SING, sing a SONG
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 01/13/2008 - 05:55.
It cracks me up to see kids come in to the library to sing! They plug in the headphones and start grooving to a tune on line and the next thing you know I have to go into shhhh! mode. Is there a way to tap this energy? So, who is mining this? I found this karaoke site--are there better sites out there? I am not a musician. Just curious.

My sister recently compiled a CD of songs that we grew up singing at the house.
The list is greatly influenced by my deceased father--it tells you a lot about the man:
His favorite songs to belt out were often show tunes:
If I were a Rich Man! Topol I Don Quixote, Richard Kiley Downtown, Petula