I HEART Trails - Fall 2016
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 06:31.
Great fall conference for http://ihearttrails.org/ - I learned that Ohio has a 110 mile trail that runs through four counties http://www.eastgatecog.org/GOLTRG.aspx (not the Ohio and Erie Canal towpath) - and met folks who have volunteered for years to make and keep trails, like the Rachel Carson Trail accessible to the public.
Take a look at the efforts taking place in the OH, PA, WV, NY region. Jacob VanSickle of Bike Cleveland- thank you for representing for NEO - Cleveland Metroparks, Cuyahoga County Planning, and Trust for Public Land were also there. The Gund Foundation is the major NEO supporter.
More soon.