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The Emperor has no underpantsSubmitted by lmcshane on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 21:26.
Councilman Cummins eloquently stated the concerns of his constituents. Please also read the letter submitted by Ward 15 resident and attorney Greg Huth. At the same meeting tonight, several councilpersons including Mamie Mitchell, Dona Brady and Jay Westbrook decried the senseless closing of Catholic churches in the city. What does it take to stop the blatant abuse of power, the abandonment of Cleveland neighborhoods by the Diocese, and to rid ourselves of the failed leadership of Cleveland's City Council under Martin Sweeney?
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It warmed my heart when
It warmed my heart when Brian introduced all of us Ward 15 residents and almost everyone in the audience of the council chambers stood up. I would hope that moment of unity and the couple of standing ovations during his speech had some kind of effect in our favor.
I've done somewhat of a media round-up on OB Blogs,
Laura, if I knew what you look like, I would've introduced myself. I also saw Henry Senyak there for the protest and council meeting.
Get rid of Jackson
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb
Disrupt IT
Sweeney endorsement??
Did the PD actually endorse Sweeney for council?? I must have missed something. Today's editorial indicated that it occurred...
Does the PD's editorial staff suffer from collective amnesia??
I am going to go throw up now...
PD sure did
Hope the link works: It was on Tuesday.
Ward 15 should be proud
You all did a great job tonight. Did you seeChannel 5? Or the PD with Henry Gomez? Did you see Gomez's Blog entry from earlier today?
Gomez Blog on Zac Reed
Ken Predergast from the Sun News was their along with Joe Narkin from the Plain Press. This should be some good coverage coming up!!
Platoon after platoon arrived to take on City Hall tonight it was great. Trust me Brooklyn Center does not want to be ran by Joe Santiago. You will have La Copa style operations opening soon!
We need more people to speak out against this abuse of power. Yesterday was a dramatic show of neighborhood solidarity. We need the same kind of turnout for the gerrymandering of the east side of Cleveland.
Council reduction to reduce city expenses exposes the broader agenda. The uncovered story of real estate speculation based on planned abandonment, erosion of the middle class tax base, and the intentional devaluation of property slated for eventual profit and redevelopment in these "blighted" areas of the city, euphemistically packaged as the Opportunity Corridor.
The redistricting is about the gross misuse of HUD funds for demolition on a countywide level (a la the Land Bank) and two council persons who did not go along with the regional agenda to build from the suburbs-in, rather than from the center out, when they spoke out against the County Medical Mart tax and joined the effort to Put it on the Ballot.
Most of all, this is about the blatant exploitation of people who have been exploited time and time again. There are not two classes of people in society, but Councilman Sweeney and his GCP/NPI/SII handlers intentionally pit neighbors against each other based on skin color and based on income level. To use a line popular with Councilman Cimperman, the altarboy, whose ward, in the $100,000+ Rocky-River-based Triad Research Group's version, will soon look like a map of Italy:
To Councilman Sweeney and his machine--Shame, shame on you all.
Ward Reshuffling and TLCI
Two meetings this Friday...the information has been released with almost no time for real public review and comment....both notices received on 3/19/2009 via email...the council announcement on redistricting is expected to happen on Monday, March 23
There will be a public meeting on Friday, March 20th, in City Council Committee Room 217, at 9:30 a.m. Council’s consultants on the redistricting of Cleveland’s wards will be presenting their final recommendations to Council. All Councilmembers should attend this important session
Time for a mass migration? What is the next REALNEO city?
While I love lots of people here, and have loved this place, the leaders here are not plsnning anything that interests me at all, and are destroying too much that I love.... it is like living in a household full of domestic violence and feeling dirty all the time...
It seems rather than trying to reform a bunch of wife-beaters it may be easier for a bunch of us to identify a place that isn't planning to eat itself alive and move there, to be part of some place positive for the rest of our lives... it ain't happening here, and it sure is elsewhere.
Move the co-op... but where?
Disrupt IT
Damnit! This is RealNEO.
Damnit! This is RealNEO.
