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The Day That Sealed America’s Fate - The day that John Kennedy murdered November 22 1963 the beginning of the end for AmericaSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 11/01/2015 - 20:51.
Iceland recently jailed its 26th banker, totaling over 74 years of prison time among the 26 criminals. These banksters were jailed for causing the financial meltdown of Iceland. Conversely, the U.S. bankster criminals on Wall Street were rewarded for their fraud and market manipulation with an gigantic set of ongoing bailouts as the taxpayers of the country were financially raped. Last Man StandingThe World’s Center of Democracy. Iceland remains the only European nation to recover fully from the 2008 crisis. Iceland even managed to pay its outstanding debt to the IMF in full, and the debt was paid in advance of the due date. This is highly significant because this means the Bank of International Settlements has absolutely no hold on Iceland and its banking system. Conversely, the banks in the United States are so manipulated by the Bank of International Settlements that the US stands of on the brink of the next bankster-created war which will be fought and lost against Russia and China. Once upon a time, America nearly had her Icelandic moment. Just over 50 years ago, America nearly achieved independence from bankster influence. But as fate would have it, a fatal head shot from the grassy knoll, from a gun fired by Lucian Sarti who used hollow point bullets, ended America’s hope of true economic and political sovereignty in 1963. A Speech for the AgesIn June of 1963, JFK called out the elitist bankster war mongers in his famous American University speech. Unfortunately, JFK’s enlightened attitude was a threat to the prevailing establishment and he paid for his idealism with his life five months after delivering the American University Commencement speech. We had never seen a President championing the virtues of peace and the elevation of the concern for the common man. We will not likely ever see this kind of leadership again. The following excerpts of JFK’s American University speech show us what could have been and why the elite could not handle four more years of a JFK Presidency. For if JFK had lived, the following ideals would have formed the goals of an energized nation. Here are the words of a young, idealistic President as spoken at American University in June of 1963:
Can’t live in a world of peace, the banksters would not make as much money. JFK had to go. If JFK Had Lived
If JFK had lived, so too, would have 58,000 Americans and untold millions of Vietnamese. If JFK had lived, we would not have spent two trillion dollars on nuclear arms. The money could have been spent, as JFK suggested, on education. America might not have become the hopelessly dumbed down nation that it has become. If JFK had lived the Federal Reserve would have eventually gone the way of the two previous central banks in the United States. The US Congress would have retaken the constitutional power of coining money, interest free money. America would have remained solvent. If JFK had lived, he would have continued to confront the oil companies and today, we might have achieved energy independence and could be paying about a buck for a gallon if gas. Alaska would be the new Middle East and the petrodollar, which threatens to plunge us into a world war over Syria and Iran, would no longer be a problem. The world would be coming to the US for its energy needs and our economy would be booming. If JFK had lived, the people would have had their true representative in the White House. It was the last time, that anyone, outside the elite establishment, had anyone in top level government that cared for them. ConclusionThe day that John Kennedy died, November 22, 1963, was the beginning of the end for America. These same forces, the interlocking directorates of the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve, the major oil companies and the media that they control, continued to suck the life out of America to the point of where we stand today, a shell of our former country. November, 22, 1963, was the day the America lost her chance to become like modern day Iceland where we would have jailed criminal banksters instead of allowing ourselves to be enslaved by them. anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate or
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