SORRY... This videodance was removed now that the filmmaker's DVD is for sale. Nice for the 130 of you who were able to view it...
here's what the site says "We have now removed thefree quicktime downloads of'Moment' and There's Something You Should Know
Katrina McPherson FIVE VIDEO DANCES featuring Pace, Sense 8, Moment, The Truth, There's Something You Should Know. Price 25.50 GB pounds [1] [2].
This dance video moves toward the idea that we are all dancing. Unlike the 20-something dancer/athletes who merely pump out the kicks and turns, the cast of this video communicates another reality of life as we know it. It is spectacular in it's own way.
Sunday morning: the fans whir pushing the early morning's cool air throughout the house in preparation for midday's hot arrival, cicadas play their long autumnal equinox prelude. Outside the window, the wide leaves of the redbud tree float gently on a slight breeze.
As I listen to today, I consider revisiting Shaker Loops by John Adams. The section called Shaking and Trembling sounds like the industrial whir and click of insect life in a tall grass prairie or a meadow in the afternoon.