(Not RealMAD, RealAUS, RealAUTO, hmmm Toronto, RealOBR)
Madison? Drive is too far
Austin? Too Trendy/hot/dry
Detroit? Too far gone
Toronto? Hmmm... they DO have better healthcare
Oberlin? Too young. (And) Drive is too far
NEO has so much to offer:
> Fresh water
> Great park system
> Super cost of living
> People who actually talk to each other on the street
I'm not ready to quit yet... and the young blood behind us is leaving the gate pissed off!!! Looking at all the smart, creative, innovative and persistant fighters on this site alone... This is the first time I've felt any hope for our region.
Discussion on advantages of Toronto... with Pamela Dodds
SisterNEO in Toronto then... that's Pamela Dodds...
Disrupt IT
What does it take to move... and then get healthcare? ;)
Depends on what "you" offer Canada...
In Canada, if you have advanced degrees, etc., they'll pretty much pay you to live there... read my analysis of Toronto community development here... lots of other great Totonto info on REALNEO... lots of us spend lots of time there...
I'll get more info from Pamala on her relocation experiences Friday... join me there!
Disrupt IT
Wishful thinking
Toronto has its own set of ills, I'm sure, although it does have visionaries like
Michael Hough driving a better ecology for the city
I am too old to move again...and put down new roots. I am tired today, but I will scream and spit tomorrow...we can't let creeps and cretins destroy NEO.
it is like living in a household full of domestic violence
and feeling dirty all the time...
wOw. so well put, Norm. Its been particularly frustrating working on my program in urban planning - I sometimes feel like I'm in the twilight zone. The past year I've fled to the art department, finished a second BA in studio art, but I signed up for 2 PDD classes this Fall. Maybe i can somehow trip into an otherworldly mentality there this time and not come home after a 4 hour night class feeling dismay and anger. I want to finish my degree and get the hell out of this mean nasty little hole.
I don't think we realize how dysfunctional Cleveland is until we go elsewhere.
I don't think Cleveland is going to lose its dysfunctional fiber unless the FBI plays hard and fast (and they are playing slow and soft right now).
I have a home I had planned to die in. Its half way to being self-sustaining. But I have to question if it is worth the psyche damage that comes with living in this town. I'd stay in a heart beat if there were any sign that anyone leading this place gave a damn about what really matters in life. The selfishness is pervasive.
Pulling strings
I would like to see a PD analysis of how Jacobs, Wolstein, Lerner, Miller, Ferchill, Stark, NRP, D.A.S--who am I missing?--developers and contractors ultimately control the transfer of political power here in NEO.
Who knows? If Bill Patmon had received a few hundred more votes in his 2001 City Council race, he might have become the council president and might be mayor of Cleveland today.
The PD's ridiculous "almost" mayor description of Bill Patmon today only made me remember how Patmon worked on Jacobs' behalf, while Jacobs was the shadow partner in Figgie International. Nevermind, that Patmon has next to no real political infrastructure or organization. Nonetheless, the PD annoints him Jackson's opponent in the fall.
So, who really pulls the strings?
Laura -
I wrote the "description" you take issue with, so allow me to respond.
That lead-in to Patmon is meant to say something about him. He was well on his way to bigger and better things in 2001 and hit a speed bump that set him back. Remember, Patmon's loss in 2001 cleared the way for Jackson to become the council president, and it was from that position that Jackson became a mayoral contender. The point is: had Patmon won in 2001 and become council president, it would have been him in prime position to spar with Campbell.
Today's coverage was meant to spark a discussion about the mayoral race, and I hope it does. Aside from Jackson and Patmon, very few people know about the other candidates. It's too early to write off anyone for the runoff. But in an analysis piece is it out of line to mention factors in Patmon's favor, namely name recognition and elected experience?
Yeah, the conventional wisdom is in his favor (at least a half-dozen political observers I talked to for this story -- not all of them Patmon fans -- agree). That does not mean we will ignore the others. There is one month until the primary. Today was a kickoff story. I'll be keeping tabs on the race, and we'll see which if any candidates build momentum.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling on the conversation, though. Hope it continues.