Sculpture in Let It Bee Gardens

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 15:21.
08/29/2008 - 17:00
08/29/2008 - 20:00

The Green Scouts of Let It Bee Gardens in collaboration with Building Bridges Summer Mural Institute, presents: Sculpture in the Gardens, a program underwritten by Neighborhood Progress, Inc and Famicos Foundation, Inc., with support by The Dandelion Society, Bluestone Circle LLC and Home Depot


 Friday August 29th, 2008 from 5:00pm to 8:00

1387 East Blvd Cleveland Ohio 44106 - located on the corner of Ashbury and East Blvd.

the last 4 weeks I've learned to do things I've never done before or
never tried. We have learned to reuse and recycle natural materials,
such as using outside plants to heal cuts and sores, making glue,
mulberry jam and different teas. I have experienced making sculptures
out of sticks and tree branches. Well, this Friday celebrates all the
hard work and effort that was put into the projects that myself and
other green scouts
have worked on. We will provide food, beverages and the explanation of
our sculptures and other projects. We will hope to have many guests and
questions to be asked.    Hope to see soon.” Your Green Scout, Shantell Dirskell

The Green Scouts
serve to witness the rhythm and times of nature, being prepared and
making preparations as the idea of the hunt meets the time of the
market——hence the term "green scouts."
Close attention to our surroundings unveil a wealth of seasonal plant
and food sources, consumer cast-offs and other goods easily found and
recycled. There is "play" and "give" in outdoor elements, found
materials, everyday weather, being resourceful and "making do" with
what's on hand——the essence and nerve of creativity. The notion of
response-ability is reinforced every time a Green
Scout sculpts with tree limbs, presses flowers on tissue paper, makes
dyes with tea or seaweed, or concocts worm-tea! Testing the tensile
strength of leaves, stems, tree branches, flowers and other elements
embedded in the fragile web of life directs their attention to
sustaining life and the natural resources of our world in practical, fun and experiential ways. Issues of time,

and dematerialization, sustainability and waste, learning and earning
and turning trash into cash all had a hand in inspiring the Green Scouts to create temporary works-in-progress, site-specific art installations and natural edibles that enrich their lives and ours. PLEASE CONTACT Founder/Artistic Director, Julie Patton and Artist In Residence Charmaine Spencer in c/o <dandelionsoceiety [at] gmail [dot] com" target="_blank">dandelionsoceiety [at] gmail [dot] com> or please call 216-795-3266 or 216-215-5006 for more information. Thank you.


Let It Bee Gardens - corner of Ashbury and East Blvd.
1387 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH