Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 12/01/2016 - 09:53.
![Laura McShane](
Of course! Forest City sold Terminal Tower to K&D to convert the building to high-end apartments a la Manhattan rental rates. Forest City is calling the shots on transit on the Square - and trying to model the services on Public Square to the kind one might find in New York City- buses, be damned.
Mitch Paul has called this out for some time. But, the other component to the Forest City "masterplan" - what to do with the homeless and vagrants and other "undesirables" that once populated Public Square??? Frank Jackson has already made them disappear by moving the center of homeless activity to Superior and East 18-30th area - but "zuts alor" that conflicts with Bobbi Reichtell's Campus District and the useless 33M bridge to the lakefront!
The Campus District of Cleveland is a melting pot of students, artists, professionals, businesses, social service agencies and people experiencing homelessness. It is also home to one of the first arts districts in Cleveland. CDI utilizes community network building strategies to build bridges between these diverse populations and tackle issues head on with open community engagement planning sessions...
CDI works regularly with the Third District Cleveland Police, Cleveland Downtown Services Unit and Cleveland State University Police on safety issues.
In response to concerns from businesses and residents, CDI engaged social service and shelter organizations in creating a Public Bathroom Committee. Neighborhood social service agencies and homeless shelters - Bishop Cosgrove Center, Care Alliance, Frontline Services, and Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM) – have been working together for on developing a plan for a public bathroom to alleviate unsanitary conditions.CDI has worked with partners to map "splash zones" and the committee is the the process of verifying funds to test and gather data with temporary port-a-potties prior to permanent investments.
Zack Reed accused Jackson of collusion with downtown property owners and Forest City execs who view with contempt, he suggested, the "low-lifes" and "thugs" who ride the buses. (Reed, to dramatize his remarks, read comments from
The new solution MOVE them to Old Brooklyn (Big Creek Valley - location, location, location!) And, of course, Rokakis, Brancatelli and Cummins can do that easily with their magic shell game known as the Cleveland Housing Network. Stay tuned.
REALNEO Citizen Reporter Satinder Puri
I stayed till the very end of the 3.25-hour long meeting.
I spoke from abridged prepared comments and also submitted a detailed copy of my comments for the record.
This is what I said:
Good Morning!
My name is Satinder P. S. Puri.
I am a community activist, live on Cleveland west side in Councilman Kazys ward 16 and love riding the RTA.
The renovated Public Square a.k.a. Jimmy Dimora Public Square, because of the corruption involved -- -- is a 50 million dollar bogus project built with cheap materials and mostly paved with hard surfaces.
So far there have been nearly 900 hours of demonstrations which continue unabated.
There was also a ten-day long hunger strike to protest the corruption.
There was nothing wrong with the historic 218-year old Public Square that a little rehabilitation could not fix.
The renovated Public Square reflects the flawed vision of Mayor Jackson who said: I want to see one big square.
According to the Traffic Consultants Report the Mayors vision was not workable.
So his honor instead of one big square had to settle for two rectangles the current configuration.
Well, the revised vision was also unworkable because of penalties to the RTA.
Mayor Jackson was aware of the penalties but went ahead with the project anyway.
Mass deception was used to promote the bogus project.
Mayor Jackson never responded to ten e-mails and two certified letters raising questions about the bogus project.
The bogus project is not good for Clevelanders nor RTA riders but definitely good for downtowns property owners who should expect an appreciation in their property values supported by RTA riders the poor, working class, senior citizens, disabled, and others who will get screwed with increased fares and reduced services.
This is called the Cleveland Way.
Now City Hall is expressing spurious safety concerns for children. If you walk downtown you are likely to see more dogs than kids among the 14,000 residents.
On non-event days I dont count more than 50 to a hundred people even with the band playing.
At a given time -- there are more people outside Public Square than inside totally oblivious of this so-called masterpiece in urban park design.
The day after RNC left I was the lone protester in an almost abandoned Public Square.
