Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 10:59.

EDWARD J. "CITIZEN" HAUSER, beloved son of Walter and Theresia; dearest brother of Harold, Sylvia, Thomas, and Caroline Widemann (husband Reiner); dear uncle of Nicole and Erik; dear friend of Cathy Stahurski; dear nephew, cousin and friend to many.
Ed Hauser died suddenly November 14, 2008. Northeast Ohio has lost its most ardent, studied and tenacious citizen activist.
Ed's Papers
Susan--any word on the status of cataloging Ed's papers? Has CSU committed to archiving the collection?
CSU and Ed Hauser
Hi Susan...I heard today that CSU will take on Ed's collection. Any more to add to this story? :) Some good news for a Friday. Yes ?!
yes CSU Special Collections
I took Bill Barrow to meet with Sylvia several weeks ago on a snowy Sunday afternoon. The family will go through the materials and then contact Barrow to turn over the materials for archiving as I understand it. Barrow also indicated that they would welcome volunteers to help with scanning the materials to make them available digitally. As you might imagine the volume of public records and Ed's own notes is vast.
Making IT happen
Thank you Susan for making this really happen.
Ed Hauser WAY
On Friday 3.20.09 Cleveland Planning Will consider the naming of Whiskey Island Way to Ed Hauser Way. The meeting begins at 9am
jon eckerle
Yes -
Don't you love globalization - it is worth somebody paying Fahim in Bangladesh to screw up REALNEO. That's our New Economy at work.
Disrupt IT
Who was "hacked by 1923Turk-Grup"
I checked out - the URL for the email address for several spammers on REALNEO - you saw their homepage was a promotion for "Hacked by 1923Turk-Grup", which is not explained there or anywhere on-line I can find... although they seem to have "hacked" many sites and have many promo videos on YouTube, etc.
They've tried to break REALNEO several ways I know of, so far.
So, we are being hacked by 1923Turk-Grup.
Disrupt IT
spam problems
Is some of this to be expected or is realneo a target? Since spam has become such a part of everything else, I wasn't surprised to see it here. I do think that being able to embed a code that changes formats to be a problem. Is that common with spam?
Spammer hacking CSS
Who knows an attorney licensed inFlorida ?
CaneDesign Corporation
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CaneDesign Corporation
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(305) 298-1323
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Salman, Sal salman [at] canedesign [dot] com
CaneDesign Corporation
2030 Douglas Road Suite 208
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CaneDesign Corporation
2030 Douglas Road Suite 208
Miami, Florida 33134
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Created on: 14-Apr-09
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Last Updated on: 14-Apr-09
Administrative Contact:
Salman, Sal salman [at] canedesign [dot] com
CaneDesign Corporation
2030 Douglas Road Suite 208
Miami, Florida 33134
United States
(305) 298-1323
Technical Contact:
Salman, Sal salman [at] canedesign [dot] com
CaneDesign Corporation
2030 Douglas Road Suite 208
Miami, Florida 33134
United States
(305) 298-1323
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I agree this hacking is probably not a conspiracy. This is why there is so much anti-hacking, anti-spam, anti-spyware software for sale. I do wonder what, if any, problems, realneo members would have as a result of this hacking for our own computers, especially Windows user. How open is open when the site is being used by members? Experts, please address if you can.
breaking the page
The REALNEO site allows lot, relatively, in terms of the amount of stylistic content that can be copy-pasted into a blog post or comment.
The site theme, (the overall design of the page; the HTML/CSS template into which the system renders content,) was built using HTML tables for layout. This is well known, now, as poor practice for page layout, though it was quite commonly used back [I assume] when the theme was created.
The comments that are breaking the page layout are taking advantage of both these things. -- perhaps knowingly, but probably not.
Re-implementing the theme, table-less and according to W3C standards has been a pre-requisite on my to-do list for upgrading us to Drupal 6, anyway.
Remembering Ed Hauser on the 49th anniversary of his birth
Happy birthday Ed - we're still here and fighting for you - keep your blessing flowing...
We'll get to work updating your wikipedia article, when we get better focused down here... sorry to make you an orphan...
Disrupt IT
Note - Ed's memory outlives these links on his wikipedia page...
Note - Ed's memory outlives these links on his wikipedia page...
Makes you think about what is lasting about real NEO, and where...
Disrupt IT
neoBridge is sure long gone, thanks to Ed's enemies...
neoBridge is sure long gone, thanks to Ed's enemies...
That was his baby, before he died...
And gone with Ed and his virtual and real activism has been any chance to do a good Innerbelt bridge redevelopment project in Northeast Ohio.
It would be hard to rest in peace under these circumstances...
Disrupt IT
Ed Hauser
Ed Hauser's example inspired me to take on the County Commissioners over the misuse of taxpayer money, which I did at one of their regular meetings. For my trouble I was subjected to a verbal attack by Commissioner Tim Hagan, something the rules wouldn't allow me to do to him, but I guess rules are for other people. Hagan never answered my criticisms, he lost his temper instead. I wear his vitriol as a badge of honor. Thank you Ed! I wouldn't have done it without you!
Ed's papers at CSU
I noticed the earlier posts about Ed's papers being with us at the CSU Library and thought I'd mention that we have been slowly inventorying them, in preparation to eventually offer a good finding aid to the collection. As it happens, this is being done by a volunteer who comes in periodically, as there's no funding to make this happen any faster. But, as always, the collection is not closed while we're doing this, it's just harder to use.
Our aim is to include Ed in a web site we're gradually working up for Cleveland Memory on Cleveland's "alternative voices," featuring the collections we have about d.a. levy, Roldo Bartimole, and others.
Bill Barrow, Special Collections Librarian
Ed Hauser papers - Thanks Mr. Barrow & volunteer!
Hello Bill, Thanks for coming on Realneo and updating us on the Hauser collection at CSU. Your efforts, and the efforts of the volunteer(s) in preserving and catalogueing Ed's work are appreciated. Best, jeffb
I have to admit
I know nothing of Whiskey Island, and was googling about it and find the man Ed sure has some fans, Still.
and this link says how it all started
--snip-- The Irish who squatted there gave a new meaning to the island's name -- they made it a real island of whiskey. In its heyday it boasted of having 13 saloons, a considerable achievement since it was only a mile lona and a third of a mile across at its vtidest point. It was from the first and for many years remained the wildest, bawdiest section of Cleveland.[//]
So, it's name...hummm?, grin... Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
Ed Hauser Papers at CSU
I apologize for neglecting to post a timely announcement that a finding aid to Ed's collection at CSU is now available on-line through OhioLINK, here:;query=hauser;brand=default
Thank you Bill and to CSU Memory Project
Phone: 216-687-2449
Citizen "never say die " Hauser takes on Safeguard Properties
Ya never can keep a good man down! Safeguard you just do not understand what has been unleashed.
Thanks be to God for those who save the history of great leaders the followers and future leaders all need rich resources of truth to fight for what is right.............
Thank you all for your efforts!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"