Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 19:04.
Quest Astrological Earthquake Forecasting and Research meets periodically. Contact: Guy Templeton Black, Quest, Inc.,753 Brayton Ave., Cleveland, OH 44113 (216/861-7368).
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Want to know where and when to find astrological get-togethers just about anywhere at all? COSMIC CONNECTIONS is the answer!
These free listings are contributed by and compiled from a variety of sources. A listing in this column does not necessarily imply an endorsement of or by DELL HOROSCOPE Magazine. To announce ASTROLOGICAL activities FREE in this column, NON-PROFIT organizations should send particulars to COSMIC CONNECTIONS c/o DELL MAGAZINES, 267 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10007-2352 .
CALGARY - The Calgary Astrology Association meets every third Tuesday at the MEMORIAL PARK LIBRARY, 121-2 Street S.W. Contacts: Judith de Haan (403/277-1554).
EDMONTON - The Edmonton Astrological Society (EAS) meets @ 7:30 P.M. every 2nd Friday (Sept. to May) @ Condor Machinery 3880-74 Ave Edmonton; 2nd Floor.
Contact: Inge Lohse @ PH:780/922-5771 or 466-9799 or vistit our or e-mail: info [at] astrologyedmonton [dot] com.
To facilitate astrology in British Columbia we are organizing a monthly program of Astrological public forums, held at Woodlands Restaurant in Vancouver, 2582 W. Broadway, with a cover charge of $5.00. Contact: Susan Hunter-Jivung (604/5306740).
TORONTO - Astrology Toronto, Inc., is a democratic, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, propagation, and support of astrological awareness, knowledge, diversity, education, and research. ATI supports and develops the Toronto Astrological Community by regularly hosting exceptional workshops; publishing our Newsletter MIDHEAVEN, and supporting astrologers and astrological groups and organizations in the community. Contact: Joan M. Bennell, Pres., ATI, 1562 Danforth Ave., PO Box 72089, Toronto, ON M4J 5C1 CANADA. astrologytoronto [at] gmail [dot] com ( ).
The Canadian Association for Astrological Education (CAAE), a non-profit educational organization, teaches Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Astrology Classes. Exams are held in May and November. For information: visit the CAAE website - . or call Janet Markham (Toronto) 416-482-9926 or Joan Evelyn (Oshawa) 905-725-9179.
SCOTTSDALE - Arizona Society of Astrologers (ASA) meets monthly (3rd Friday & Saturday) at Scottsdale Senior Citizens Ctr., 7375 E. 2nd St. Contact: Ivan Halvorson (602/956-2210), ASA, P.O. Box 9340, Scottsdale, AZ 85252.
TUCSON - Tucson Astrologers Guild meets 2nd Fridays, Sept. to May, 7:30 PM,alternating Saturday workshops. Potluck discussions at the Unitarian Church, 22nd and Swan. Contact: Richard King (520/319-7031). , Box 44019, Tucson, AZ 85733. email: astrologer [at] tucsonastrologersguild [dot] org.
AUGUSTA - New group forming to share interests and knowledge. Contact: P. S. LaRue, P.O. Box 457, Augusta, AR 72006-0457.
ANAHEIM - Monthly Zodiac Rap Group (3rd or 4th Friday) plus several monthly astrology classes. Contact: The Psynetics Foundation,1212 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. (714/533-2311).
ANTELOPE VALLEY - Antelope Valley Astrology Center offers weekly classes and seminars at the Mr. Anthony Center, 7216 East Ave. U-3, Littlerock, CA 93543. Contact: Mr. Anthony (661/948-0443).
BAKERSFIELD - San Joaquin Astrological Association (SJAA) meets Tuesday weekly & 1st Saturday monthly (Sept.-May). Contact: Ruby G. Miller (805/872-2791).
BEVERLY HILLS - The First Temple of Astrology in its 94th year and an affiliate of the American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., conducts classes in Natal, Comparisons, and Horary (questions, events, selections) every Saturday morning. Please contact John Bradford, LPMAFA, at 323/663-5590, PO Box 1123, Beverly Hills, CA 90213.
HOLLYWOOD - At the Carroll Righter Foundation the Astro-Clinic is an ongoing workshop held every Wed. at 7:30 PM. Charts done on the general public to show the science of astrology at work in their lives. Contact: (813/993-3318); or write Carroll Righter Foundation, 1801 N. Curson St., Hollywood, CA 90046-2205.
