Defund NOACA

Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 08/21/2023 - 19:03.
Defund NOACA
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Local Media will NOT cover the NOACA story

For a public meeting - having 50 people show up is usually cause for celebration.  But, not tonight. 

Mr. Joel Ratner, formerly of NPI/Cleveland Neighborhood Progress is getting paid w/your MONEY to put on these dog and pony shows in Cuyahoga County.

I am conservatively guessing that 95% of the ppl who showed up tonight DO NOT support NOACA or their current agenda. Don't expect local media coverage.

NOACA and federal funding priorities 2026-2029

The NOACA Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the short-range implementation arm of the Long-Range Transportation Plan. It provides a prioritized listing of proposed federally funded highway, bridge, bikeway, pedestrian, enhancement, and public transit projects that are expected to be implemented between July 1, 2026, and June 30, 2029.

As part of the federally required process, residents throughout NOACA's service areas are encouraged to weigh in on proposed projects planned for Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina counties.  The following sources of information will help guide you on the process and expectations during the public comment period, which will begin in March 2025.  

Visit this page to learn more about upcoming public open houses, engagement material, interactive project maps, and kiosks at participating libraries to help you better understand the list of projects and investments planned throughout the region. 


 not Medina got cut off this image^ -