the judge is not falling for it. Pathetic representation.
A little light reading for those that care.
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Rule 26.3 Mistrial
Before ordering a mistrial, the court must give each defendant and the government an opportunity to comment on the propriety of the order, to state whether that party consents or objects, and to suggest alternatives.
(Added Apr. 22, 1993, eff. Dec. 1, 1993; amended Apr. 29, 2002, eff. Dec. 1, 2002.)
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules—1993
Rule 26.3 is a new rule designed to reduce the possibility of an erroneously ordered mistrial which could produce adverse and irretrievable consequences. The Rule is not designed to change the substantive law governing mistrials. Instead it is directed at providing both sides an opportunity to place on the record their views about the proposed mistrial order. In particular, the court must give each side an opportunity to state whether it objects or consents to the order.
Several cases have held that retrial of a defendant was barred by the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Constitution because the trial court had abused its discretion in declaring a mistrial. See United States v. Dixon, 913 F.2d 1305 (8th Cir. 1990); United States v. Bates, 917 F.2d 388 (9th Cir. 1990). In both cases the appellate courts concluded that the trial court had acted precipitately and had failed to solicit the parties’ views on the necessity of a mistrial and the feasibility of any alternative action. The new Rule is designed to remedy that situation.
The Committee regards the Rule as a balanced and modest procedural device that could benefit both the prosecution and the defense. While the Dixon and Bates decisions adversely affected the government's interest in prosecuting serious crimes, the new Rule could also benefit defendants. The Rule ensures that a defendant has the opportunity to dissuade a judge from declaring a mistrial in a case where granting one would not be an abuse of discretion, but the defendant believes that the prospects for a favorable outcome before that particular court, or jury, are greater than they might be upon retrial.
Committee Notes on Rules—2002 Amendment
The language of Rule 26.3 has been amended as part of the general restyling of the Criminal Rules to make them more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules. These changes are intended to be stylistic only.
"When you say 'photocopying machine,' what do you mean?" asked Patterson, when questioned by Marburger.
Patterson still works for the county, making $65,000 a year.
The county should recoup the 55K by getting rid of this dolt.
Shhhh. Your going to scare the lemmings who believe that nothing is wrong.
osufan77 .....LMAO. Seriously! I hope that's sarcasm.
It appears that certain members of our county council OWE favors to people with questionable pasts.
The need to eliminate the question so that they can move their, how did Dimora classify them, Oh Yes, "FRIENDS" into positions that someone else might be more qualified for.
Nothing will change in this county until people get rid of the hang overs from the prior corrupt regime or are they making sure that Russo and Dimora are able to apply for jail in the event they don't have to serve much time.
Better yet. Brid Mc can now apply.
What juror is going to believe that a "friend" gave tens of thousands of dollars in home improvements to their "friends" home?
A couple hundred dollars as a gift to a friend. Believable. Not this.
What a pathetic defense strategy.
And I'm really loving that he intended to pay. Sorta after the fact isn't it?
That little comment is enough for Dimora to state that he did not have adequate legal counsel. Wonder how long it will be before we hear that a complaint of malpractice has been filed against this brilliant attorney?
Has anyone considered calling the guy on trial in Akron. Sure he can ask a "friend" to fix it free of cost.
"The failure to allow the financial disclosure forms, we believe, is very prejudicial to the defense, and we ask you to reconsider their admission," Whitaker said. "The court's ruling on hearsay impacted Mr. Dimora's decision on whether he would testify or not."
Any bets that this is what will be used on appeal for Dimora. If they did a sham defense with the intent of just setting up an appeal they are playing a very dangerous game.
The defense team would risk having a complain and suit filed against them for malpractice if the did not represent Dimora to the best of their ability.
If this is the best they can do then Dimora really needs to consider trying to cut a deal.
"I am at a complete loss as to why you think this is an appropriate request at this late date." Lioi said.
So soon to be felon's attorneys are laying the ground work for their appeal.