LOS ANGELES - D.O.M.E. Center has weekly lectures on Thursday evenings and also conducts classes. Contact: Ed Steinbrecher or Stephen Connors (213/851-9333).
SAN DIEGO - San Diego Astrological Society (SDAS) offers astrology classes and meets 2nd Friday monthly at Joyce Beers Community Center 3900 Vermont Street, San Diego, California 92103. Contact: Jolinda Marshall (619/560-5612); or write SDAS at P.O. Box 16430, San Diego, CA 92116. Visit our website for further information:
SAN JOSE - South Bay Astro. Soc. meets 3rd Sunday of each month in San Jose. Meeting starts at 3 PM. We feature speakers, workshops, and more. Established 1981. Please join us. Call Susan Moss at 510-494-8572 or 510-884-7441 (pager).
YUBA CITY - Astrology Study Group meets 4th Tuesday monthly at Yuba City Library, 750 Forbes Ave. Contact: Inteli-Quest, P.O. Box 98, Sutter, CA 95982.
DENVER - Colorado Fellowship of Astrologers meets 2nd Friday monthly at Glendale Community Center, 999 S. Clermont, Denver, CO. Contacts: Karen Heluin (303/ 722-5145), Timothy Johnson (303/722-2392).
DENVER - The Rocky Mountain chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) meets the 4th Friday of each month from September through May. Certification testing available. For information, please contact Dee Davis (303/425-9270) or Carole Feese (303/937-1527).
FAIRFIELD COUNTY - The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) meets 2nd Sun. monthly from Sept. through May in Southport, CT. Call evenings (203/374-8313) for further details.
WEST HARTFORD - Astrological Society of Connecticut (ASC) meets monthly (except during summer) at the Keeney Memorial Center, 200 Main St., Wethersfield. Contact: ASC, PO. Box 290346, Wethersfield, CT 06129-0346 (860/568-8617) -
WASHINGTON - Washington Astrology Forum & Metro Washington NCGR Chapter meets 1st Saturday monthly at 2nd Dist. Police Hdqtrs., 3320 Idaho Ave. N.W. Contact: Warren Kinsman (202/575-0098).
COCOA BEACH - S.T.A.R. Guild meets 3rd Mon. at 6:30 P.M., Cocoa Beach Library. Contact: Jennie Corridan (407/453-6903) or Leslie Marlar (407/777-1246).
HILLSBOROUGH - PINELLIS-PASCO COUNTIES-To share interest and knowledge, discuss various interpretations and for HPPC's meeting locations and times, contact John Saxman, University of South Florida P.O. Box 30448, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620-3044. (813/632-8437). e-mail: Zodiacmac [at] hotmail [dot] com
HOLLYWOOD-FORT LAUDERDALE - South Florida Astrological Association meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30pm till 10:00pm with an all day workshop the Saturday following. The meetings are held at Ft. Laud. Airport Hilton on Griffin Rd. Contact: Brenda Brush (954/922-2272) or Jeffery Brock (305/273-0811).
JACKSONVILLE—The North Florida Astrological Association meets at 7:00 P.M. on the 4th Tuesday of the month (except July and December) at the Cosmic Church of Truth, 1637 Hamilton St., Jacksonville, FL 32210. Annual membership fee: $20. We have monthly speakers and monthly informative newsletters. Contact Sandye Sievers, President, at 904-374-9129 or e-mail her at www [dot] Sandye2U [at] comcast [dot] net" style="font-family: arial, helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(0, 51, 153);">www [dot] Sandye2U [at] comcast [dot] net for information.
MERRITT ISLAND - "Starbook Twelve" meets 2nd and 4th Monday each month at House of Books, 141 S. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island, FL 32952. Contact: Dan Grossman (407/454-4543).
ORLANDO - Astrological Research Guild (ARG) meets lst Wednesday monthly at Spiral Circle Bookstore, 720 N. Thornton. For more information, contact Carole Smelser (407/422-4914), Gloria Penrod (407/851-1372).
ST. PETERSBURG-TAMPA - Astrology Assn. of St. Petersburg meets first Mon., Sept.-May. LaQuinta, 4999 34th St. North, St. Petersburg. Professional astrologers lecture at every meeting. Contact Sarah Lyons, Pres. (727/347-4737).
