Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 00:02.

(resolution from the city of cleveland honoring guy)
" the slash and burn - take no prisoners - anything goes
is so corrosive to our democracy and we've got to
fight this because it turns people off politics in general
and leaves that space to be occupied by special interests
that determine how the goodies are to be passed out...."
barack obama, nov. 23, 2004
Eternal Thanks, Guy
Guy Templeton Black and Sophia Honey yoga (Service Canine Partner)
Quest Ministries 753 Brayton Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 861-7368 Questministry [at] att [dot] net" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" moz-do-not-send="true
Please vote for my-your amended by-laws
1. New proposal:
At least 7 of the 15 elected board of trustees shall be composed of the general membership that meet the following guidelines:
1) Low Income Members of TWDC
a) Members of TWDC that meet minority status.
b) Disabled/Handicapped members of the TWDC.
c) Vacancies of low income board members shall be filled by the board with another qualified candidate that meets the requirement of this section.
2. New proposal:
Candidates for the election as President and at-large members of the Board of Trustees shall be nominated as follows: A) Prior to each annual meeting, the Board of Trustees shall appoint a committee of members of which no more than fifty percent (50%) of the committee are existing board members. This committee shall prepare a list of nominees and submit this list to the Board. This list will then be presented for election at the annual meeting. (The TWDC Nominating Committee shall be required to conduct a proper vetting process in which at least 50% of the said nominee/candidates on an annual basis confirm with the following qualifications to meet the community’s diversity and to insure equality. The Nominating Committee shall seek out minority, disabled/handicapped, and low income members of the Tremont community) B) At the annual meeting, additional nominations may be made by members. Each additional nomination must have a second member to endorse it to be valid.
3. New proposal:
TWDC should have their candidate’s election the same way all other elections are performed in this country.
TWDC should be able to vote by absentee ballot for the seniors, disabled, etc.
TWDC should have their annual meeting in the month of May and not January. The frigid temperature and snow/ice conditions create a hardship on seniors and the disabled, and they are least likely able to attend the annual meeting and vote for a person that has their best interest at heart.
4. New proposal
TWDC should help other species- such as trees etc., pets, service canines, military, etc.,- like they have helped humans.
Said proposals can be approved in whole or in part, and/or can be motioned to be incorporated within the new proposed changes sent out the TWDC By-Law Committee. The goal is to promote diversity and equality of all residents and stakeholders in the Tremont neighborhood.
Eternal Thanks, Guy
Guy Templeton Black and Sophia Honey yoga (Service Canine Partner)
Quest Ministries 753 Brayton Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 861-7368 Questministry [at] att [dot] net" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" moz-do-not-send="true