Nice delay tactic.
This should have been requested prior to the start of the trial.
If the motion is denied then they have their appeal.
Withholding evidence, even though they were given the opportunity to see this prior to the start of the trial, is a nice reason for an appeal..
I wonder if the jury is given any back round information on the witnesses. If they are they will make the same connections you have.
Wonder when the I didna do Nufin no one else did defense is going to be brought out.
ooops....meant jumping of workers back and forth
Pumper had testified the term "Dimora special" was actually coined by Nichols and that it meant he would get special consideration on a loan or a job.
I am sure that Pumper plead guilty and made that statement up. County workers never bent the rules for the boss. Nope. Didn't happen.
By the way Congrats on landing in another Government job. PD you ever think of looking into the jumping of works back and forth between the county and the city.
Would make for an intereting read.
Now here's a good reliable witness. chuckle
Didn't Dimora's attorneys screen this guy prior to calling him as a witness?
Not a good start to the defense.
So the witness for the defense Plead the 5th?
Whats the point of the witness?
http://blog-uat.cleveland.com/pdextra/2010/11/cuyahoga_county_auditor.ht... [30]
In October of 1998 the Plain Dealer endorsed Mike Wise for Auditor. The charges against Russo ere held up by STJ until after the election that secured Russo's road to theft.
I have stated this before and will do so again, as rockysback has also stated, a deal was made with the person on trial in Akron to keep Russo from being charged.
If I recall correctly Mike Wise was questioning why the Prosecutors office was holding off on the investigation into Russo. Everyone in the county knew the answer to that.
This is a very interesting story and sheds light on the back room deals that protected people.
If the Plain Dealer paid a little more attention to what people post you would have run a story about this years ago.
I would say read my posts under jar65 but that would be a little hard to do.
By limiting the size of their circle of alleged co-conspirators, Dimora and Russo were able -- for a time -- to keep their conduct under wraps.
Please. They kept nothing under wraps. It was common knowledge that Russo sold jobs. That exchanges in employees between the power brokers was done to satisfy favors. that they could do what ever they wanted. They were protected.
You may play the Mason "I didn't know" card but it comes off as arm chair quarter backing.
Meet Cuyahoga County Coffin.
McFaul wrote a personal check for $3,033.73 to cover a portion of the fine. The rest — about $127,000 -- came from his remaining campaign funds.
Something is seriously wrong with this decision. He got caught breaking the law. people, employees, were forced to see tickets and give him money.
Now he pays a little over 3 grand out of the $130K and the judge supposedly knew he would be paying his fine from the money he extorted from his employees. Right. Wheres the interview with the judge about this.
Same stuff different day. He just got to spit in the face of all the people he ripped of and laughs.
I hope that Karma goes after this man with a vengeance.
Russo also recalled calling Judge Russo's bailiff, John Berichon, at an unspecified time on Dimora's behalf. He also said he listened once as Dimora called the judge for an unspecified favor.
Where have I heard the name Berichon before? Hmmm. Plain Dealer did you check and see if there was anyone by that named that worked for Russo? You might want to check that. Or was that someone who use to work for the Board of Revision.
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peggy-berichon/46/9b6/834 [35]
So how many millions in bribes did Felon Frank really receive? This all adds up and and probably not even 1% of what he took in.
I agree with the $80k bribe that OMAlley gave. What did he make off that deal. I don't recall him being charged with bribing Russo. Did the FBI know about that bribe and how much did he pocket?
Frank Russo IDs county workers he gave jobs as favors to Dimora.
Your title does not fit with the information that you gave, What are the names! What favors. The reporting is getting a little sad.
"How many people paid you for jobs from 1998 through 2010 when you resigned?"
AND? What was the answer? At least a 1/3 of the people paid in some way.
He also discussed people who paid him to obtain jobs with the county or people who wanted jobs for siblings.
and their names?
He said that attorney Joseph O’Malley gave him an $80,000 check to help steer a contract.
And this benefited whom?
