Beautiful Day
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 18:55.
It's been a glorious day for NEO. I was only able to hit Pop UP Pearl, Pedal for Prizes and the Asian Festival.
I know so many other things were happening today. I look forward to some photos from other folks. Meanwhile, here are my images of a beautiful day in NEO.

Pedaling Cleveland
I was able to ride, rather effortlessly today, from Old Brooklyn, to Brooklyn
Centre, across the Harvard Ave. Bridge to Metroparks Washington Reservation and to Fleet and East 49th.
Almost symbolically, my bike sustained a flat at 49th and Pershing--where Clark Ave. can be seen a stone's throw across the
river. Where East and West were intentionally cut off, years ago.
Fortunately, I was able to throw my bike on the #15 bus--and to catch another bus near CSU to the
Asian Festival.
can you please tell me where to find this:
Nice Vistas
Disrupt IT
Cuyahoga River next to Superfund site
Photo was taken by putting my hand over the chain link fence on Harvard
Ave. The related sign is ironic--and no I did not put it there. The sign is at
entrance to Mittal Steel and no one has removed it. It might be Norm's work :)
A stunning view and we ignore it.
Thanks, Laura
It is a stunning view. I like the 'Vista Pointe' sign at Mittal. :)
This kid watched the skateboard video three times.
Skateboarding-lily :)
Thanks Lily--I still want justice for Frank. Have the lil' Demo dude come to the Archwood Street Sale on June 4-5th.
The councilman PROMISED yesterday to have Public Square Group set up skate board props for our annual neighborhood event.
Thanks to Vince and his son for making Pop UP Pearl a fun, family event!
I can't scream loud enough on this point. WE need to maintain and BUILD Bridges in NEO. For generations, our corrupt Cuyahoga County government has destroyed community and has played a SICK real estate game. The MOB wrote this playbook. We have all suffered. It doesn't matter if you think you are solvent and "RICH." The future of our region has turned into a total crap shoot.
We have a rich cultural heritage here and natural resources and a landscape that can support a healthy community--but it continues to be squandered by the carpetbaggers who parasitize the community by preying on instinctual animosities and rivalries. And, gender issues. Even at REALNEO, you see two rich old guard boys feuding over this "real estate."
I don't have much faith left in me to believe that the American tendency to trash the countryside and leave for greener pastures will ever change. But, if our "leadership" in NEO--commits to building a pedestrian and bike only bridge at Clark and Pershing--I might see the glass half full, again.
Pershing dead ends overlooking Cuyahoga River valley and spires of St. Michael at Clark Ave. are visible from this intersection.
Yesterday, one person clearly demonstrated that NEO residents want to cycle and want a bike-friendly city.
Jeff Sugalski, following in the tradition established by Lois Moss with Walk and Roll Cleveland, had a Pedal for Prizes turn-out of 500 or more folks eager to explore the city by bike. And, despite the shortcomings our RTA transit system and the horrible condition of our infrastructure (and a flat tire), I was able to easily and quickly cover 15 miles of Cleveland by bike, foot and bus--from west to east to downtown and back again.
Golf at Metroparks Washington Park
I am not a big fan of golf, but yesterday I could see the appeal.
I reached the course by bike in 15 minutes from Brooklyn Centre by taking Harvard to lovely tree-lined Washington Park Ave.
The links were alive with birds chirping, bees buzzing and fathers showing their
sons how to golf. It was tranquil and heavenly.
There are lessons here: