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How to Use the Naturehood Pollution Removal CalculatorSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 23:26.
The Naturehood Pollution Removal Calculator tool was constructed to help document Naturehood pollution removal data and to help local gardeners calculate the positive impact of their landscaping choices on small lots. 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Click here to load the calculator as a web page. Click here to download the .pdf version. The Naturehood Pollution Removal Calculator tool was constructed to help document Naturehood pollution removal data and to help local gardeners calculate the positive impact of their landscaping choices on small lots. Click here to see the design for the pilot lot. The Calculator contains "Flash Media Content." When you open the Calculator you will be asked to decide whether to play the content, and also to set options for what to do when you open this document in the future. Choose "Play" to use the Calculator. 1. Begin by calculating your lot size in acres. You can use any online square foot-to-acres conversion. (A square foot is one foot by one foot. One acre is 43,560 square feet.) As an example, the Naturehood lot on Holmden Avenue in Tremont is 139 feet deep x 34 feet wide. This is equal to 4,726 square feet. A measurement of 4,726 square feet is equal to 0.11 acres (the Holmden lot acreage). The online Calculator is ready to be changed as you input your measurements. 2. Click the "Canopy Calculation" tab in the top toolbar. Enter your lot size (round to two decimal points - for example .11 for the Holmden lot) in the "Lot Area (acres)" tab. 3. Estimate how much of your lot is covered by grass, shrubs, vines and small and large trees. Enter the estimates using the up and down arrows. The lot design pictured here is for the Holmden Avenue lot in Tremont - it shows a design for 30% large tree cover per acre (.03 on the calculator), 20% small tree cover (.02 on the calculator), 5% vine cover (.005 on the calculator), 30% shrub cover (.03 on the calculator), and 30% grass cover (.03 on the calculator). Think in three dimensions – large trees often have small trees beneath them, and shrubs under the smaller understory trees. Vines climb anywhere they can find a host, and ground covers can be found almost anywhere there is light coming through the canopy. You final coverage sum will exceed your “Lot Area (acres)” tally. 4. Click the "Pollution Removed" tab to see the results of pollution removed in pounds per year: CO is Carbon Monoxide (a colorless, odorless and tasteless toxic gas) SO2 is Sulfur Dioxide (a gas that easily dissolves in water) O3 is Ozone (a gas composed of three oxygen atoms created by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight – ground level ozone is toxic) PM10 is Particulate Matter or soot (a mixture of small particles and liquid droplets, including acids, organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles) NO2 is Nitrogen Dioxide (a reactive gas) You can learn more about common air pollutants at You will also see the amount of carbon stored in trees and the total pounds of pollution removed from your lot. To help stop Climate Change it is important to reduce carbon dioxide buildup with our landscape choices. Choosing trees and shrubs with woody stems and roots are good long-term storage systems for carbon. And, by eliminating lawn mowing with a traditional gas-powered mower, hydrocarbons (smog), particulate matter (soot), carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) and carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming) will be reduced. Go back to the "Canopy Calculation" tab and change the amount of trees, shrubs or grasses and see how the pollution removed changes. What does this tell us about the role of different plants and their effects on air quality? Click for background information on the model used to construct the Naturehood Pollution Removal Calculator. People + Native Plants = NatureHood Example based on NatureHood Pilot Lot Note: Existing large maple trees on site not shown on design map below. Click here to support Earth Day Coalition. EarthFest Press Releases: EarthFest 2009 Press Release - COMPLETE EVENT Media: EarthFest interview on WNWV 107.3 The WAVE Read about Cleveland City Councilman Matt Zone's ordinance to improve air quality by banning idling vehicles. Passsed Cleveland City Council on June 8, 2009! Upcoming Events: "Migration Mania" at the Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve on Saturday, September 26 from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. Download an event flyer here. Find out what pesticides residues are on your food by clicking on "What's on My Food," a new searchable database. Duke Energy and Areva have announced plans to build the largest nuclear power plant in the US in Pike County, Ohio. Click here to view fact sheets on radiation, nuclear waste and more from NIRS. Click here to read an opinion from Harvey Wasserman. EarthFest T-Shirts and Posters Other Upcoming Events: New at NatureHood Project Green Pages Searchable Database Join a Green Team - Your Guide to Curbing Global Warming Quick Links Make an Online Donation Become a Member Become a Volunteer Become an Intern Overview of Earth Day Coalition's Programs Dike 14 Nature Preserve - click here for more information. Save the Date: September 26 - Fall Open House at the Nature Preserve at Dike 14. Click here to read about a new plant species to Cuyahoga County, growing near the Dike 14 Nature Preserve. Download a photo diary of Naturehood's lasagna mulching in Tremont on 10-25-08. Help your community be part of the solution for cleaner air. Click here for sample idle reduction policies from Cleveland and South Euclid and a sample letter to Mayors. Click here to download a fish consumption advisory brochure (new Spanish version) to help you choose the right fish that are safer to eat. Download a full color poster showing both sport and commercial fish choices (Spanish version poster). Earth Day Coalition*** 3606 Bridge Avenue*** Cleveland OH 44113*** Phone: 216-281-6468*** Fax: 216-281-5112*** Email: edc [at] earthdaycoalition [dot] org*** Copyright 2004 Earth Day Coalition. All rights reserved.*** Website design & development by WRIS*** _____________________________________ ANTI-SPECIESISM SPECIESISM: 1. A PREJUDICE OF ATTITUDE OF BIAS TOWARD THE INTERESTS OF MEMEBERS OF ONE'S OWN SPECIES AND AGAINIST THOSE OF MEMBERS OF OTHER SPECIES. 2. A WORD USED TO DESCRIBE THE WIDESPREAD DISCRIMINATION THAT IS PRACTICED BY HOMO SAPIENS AGANIST THE OTHER SPECIES. SAVE OTHER-OUR SPECIES SOS-FRE FROM RESEARCH EXPERIMENT QUEST, MINISTRIES, GUY TEMPELTON BLACK, PASTOR, and YOGI YOGA BEAR, SERVICE K-9 (guy's partner) 753 BRAYTON AVE., CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113-4604 USA, V:216.861.7368, F:216.861.7368 UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES VETERAN (VOLUNTEER) PEACE, ANTI-WAR, DEFENSIVE faith based non-profit corporation no. 389646, 501(c)(3), SINCE 1965, ADVOCATING FOR A NATIONAL WAR DOGS MEMORIAL DONATE TO QUEST, VIA PAYPAL: (CLICK) TRUTH - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
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