Submitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 07:08.
Lo and behold, Frank Jackson's office has held this "close to the vest":

"The Apalachee will be part of the exhibits at the restored Coast Guard station on Whiskey Island. The station is a national historic landmark. It will be a maritime and Coast Guard museum and interpretive center." - USCGC Apalachee Maritime Museum
What next will someone spring on us?
Here's one Matt does know about (Did you? Does Eugene Sanders know that Max Hayes students and West Tech students might be fostered into having crew teams?):
St. Ignatius Boathouse: Bob Valerian
People from St. Ignatius have had conversations with the City of Cleveland. Matt Zone is the Councilman in the area and he is supportive of the idea.
They are looking into land in the Old River channel where Great Lakes towing currently conducts their boat repair. This is at the very-end of the channel near the Soap Box Derby site.
This is a long-term goal for the St. Ignatius crew and it would take several years to implement. It would cost about $500,000 for the structure and they are not sure that they can raise the funds.
Further, it would take at least 24 months to get a lease. If this becomes a reality they would use a model similar to Pittsburgh: St. Ignatius would foster other crews from the area, such as Max Hayes or West Tech.
From a NOACA meeting December 2008: Bob Brown
"Cleveland received land north of the proposed Division Avenue for potential redevelopment. The City plans to create a park at the Old River Channel. St. Ignatius has proposed building a boathouse at this location, and access needs to be provided to Great Lakes Towing because of homeland security issues for the Cleveland Water Department. Division is critical to this property’s access."

Hat tip to PD reporter James Ewinger and researcher Jo Ellen Corrigan: Whiskey Island Coast Guard Station repairs kept quiet by Cleveland
And the pedestrain Bridge to Whiskey Island across the railroad tracks from Willow street bridge? We've heard rumblings... even a plan to reuse (smart!) some decomissioned bridges saved and stored by the state.
I'm confused,
I’m confused are we sure that is West Technical or is that supposed to be Lincoln West? Did the School district rename a school West Tech, the high school was converted to loft apartments.
Its great news, its good to hear about St Ignatius working with the city to foster activity with other schools. I think that’s a real good idea for reuse of the Coast Guard station.
Is there any update on the new Max Hayes High?