Prima donna Tim Hagan cries the Plain Dealer is “cynical.” Tim, the PD has been propping you up for 30 years. You an arrogant, lazy excuse for a leader. You’ve been given the best press a big mouth with little record has ever been given. You don’t know how lucky you have been. With Brent Larkin leaving the Plain Dealer editorial boss position some reporter might start telling the truth about a guy who talks and talks but does little. “They’re cynical about everything we are trying to do here,” Hagan moaned about the news media and PD. Well, certainly there’s no reason why “they” are a bit disillusioned about the Hagan County Commission. Turning 180 degrees on the Medical Mart and Convention Center and running out of town hardly puts you in a position to make criticism of those who question your decision. Even Fred Nance, boss of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, was buffaloed by your decision. "This wasn't a well-choreographed play," said Nance, hardly one to be critical when it's a cash machine for him. Are you aware that you’ve been back four years and you can’t get the Medical Mart going for your Chicago buddies? Are you aware that you haven’t been able to do anything with the major site you bought from Dick Jacobs for an administration building? Are you aware that the major downtown corner is corroding? Why did you come back, Tim? Who put you up to taking out Tim McCormack? Was he dragging his feet on the convention center project because he didn’t see the sense in it? Maybe you could go to work for Dick Jacobs and he’ll allow you frequent vacations? Now, a private meeting to do business isn’t a “secret meeting,” it’s just a necessary closed-door meeting that’s none of the public’s business. You can’t expect Jimmy Dimora to utter a reasonable word but you might expect Peter Lawson Jones to put some distance between himself and the County Crybaby. For a good look at Hagan and his record: [1]