ATLANTA - Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society (MAAS) holds meetings, publishes newsletter. Contact: MAAS, Box 451123, Atlanta, GA 30345-1123. COMMERCE - Georgia Astro. Ass'n. holds meetings 1st Mon. of each month. Classes on 2nd and 3rd Mon. For membership info. and free newsletter contact: Carla Willard (706/757-8803). E-mail:carla [at] freeastrology [dot] netWebsite:
CHICAGO - Chicago NCGR chapter meets 1st Friday monthly at Wilson Park Fieldhouse, 4630 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL. Contact: Charles Hannan (312/425-2423, after 1 P.M. Central Time).
CHICAGO - The Chicago Chapter of ProSig meets the 3rd Sunday in January, March, and May. Contact: Wendy Hawks (312/769-3017).
CHICAGO - ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:30 P.M. at the Occult Bookstore, 1561 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622.Yearly dues: $25; Meetings: Members $3; Guests $5. For further information: S. Goddard Foxe, Ph.D. (312/878-7789).
CHICAGO, OAK BROOK, OAK LAWN - Friends of Astrology, Inc. Lectures are held the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fridays of each month at the following respective locations: Oak Brook, Chicago, and Oak Lawn. Membership and monthly bulletin $35.00 for U.S. residents, $50 for international members; all lectures open to public (suggested donation $7). Contact: Christine Arens, FOA President, 514 N. Richmond Ave., Westmont, IL 60559 (630/654-4742).
DES PLAINES - The Northern Illinois Spica Chapter of NCGR meets monthly on various Sunday afternoons at UNITY Church, 259 E. Central Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016. Meetings are $5 for members and $10 for non-members. For information call Margaret Fox 847-382-1183
TINLEY PARK - Stargazers (Astrologer's Research Council) presents "Astrologer's Showcase" Sun., 11 A.M. & Wed., 7 P.M. Earth & Beyond, 15931 S. Harlem. Contact: Lee Toman 708/448-8628.
INDIANAPOLIS - Indiana Federation of Astrologers meets monthly. Contact: Sara Keller, 2341 Barnor Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46219 (317/346-7567).
NEWBURGH - Ohio Valley Astrological Society meets 2nd Monday monthly at 856 S. Kentucky Ave., Newburgh, IN. Contact: Liz Yohe (812/853-2900).
LOUISVILLE - Astrological Society of Kentucky (ASK) meets 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 P.M. Contact Dee Patterson (502/894-9977).
TOWSON - Baltimore NCGR chapter meets 3rd Saturday monthly at the Towson Women's Business Club. Contact: Margie Herskovitz (410/466-1510), 5826 Greenspring Ave., Baltimore, MD 21209 or email: hersk [at] erols [dot] com
BELMONT - Boston NCGR chapter meets monthly at Belmont Town Library, publishes monthly (Sept.-May) newsletter. Contact: Frances McEvoy (617/484-1882).
LANSING - Michigan Federation of Astrology (MFA) meets 2nd Thursday monthly (Sept-June) at Mountain Books & Gifts, 7 P.M. Contact: MFA, 302 S. Waverly Rd., Lansing, MI 48917 (517/321-1906). Publishes newsletter and holds lectures.
MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesota STARS chapter of NCGR meets 3rd Sunday monthly at Lake Harriet Community Church, 4401 Upton Ave., S., Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Ira Gordon (612/333-3165).
KANSAS CITY - Aquarian Organization of Astrologers (AOA) meets 2nd & 4th Monday at Mission Center Mall, Community Room, 4801 Johnson Dr., Mission, Kansas. AOA also sponsors astrology classes at various local libraries in K.C. area and publishes monthly newsletter. Contact: AOA, P.O. Box 36493, 64171 (913/383-7805).
ST. LOUIS - The Astrological Association of St. Louis (AASTL) meets 2 P.M. the 2nd Sunday each month at the Brentwood Recreation Center, 2505 So. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, MO 63144. Contact: AASTL, P.O. Box 16282, Clayton, MO 63105 or Ruth Williams (314/965-3844) or Rose Jenkins (314/863-2241).
Nebraska Astrological Association meets every Saturday at the Prophecy Center, 10730 Pacific Street, #49, Omaha, NE 68114, (402/399-8081). Call for times and seating.