"By cooperating, at least it gave me the opportunity to show myself as a person," he said. "I know I did something wrong, but this gives me the opportunity to do a right."
Good luck with that Felon!
Don't forget that Depiero had a sister on Felon Frank's payroll.
Take a look at her pay and the increases.
[1] http://realneo.us/content/greek-town-redux#comment-24685
[2] http://treasurer.cuyahogacounty.us/taxlien.htm
[3] http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2010/07/cuyahoga_county_land_bank_mark.html#comments
[4] http://www.cleveland.com/medical/index.ssf/2010/06/25m_health_center_at_huron_hos.html#comments
[5] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/mrx61/index.html
[6] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/wonders270/index.html
[7] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/puker/index.html
[8] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/lily_miller/index.html
[9] http://www.cleveland.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/01/plague_of_abandoned_houses_req/4702/comments-3.html
[10] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/inconnu/index.html
[11] http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2010/12/14/plymouth-park-tax-services-takes-homes-over-late-taxes-then-fails-to-pay-taxes-itself
[12] http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2012/02/the_most_important_guy_youve_n/2311/comments-2.html
[13] http://connect.cleveland.com/user/swarley/index.html
[14] http://blog-uat.cleveland.com/metro/2012/03/ohio_turnpikes_director_thinks.html#comments
[15] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2012/03/cuyahoga_county_ironworker_busted_for_frequenting_bars_on_county_time.html#comments
[16] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/03/jurors_in_jimmy_dimoras_racket.html#comments
[17] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2012/02/cuyaoga_county_loses_copier_case.html#comments
[18] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2012/02/cuyahoga_county_council_considers_eliminating_criminal_history_question_on_job_application.html#comments
[19] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_199.html#comments
[20] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_198.html#comments
[21] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2012/02/condo_lawsuit_chronicles_water.html#comments
[22] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/defense_for_jimmy_dimora_rests.html#comments
[23] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_191.html#comments
[24] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_190.html#comments
[25] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_184.html#comments
[26] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_188.html#comments
[27] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_179.html#comments
[28] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_178.html#comments
[29] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_176.html#comments
[30] http://blog-uat.cleveland.com/pdextra/2010/11/cuyahoga_county_auditor.html
[31] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/1998_state_audit_foreshadows_a.html#comments
[32] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/02/frank_russo_and_jimmy_dimora_o.html#comments
[33] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2012/02/medical_mart_developer_sells_off_marts_elsewhere.html#comments
[34] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2012/02/former_cuyahoga_county_sheriff.html#comments
[35] http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peggy-berichon/46/9b6/834
[36] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_called_five_judge.html#comments
[37] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/in_jimmy_dimora_trial_russo_sa.html#comments
[38] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_166.html#comments
[39] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_164.html#comments
[40] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_161.html#comments
[41] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/russo_gives_unflattering_accou.html#comments
[42] http://www-stage.cleveland.com/countyincrisis/index.ssf/2012/02/jimmy_dimora_federal_racketeer_157.html#comments
[43] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/content/civic-commons
[44] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/content/commercial-properties
[45] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/content/keeping-our-eyes-ball
[46] http://li326-157.members.linode.com/content/wayback-machine-archive-send-donation
Archiving these comments--
Don't believe the hype. All Sandra Livingstone did was take Rokakis' story line and run with it. This story was so imbalanced it seems as if Livingstone read it to Rokakis to get his approval before submitting it to her editors.
As an example, Livingstone identified a "Caifornia" company that had a large portfolio but didn't name the company. Why not? Livingstone should have checked to learn if any of the commercial properties that were picked up by Rokakis and Frangoes and placed in the land bank may have been purchased by the companies through Rokakis' third party tax lien sale. The third party investors have agreements with the county. The PD should check to see if Rokakis is enforcing the agreements. The evidence will show he is not.
