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Imperial Women, Black on Black, Others To Hold 2nd Anniversary Of The Imperial Ave. Murders Rally, Vigil, Sat., Oct 29, 5:15 pmSubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Sat, 10/15/2011 - 05:15.
The home on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Oh. of Convicted Serial Murderer Anthony Sowell where the remains of 11 Black women were found beginning on Oct. 29, 2009.
From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The Imperial Women, Black on Black Crime, Survivors/Victims Of Tragedy, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, the Oppressed People's Nation, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, Peace In The Hood, the Family Connection Center, the Office of Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, Cleveland City Council Members, Black members of the Ohio State Legislature, the Joaquin Hicks Real People's Movement, Ohio Family Rights, Affiliates Of Cleveland Jobs With Justice, People For The Imperial Act, the Sowell 11, the Carl Stokes Brigage, Bailout The People Movement, Revolution Books, Organize Ohio, The People's Fight Back Center, the Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, the Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, the People's Forum, People For A Renewed African-American Museum Of Cleveland, People For A Renewed African-American Museum Of Cleveland, the National Organization For Parental Equality, the October 22nd Coalition To Stop Police Brutality, the Spot Youth Organization, the Committee To Bring Home Jamela And Jamyla, and a host of other grassroots and community affiliates will hold a rally and candlelight vigil to mark the second anniversary of the murders of 11 Black women on Cleveland's Imperial Ave. The event will be held on Sat., Oct 29 at 5:15 pm on Imperial Ave. next to serial killer Anthony Sowell's home. (From downtown Cleveland take Kinsman Ave to E. 123rd St, turn left, and proceed two blocks to Imperial Ave with the home next to the corner.). The rally is also a rally to stop violence and governmental mistreatment of Greater Cleveland women, Black women in particular. Contacts and organizers for the rally are Kathy Wray Coleman at 216-932-3114, Art McKoy at 216-253-4070, Don Bryant at 440-623-0492 and Angelique Cunningham at 216-645-8408.
The rally will open with a prayer for the betterment of women by Jean Whitte, a member of the Imperial Women and Black on Black Crime.
Several people have agreed to speak with the full list coming out shortly of speakers and participating organizations. For those additional people that want to speak, please contact a rally organizer.
"I will be there to help lead it as requested by the Imperial Women and I think it is a good idea," said Community Activist Art McKoy, the founder of Black on Black Crime Inc.
Others agreed.
"If we can have a Columbus holiday without negativity than we can remember the unprecedented murders by Anthony Sowell of 11 Black women and violence and other mistreatment against women issues," said Imperial Women Leader Kathy Wray Coleman. "While there is some closure his convictions for murder and other crimes are on appeal and anything can happen on appeal so we need to keep this issue alive until the Ohio Supreme Court rules, if it goes there, and until Sowell is brought totally to justice."
Angelique Cunningham, a community activist and member of the Imperial Women that fights for fair play for girls and young women, said that the mistreatment of Black women has got to stop from unnecessary murders to illegal prosecutions, illegal jailing, and the unconstitutional harassment of Black families by family and children services authorities.
"I support the anniversary rally and vigil and urge others to join us on Oct. 29," said Cunningham.
The bodies of the 11 murdered women were announced beginning on Oct 29, 2009 and Sowell was convicted by a common pleas court jury of the murders and numerous other crimes against those and several other Black women on July 22. Following a recommendation from the same jury, he received the death penalty, tentatively scheduled for Nov. 2012, from Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Dick Ambrose, who presided over the month-long trial.
Reach Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman at, ktcoleman8 [at] aol [dot] com and phone number: 216-932-3114.
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