LAS VEGAS - Las Vegas Astrologer's Roundtable is honored to represent the AFA, AA of Great Britain, ISAR, NCGR, IAPAN, and APRT. We meet the 1st Sunday of each month, 3 PM, Sept. thru April, at Marie Callender's Restaurant, 4800 S. Eastern Ave. We provide certification, education, research, lecturers and metaphysical workshops for all major organizations. Meeting schedule and lecture content mailed upon request. Contact: Stacey Dean, PMAFA (702/739-7899).
LAS VEGAS - The NCGR Las Vegas Stargazers Chapter meets the last Thursday of the month, 7 PM. We sponsor education, workshops, monthly speakers, and a newsletter. All levels of certification available. Meetings held at Marie Callander's Restaurant, 4875 W. Flamingo Rd. Contact: Gayle Kirk (702/558-6594) or Annette Chipman (702/898-5724).
LAS VEGAS - The Southern Nevada ISAR Chapter meets the 2nd Sat. of the month, 3 PM. We sponsor workshops, seminars, astrological education and ongoing research projects. Meetings are held at 3430 E. Flamingo Rd., Suite 250. Contact: Annette Chipman (702/898-5724) or Betty Ramsey (702/735-8101).
CHERRY HILL - Cosmic Circle Astrological Association (CAA) offers monthly lectures on Friday evenings 7:30-9:30 at 1763 East Rt. 70. We also offer workshops, dinner lectures, and newsletter. Contact: Jacqueline Pentek: (609/881-7551) or CCAA424 [at] aol [dot] com
FORKED RIVER - "Zodiac & The Bible" lecture series is held every Friday at Christian Village Church, 134 Route 9, Forked River, NJ. Contact: Rev. Bill Donahue (609/971-0537).
MONTCLAIR - The New Jersey chapter of the Nat'l. Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) meets Wed. and Sun. monthly from Sept. to June. Contact: Jackie Slevin (201/744-5347) or write NJNCGR, 10 Sutherland Rd., Montclair, NJ 07042-2443.
PRINCETON - Astrological Society of Princeton (ASP) holds meetings, classes, & lectures at 173 Harrison St. Contacts: Ken & Joan Negus (609/924-4311), 175 Harrison St., Princeton, NJ 08540.
STRATFORD - Cosmic Astrology Association (CAA). We offer monthly lectures on Friday evenings 7:30-9:30 at the Fairfield Inn, Deptford, NJ. We also offer Workshops, Dinner lectures and Newsletter. For more info, contact Jacqueline Pentak at (856) 881-7551 orCCAA424 [at] yahoo [dot] com
ALBUQUERQUE - New Mexico Chapter, National Council for Geocosmic Research meets 1st Wednesday of month-7 PM at 721 Jefferson, NE. Contact: S. Bryan (505/255-5001) or B. Swearingen (505/246-8897).
The NCGR Astrology Connection offers classes, workshops, meetings, and conferences in the New York area. Certification programs also available. (212/369-2585).
LONG ISLAND - NCGR National Council for Geocosmic Research Inc., Long Island Chapter, offers quality workshops, lectures, and classes: (631) 462-1212, orCLFOLEY [at] OPTONLINE [dot] NET.
AKRON - The Akron Astrological Society meets September thru June monthly (1st Monday of each month) at the Preservation House, 2974 West Market St. (corner of White Pond and West Market Street). You can write to us at 1700 W. Market St. #C-166, Akron, OH 44313 or visit our website at akronastrologicalsociety. org .
CINCINNATI - The Ohio Valley Chapter is part of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards of astrological education and research. Meeting times are on the 4th Thursday of every month, 7:00-9:00 P.M. Meetings are held at the Madeira Municipal Building, 7141 Miami Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio (corner of Euclid and Miami Roads in Madeira). Contact us at ohiovalleyncgr [at] mail [dot] com( Cost (unless noted): Ohio Valley NCGR members Free. Regular monthly lectures are free for members (unless otherwise noted). New guests will be allowed to attend one free meeting before becoming members. Special-events fees will be charged to both members and non-members as stated.
CINCINNATI - Karmatica Astrology Group meets the fourth Monday of each month. Sample Newsletter $3 donation. 1 year $22.95. Contact: Elizabeth, P.O. Box 324, Lebanon, OH 45035
CLEVELAND/PARMA - Cuyahoga Astrological Research & Teaching Ass'n. (CARTA). Send $1 for sample 6-page newsletter to: CARTA, c/o William Land, P.O. Box 553, Edgewater Branch, Lakewood, OH 44107-0553.
