W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.
Post 3 of a series.
The weather was going to be horrible the day scheduled for citizen input and to try to get it rescheduled and also to get my views known, I sent the following email, c.c. to Councilman Cimperman and Planning Director Brown:
"Given that we have a winter storm warning with a wind chill of 5 below projected for Monday, are you postponing the public comment meeting Monday 12/13? I would like to attend, and am not far, but am a disabled senior citizen and fear it would be unwise for me to go out in such weather. If I cannot attend the meeting, there are comments I want to make and strongly urge you to take into consideration and then action. I would also appreciate being advised of decisions as much as possible. I may not be "influential" but I am certainly more of a "stakeholder" than most.
The Inner Belt Bridge is in my front yard, only a few yards away. This picture
is taken from W. 14th, heading toward Abbey, looking to the right. The red brick structure you can glimpse through the trees is my rowhouse.
I received a questionnaire about noise barriers, nothing else. I then contacted Mr. Carpenter about plantings I desired along the short stretch of W. 14th from Fairfax to Abbey and was told decisions had already been made and was given a copy of a design. But that design stopped at Fairfax. I wrote him back and said that maple trees especially, locusts as well, are a nuisance, creating litter on the sidewalk and sprouting plants in my garden and pots, forcing me to continually bend over and pull them up.
I see that the 2009 Design Principles says "Consideration of the people and environment adjacent to, and under, the bridge is important." As one of the people immediately adjacent to the bridge, I am asking for some much needed consideration. After the 12/6/10 posting, I contacted public information and was given the attached pdf showing the area, with a key showing something like 85 maples will be planted on Fairfield and north of it!!!! The few in my area already create this mess on the sidewalk,
which is after the city truck had gone by sweeping them up from the street. And there is the seedling problems. I can't begin to think what a horrible time I will have with 85! No one seems to have considered this problem.
My question about a rumored parking lot was answered in the affirmative as "only (only!) one parking lot in the plans for the new bridge. This lot will be well lit, paved and landscaped and will be placed in the area beneath the new structure - essentially in the area just south of Abbey Avenue at W. 14th Street."
Well, that seems to be exactly opposite my rowhouse! It is probably too late but I am not at all in favor of it. I think there should be parking along the north side of Abbey, where people have always come to park to view the river and the fireworks, although I don't see any. I think there should be benches at what I think is a vista lookout, not just for that but for the people coming home from shopping at the West Side Market carrying heavy shopping bags.
I cannot tell what kind of landscaping is around this parking lot and would like to know. Is there going to be a sidewalk along W. 14th near W. 13th? The Greek church arbitrarily closed public access to the public right of way sidewalk by fencing it off. We neighbors had to negotiate to get a gate put in to which we have keys. And I don't see any kind of vegetative noise barrier indicated between W. 14th and W. 13th (my home.) Why not? You have already increased the noise by adding cars coming in to be parked. I certainly think we ought to have some.
May I suggest then that the eight households on this strip be allowed to have what I requested as a barrier and also to screen the parking lot. None of them have objected, as far as I know. I asked them to write and cc me if they did. I asked that this be planted between W. 14th and W. 13th. Once they are a well established, thorny thicket, there will be no need of the chain link fence, and I would like to be able to have ODOT remove it later. It prevents us from getting to seedlings, which then grow; and we have an unwanted tree, such as this one, growing between the chain link fence and the wooden fence.
Rugosa roses, which are very tough. hardy, need no spraying, many have an intense scent, and have the benefit of blooms and then hips for the birds. Noted British rosarian Peter Beales says in CLASSIC ROSES "They are invariably healthy, will grow almost anywhere without mollycoddling, and provide flowers throughout most of the summer. They are becoming increasingly popular as subjects for massed planting in parks, as barriers for motorways and as trouble-free screens for factories."
Imagine the stretch from Fairfield to Abbey, lined with fragrant roses in bloom, underplanted with perennials and fragrant herbs! Once established, people would drive into the city to see it! It could be under planted so that the schools could use it for botany study and even so Sr. Corita and others could gather food from there.
They range from up to 10 and 12 ft. tall like Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
and Roserie de l'Hay
to those that are are 4 to 5 ft. like Moore's Striped Rugosa
and Hansa.
Something like the Lavender Simplicity rose might do for the final approach, which needs to be low so as to not obstruct the view of oncoming cars.
For planting in front, no grass. Plant sweet woodruff, which would not need to be mowed. Hardy, low growing perennial herbs, such as sweet marjoram, thyme, oregano, etc. could also be used as ground cover. Ever-blooming bleeding heart with its lacy foliage and non-stop blooms would add visual appeal. Annual nigella, which self seeds could be used. Some mulch would help in the early years.
It probably wouldn't happen, but I read of people buying ground cherries at specialty farmer's markets in other cities, yet these grow wild in some areas in Ohio. Plant them so they grow in this stretch. Sr. Corita, botany classes and those wanting to make a ground cherry pie can gather them."
As a result of my lengthy email, and others, Councilman Cimperman wrote Director Teeuwen, asking that the meeting be rescheduled and further most helpfully added: "Chief McCall Chief Silliman Director Brown,
I am asking you to also advocate on behalf of our residents who will not be able to make it tonight. Are you in agreement? Thanks for your help."
To be continued.
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