Mayor Jackson has thrown RTA riders under the bus by not opening Superior Avenue and not reimbursing RTA for the costs incurred:
1 million dollars annually for closing Ontario Street;
1.6 million dollars annually for closing Superior Avenue;
and $3.5 million dollars for full closure during the 16-month construction period.
Mr. Chairman -- now that we have a renovated Public Square and the RNC was here this summer -- all Cleveland needs to make it big time --- is a Trump Tower.
I am submitting a document for the record.
Thank you for your attention.
Water, water, everywhere
I am personally sick that individuals are harassed and intimidated against participating in the control of their local government. Since, 1990s the PAC set up by Forest City has controlled all council seats and mayoral position in Cleveland. The cabal hatched during the Mike White era - poisoned the well of all future candidates for office and mushroomed into widespread Cuyahoga County corruption. Every city and now county council seat is determined by the cabal. That cabal includes CDCs - community development corporations, which incestuously breed more supporters beholden to money politics.
Four more years of Jackson??
Priceless comments to Cleveland dot com article - Home Invasion in Tremont:
I guess gentrification doesn't deter crime,no matter what the Plain Dealer or Mayor F.Jackson claim,but then we are how many police officers short of a full compliment for each shift..
We are so short that the three women kidnapped on the near west side,had to rescue themselves,by breaking out,our serial killer onImperial was so sloppy that one victim bailed out through the 2nd floor window nude and they would believe her,neither the police,detectives,nor the prosecutor and another attempeted serial killer almost had to give himself up to stop killing,but we can spend $30 million to fix Public Square into a park like setting that has very few events,even in good weather,now they want to detour buses and inconvenience citizens that cross Public Square daily to go to workand need their buses and another $30 million to build a bridge from Mall C to the Rock and Roll HOF,that is only used by the people from a couple of parking lots,while West 3rd. and East 9th street bridges are used almost exclusively,( BUILD IT AND THEY STILL WON"T USE IT)..
Yes,please remind me of these boondoggles,like the tax payer funded JumboTrons at Browns Stadium,shaped like Tennessee in northern ohio,the giveaway parking contracts to the Briowns owner and Medical Mart,how about the 300 police bikes bought with federal dollars to give away to the citizens on the pretext of bike rentals.Let's build a dirt bike track for $2 million dollarsfor the use of the mayors nephew,to be used by dirt bikes,4 wheelers,snowmobiles,disregardingthe amount of land that is needed and the several noise ordinances,it's for the mayors nephew,the Cleveland Tax Treasury must be in Mayor Jacksons pocket,so he can buy all kinds of toys for his family,but the Justice Department doesn't investigate democratic mayors,city council membersor any county officials..They keep giving tax breaks to corporations and campaign donors but they just raised the city income tax to pick up the slack.Keep on electing this guy,he'll put you in the poor house.
From Eric Jonathon Brewer on FB:
The CDC mob - Neighborhood Progress Inc
Jay Miller penned an article in 2011 predicting some real estate interest in the West 25th St corridor - I had hoped it would usher in some transparency.
Instead, he recently wrote a spoon-fed piece intended to make Detroit Shoreway look all glossy and great. Look beneath the hood. It's still a junker.
Hipsters lose -RTA to reopen Public Square
The article states that RTA hopes to reopen Public Square by March 6th. I hope RTA prevails. Jackson and his handlers (I saw Marty McGann from GCP hovering at first Council meeting of the year) must be very disappointed that they can't capitalize on what they believe is a plan to attract- as others here have described - the "hipster" lifestyle.
Sadly, Cleveland's design community is so out of touch with how to bring families to live in an urban environment. There are a lot of collective efforts here in CLE making trails and a healthy lifestyle more apparent. SlowRoll Cleveland, Critical Mass - and the legions of folks who like to run (I am not one of them). We can enjoy our city despite the money politics - don't wait for the insane $33M bridge planned for "Campus District" and don't wait for Canalway trail connecting "towpath" to the Lakefront (Whiskey Island). Just get out and go