CLEVELAND - Quest Astrological Earthquake Forecasting and Research meets periodically. Contact: Guy Templeton Black, Quest, Inc.,753 Brayton Ave., Cleveland, OH 44113 (216/861-7368).
MENTOR - Lake County Astrolog. Ass'n. Inc. (LCAA) meets 4th Mon. of each month at 7:30 PM at Wickliffe Civic Center, 900 Worden Road-N. Wing #109, Mentor, OH 44060. Contacts: Carolyn Clementson (440/256-1155) Kim Krawczyszyn (216/731-5019).
OKLAHOMA CITY - Applied Astrology Foundation (AAF) meets twice monthly. Contact: James Hays, P.O. Box 12743, Okla. City, OK 73157 (405/843-1608).
PORTLAND - The Oregon Astrological Association (OAA) meets monthly for lectures and workshops Sept.-June at various locations in the Portland metropolitan area. For up-to-the-minute information, contact the OAA at 503/246-3714 or write to POBox 6771, Portland 97228. Or log on to our website:
CHESTER HEIGHTS - The Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the NCGR meets on the third Wednesday of each month, Sept.-June, at Parastudy. Contact: LoisLivermore (302/658-4319) or Jane Ferrell - Bluejay727 [at] aol [dot] com.
PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Astrological Society (PAS)holds monthly lectures and workshops at 7616 City Line Avenue near Haverford Ave. Contact: Amanda Owen (610/623-9575). PASwebsite:
PITTSBURGH - Three Rivers Astrology NCGR. For monthly meetings and other information, please contact SueBeth Weiderkher (412/321-3640) or John S. Husack (412/681-1627).
NASHVILLE - The Nashville Chapter of the NCGR meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 P.M. Contact: Richard Billingsley (615/729-3913).
FORT WORTH - The Aquarian Council of Geocosmic Science (ACGS) holds a study group the 3rd Sat. of each month and weekly classes. Also the Astrological Society of Ft. Worth (ASFW) meets the second Sunday of each month. Contact: Donna Henson, (817/589-1676).
GRAPELAND - East Texas Astrological Ass'n. (ETAA) seeks Charter Members. Only prerequisite, an interest in astrology. Contact: Elbert Wade, Rte.2, Box 25-A, Grapeland, TX 75844 (409/687-4436).
SALT LAKE CITY - The Astrological Association of Utah meets March through December on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7-10 P.M. Contacts: Carol Linck (801/595-1575) or Anne Brennan (801/485-9189); website: Crete/1195 .
VIENNA - Astrological Ass'n. of Northern Virginia (AANV) meets 3rd Thursday monthly (Sept-May), publishes newsletter. Contact: AANV, P.O. Box 1521, Vienna, VA 22183.
RICHMOND - The Richmond Chapter of The National Council for Geocosmic Research meets the last Thursday of each month. Seeking new members interested in learning astrology or studying for NCGR certification. Contact Ruth D. Barrett (804/ 740-1133).
OLYMPIA - Thurston County Astrological Society meets monthly at The Astrology Works, 1714 Jefferson SE., Olympia, WA. Contact: Wanda Gerlach (206/352-1378), P.O. Box 7706, Olympia, WA 98507.
PORT TOWNSEND - The Quimper Astrology Guild meets monthly 4th Fri. at 7 P.M. and has an informal discussion over lunch at a local restaurant the "Thursday After" the regular meeting. Contacts: Bev Mustin (206/385-1126), Lynda Knemeyer (206/379-9965), or Leya Heart (206/452-4575).
SEATTLE - The Astrology Get-Together meets first Sat. monthly, from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. in the As-You-Like-It Library, 915 E. Pine, Suite 401, Seattle, WA 98122. Contact: Philip Lipson, Librarian (206/329-1794).
SEATTLE - Washington State Astrological Association (WSAA) meets 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. Monthly lecture at 8:00 PM-occasional Saturday workshops. Members attend free ($30 per year dues). Non-members $5. Contact: Karen Wennerlind (206/362-2712).
KENOSHA/RACINE - Astrological Society meets at times to be announced, often on weekends for workshops, lectures, and other activities. Rotating location TBA. Contact: Susann Celeste Micheffi (414/638-8408). Or write P.O. Box 54, Kenosha, Wl 53141.
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee NCGR chapter meets the last Monday of the month at 7 P.M. Contact: Jan Warren Allen (414/258-7563). Only prerequisite, an interest in astrology.
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