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Zygote Press Holiday show and sale exhibits the power and value of cooperation in the artsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 13:59.
As NEO's only non-profit cooperative printmaking facility and gallery, 10 year old Zygote Press is literally founded on the principle of cooperation - collaboration - which is finally being recognized throughout the region as core to optimizing the asts and culture in the region. As such, Zygote is an inspirational initiative. But what is most remarkable there is the wealth of creative output generated by their cooperators, best demonstrated now with their holiday gallery show and sale, up through December 23, 2006, and open Wednesday 11am-3pm, Saturday 12-4pm, or by appointment... call 621-2900. Dozens of artists are represented and 100s of prints of every imaginable technique are presented, with prices ranging from under $100 to many $100s, offering an extrememly diverse and resaonable source for truly special, original holiday gifts at any level, for friends and associates of any age or style. Some images are complex and challenging, others warm and comforting, others full of pop and fun. Many are framed and hanging on the gallery walls, but many more are presented in racks, so leave yourself sufficient time to really dig in to the assortmant of art offered throughout the space. From the Zygote Press website, their mission is "to enable artists to produce fine art prints within an atmosphere of collective exchange by providing them with affordable workspace and exhibition opportunities. Zygote is a resource dedicated to increasing awareness about contemporary printmaking by creating active communication among artists-printmakers and the broader community." The community part of that mission means all of us - the art-buying public. From wikipedia, zygote is a cell that is the result of fertilization. That is, two haploid cells—usually (but not always) an ovum from a female and a sperm cell from a male—merge into a single diploid cell called the zygote, and the organizers and collaborators of this faclity and gallery do an excellent job or making it a very fertile environment. So, get yourself and some artists and arts collaborators into a real good holiday spirit and buy some original, NEO sourced works of printmaker art for your friends and loved ones - you can't create more good cheer than that.
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John Jackson sketch books are a great gift
While shopping the holiday sale at Zygote Press I found one gift that I thought was particularly nice. It was a small sketch book with prints on the cover and back by John Jackson the artit who was murdered this past summer. The sketch books are $15 and the proceeds go to a memorial scholarship fund that has been set up to help art students at CSU. I met John Jackson once about three years ago and I was not very familiar with his work, but after seeing the show of his work at Zygote Press a few weeks ago I wanted to buy one of his works. His works are not for sale (his estate is still being settled) and I probably could nt afford anything anyhow, but I thought buying a sketch book is a wonderful way to celebrate his art and encourage art and creativity in others.