Livingstone didn't touch the fact that Rokakis' third party tax lien sale has actually been emptying Cleveland and East Cleveland streets since early 1999. You owe taxes on your property. Rokakis lets third party investors buy your tax bill at a discount, and then gives them the power to foreclose against you if you don't pay. [1] Go to Rokakis' website. He hasn't updated the number of properties he's sold off like this since 2006. That's when he stopped counting at 22,916. http://treasurer.cuyahogacounty.us/taxlien.htm [2] What's the matter Jimmy? You afraid to report the most recent number of Cuyahoga County property owners whose properties are now in the hands of your campaign contributors?
Rokakis sold the public on the fact that the delinquent taxes paid by the third party investors would send money to the county's school districts. But the school districts only got paid until the vacant properties on hundreds of streets drove out residents, increased crime, drove down property values and increased blight on the east side of Cleveand, East Cleveland and parts of Cleveland Heights. Vacant houses don't generate property taxes. And, if he wants to complain about the "foreclosure crisis," always remember that he started selling off tax liens early in 1999 ... long before the foreclosure crisis.
GLS Capital, Plymouth Park Investments and other third party investors have also left cities throughout the county struggling with the blight caused by the vacant properties they own. Each has been forced to invest block grant dollars, and to pursue HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds, to demolish blocks of vacant properties. Where cities could previously allocate federal block grant dollars to storefront renovation programs, Rokakis' bad policies and the housing foreclosure crisis have caused real "development" funds to dry up. All Rokakis is doing with the landbank is reallocating county dollars to solve a problem he helped create in the first place.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against Allegheny County for doing to homeowners there what Rokakis has been doing to them in Cuyahoga County. The Plain Dealer would know this if its editors ever assigned a reporter to dig deep enough into Rokakis' community-busting scheme instead of singing his false praises all the time. Is he related to someone over there?
Tarax, you should examine the ignorance of your own statement. You said that getting properties back onto the tax rolls creates a win-win situation while the article above says Rokakis "wiped out the taxes" for several large investors. Which one is it? Are we getting the taxes or are they being wiped out for select, out-of-state investors?
If Rokakis can easily "wipe out the taxes" for out-of-state real estate investors like Thor, who live in California, and who own 24 tax delinquent and blighted properties in Cuyahoga County as the article stated, then why didn't he just "wipe out the taxes" for tax delinquent residents and homeowners of Cuyahoga County who got behind because they lost their jobs or faced other financial hardships that created the delinquency in the first place? Better yet, why didn't he offer delinquent "resident" property owners the same discount on their own tax bill that he sold to the investors? Tarax you are so grossly misinformed it's scarey.
More importantly, why is Rokakis "wiping out taxes" for out-of-state investors instead of investing land bank money to help mayors and councils make them pay-up and fix up or demolish their own properties? About 65 percent of the money Rokakis wiped out goes to the school district, while about 15 percent goes to the city while the rest goes to the county. "Wiping out the taxes" AND using county money to demolish an out-of-state investor's vacant properties lets the big guy completely off-the-hook while the little guy is forced to pay-up. This is absolutely nuts and terrible public policy.
Five years ago Cleveland had over 17,000 vacant properties. That number has exceeded 25,000 today. There ain't enough money in the land bank to knock them all down and I guarantee that this money won't go to the neighborhoods hardest hit by foreclosure on Cleveland's east side, in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. And I will not back down from my statement that Rokakis' policies began to create vacant housing on hundreds of streets long before the foreclosure crisis hit Cuyahoga County. His policies exacerbated the crisis and anyone who's been paying attention to this issue knows this area was "hardest hit" because of the double-whammy effect of sub-prime lending AND Rokakis' third party tax lien sales. Mayor Frank Jackson asked him to stop selling third party liens in his city three years ago. Rokakis, arrogantly, ignored him.
Most cities have "blight" ordinances on the books that they can't afford to enforce. Those ordinances allow local mayors and councils to declare a property to be a nuisance and to pursue the owner for remedies, up to and including prosecution. Instead of investing anywhere from $7500 to $50,000 and more to demolish vacant structures, Rokakis could help cities by allocating a portion of the money to enforcement actions.
