Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 04:33.

Over the past three months, since I posted "2010 REAL COOP Annual Report and REALNEO Five-Year Report, at 10,000 Nodes", realNEO has continued to show 30%+ annual growth, having the second highest "Monthly Unique Visitors" of the realNEO ICE 25 Regional Social Media Benchmarking Sample, as of 02/10. Cleveland Scene has higher traffic than realNEO, most months, and has demonstrated the fastest growth of any site in the region for this sample period.

Other sites showing growth, over this timeframe, include MedCityNews and JompStart. Many regional sites have failed significantly. RealNEO appears to have the most consistent and steady traffic patterns, both for periodic activity of all types and for growth over time.
More analyses to post soon.
(realNEO data from Google Analytics, and valid - all other sites' data is from, and is as valid as claims)