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Leading by Example: Mobilizing Our Hispanic CommunitySubmitted by strongtower on Mon, 09/12/2005 - 20:28.
10/19/2005 - 11:00 Lorraine Vega, Senior Vice President of Corporate Diversity at KeyCorp, and Judge Jose Villanueva, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, discuss civic issues that affect both Hispanics and the general population. Joe Lopez, President of New Era Builders, Inc., will moderate. Between the 2000 and the 2004 presidential elections, the number of eligible Latino voters increased by almost 20%, six times faster than for the non-Hispanic population. With this shift, interest from politicians in the Hispanic voting block has increased, and civic leaders in the Latino community and the needs of their constituents have enjoyed a greater prominence in the local political discourse. Who are the future leaders within our Hispanic community, and what impact do they have on the region? How can these new leaders mobilize the community in order to have a stronger voice and a greater impact on the region? How important is civic involvement to the Hispanic community and the entire community? Find out on Wednesday, October 19th. Location
The City Club of Cleveland
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