Children appreciate flowers
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 23:33.

I just received a dozen or so CDs of Kodachrome slides which I had taken in 2000 in Siberia. Looking at images which I haven't viewed for 11 years - but still remember like Wordsworth's "spots of time" - is pretty exciting.
For a change of pace on Realneo, I thought I could share a few of the images in the coming days.
And by the way, why is it that children pick colorful perfumed flowers...while us adults find such fascination in, and attraction to, combative argument?
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don't know, jeff buster
your question "And by the way, why is it that children pick colorful perfumed flowers...while us adults find such fascination in, and attraction to, combative argument?" is a good one. The first thing to come to mind was that there aren't that many people going to San Fransico anymore so less reason to pick a pretty flower and wear it in the hair.
The other thing that comes to mind is where we are as a society that allows the in your face style of everyday behaviour to color interactions. It is here on realneo, at the grocery stores, with service people. It seems to have snuck up and bite us good. The attraction to it is another issue, one of control, and it is best to disengage if there isn't any room for dialogue. In that case, grow the flowers, and put them in your hair, and find better enviornments to be in than combatative situations. Life is short. We want to leave something better behind. We have to decide how best to get that down. That is how I deal best with the above, and it always involves flowers.