And Rokakis' campaign finance report is most definintely full of contributions from the individuals who represent the third party investment firms buying delinquent tax liens, and with investors who own large holdings of properties. Go get it from the Board of Elections and then get a list of the employees who represent the investment firms and compare the two. That's an easy enough assignment.
There's nothing vitriolic about facts, and I bear no ill will towards Rokakis, only his policies. He's been getting away with this charade for the last decade and, unfortunately, the only chance for it to end is under the new form of government. To all the county CEO candidates, hone in on this issue. You're going to inherit one big mess with this one.
Oh, and Tarax, which responsible non-profit? All the ones I know got vacant houses for nothing from local land banks, invested $80,000 in federal Hope 6 funds to build new homes on the site and then sold them to Section 8 recipients and poor working class people for $200,000 and more. Many of them are now new and empty.
Fifth-Third Bank officials found out that one responsible non-profit sold a house to a homeowner whose "family" consisted of a man earning less than $10 an hour, his 19-year-old son and the son's girlfriend, both of whom worked for McDonald's. The responsible non-profit actually convinced the man that calculating the earnings of everyone in his "household" was legal. They forgot, however, to tell him to budget for taxes after his first year during the required housing counseling session they were supposed to give him. So much for responsible non-profits.
Keep writing "tarax." The only person showing their lack of knowledge is you. Oh, and check your spelling. I know it can be difficult for some to write without the aid of spellcheck, but do your best anyway. "Serioulsy?" You're kidding ... right?
Dr. Gus Kious' commitment to East Cleveland is unwavering. Over the last four or five years and more he's worked with CEO Toby Cosgrove and Fred DeGrandis to obtain funds to invest in a $4.5 million facelift for the Terrace Road entrance, and another $3 million to renovate the parking garage. This $25 million investment guarantees that Huron Hospital - East Cleveland's largest employer - will remain in the city. And for those who haven't been to East Cleveland in the last decade, there is more.
General Electric, the city's second largest employer, invested nearly $4.5 millon four years ago for a lighting college that will eventually bring 13,000 guests a year to the area. If the city can attract a hotel or motel operator, guests could stay and shop instead of leaving.
Joe Calabrese and RTA four years ago invested another $4.5 million to renovate the Hayden Garage. That's on top of the $13 million former U.S. Rep. Louis Stokes secured for them to invest in remodeling the Stokes Station and $9 million invested in remodeling the Superior Station. Not to mention another $4 million to repair at least four bridges between Lakeview and Superior. And RTA finally completed the Euclid Corridor Line in 2008 with 24-hour-a-day transportation, every five minutes, seven days weekly.
Rob Hilton and his board at the McGregor Nursing home invested $65 million to literally rebuild the property and, if HUD and the city cooperates, will invest another $12 million or so for independent senior housing.
Discussions began two years ago between Cleveland and East Cleveland for a $500 million power plant on land owned by University Hospitals and CWRU at Euclid & Lakeview. This state-of-the-art plant will replace the old plant next to the hospital along Euclid Avenue, and power the institutions of University Circle. It could also - if the current mayor can work with Mayor Frank Jackson - provide low-cost electricity for the city's residents as well.
Every single school building in East Cleveland has been rebuilt or renovated as a result of a $100 million investment from the state that began sometime in 1998 and ended in 2008 and 2009 with the opening of a new Shaw High School and Caledonia Elementary School.
Water and sewer rates are significantly lower. The police department's been rebuilt, along with the service department. The city is out of fiscal emergency. The reasons for "not" living in East Cleveland have dwindled.
People have counted East Cleveland out for years. But this city, once the home of John D. Rockefeller, won't give up. Dr. Kious and Cleveland Clinic are to be commended. John D. Rockefeller believed in Huron Hospital when he invested in it well over 100 years ago. It is wonderful that you have protected and enhanced that investment. Well done.