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Today is July 16, 2010.... Citizens of Northeast Ohio have RIGHTS to be protected encompassing the Ohio Revised Code, Federal Laws, and Codified Ordinances of the City of Cleveland. For all too long, the laws have been used to "HUSH" citizens who spoke up and againSt corruption... For ages, Whisteblowers in Cleveland could expect a list of retaliatory practices that undermined their credibility.... Examples of Retalitory Practices in Cleveland have included but are not limited to: 1) Question your Community Development Agency's business practices or speak out against the Councilman and you can predict a list of Housing citations and Violations that lead to criminal & civil housing court charges, fines, and even the possibilities of condemnation and demolition of your property.... 2) Lose self control (call them out for breaking the law) after watching uncountable systematic public service abuses, speak up and speak out-you get arrested for a list of criminal issues like disorderly conduct etc. Then---you are the "crazy person"...their favorite way of making you look unprofessional, uncivil, and out of line... This way, they distract you from the reality of their unethical actions. 3) Blog about these issues...they will seek you out, get a warrant to inspect your property, and target you for all kinds of driven code enforcement, while thousands of other properties in worse condition than your own are rotting without resolve. Moreover, as they slam you with fines, citations, and distractions from their projects that are questionably executing in the backrooms, they accomplish their mission of overstepping your rights to pubic information, accountability, and public information. 4) Since all of these LEADERS are interconnected and TRYING TO PROMOTE PEACE, PROTECTION, DEVELOPMENT, AND PRESERVATION OF OUR COMMUNITIES...They all have a vested interest to save their jobs....even when they are unethical. So, it's all political.... for generations in our community, "IT'S NOT 'WHAT' YOU KNOW BUT WHO YOU KNOW..." I must say that this attitude alone has destroyed the American Spirit of uncountable folks.... If they were not politically connected or didn't know someone in a position of power-they were stepped all over. That's the life that many of our citizens have become accustomed to in REALNEO. 5) DEMOGRAPHIC ABUSES: Without mass numbers of impoverished folks-these agencies have no "NEED" for their existence....and no need for federal funding that pays their paychecks... (WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO EMPOWER THE MASSES? IT WOULD DECREASE THE NEED FOR THEIR EXISTENCE!!!! THEY WOULD BECOME OBSOLETE!) So, when they discourage the entreprenuer from investing in a small business-like the WORM FARMER....they continually undermine the dreams and efforts of those who are working to enjoy their AMERICAN DREAMS..... But, if you are not connected to these are nothing more than a quota in their business plan to ascertain funding for high dollar paychecks...(THE MORE LOW INCOME FOLKS THERE ARE IN THEIR SERVICE AREA-THE MORE MONEY THAT GETS ALLOCATED TO THEM BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) Once they get in those out because they tend to think like the projections displayed on the video of Sammy Catania and all of the supporters of such unethical, hanous, and inhumane behavior. THAT'S WHEN THEY HAVE EXECUTIVE MEETINGS TO SHUT OUT THE PUBLIC, REMOVE ACCOUNTABILITY PRACTICES, AND SILENCE THE ACTIVISTS DEMANDING ANSWERS AND RESULTS ABOUT UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. NOW....THE TRUTHS ARE REVEALED...... CITIZENS CAN QUIT HIDING BEHIND THEIR DOORS IN FEAR OF POLITICAL RETALIATION. THEY CAN UNITE UNDER THE REALNEO UMBRELLA AND SHARE THEIR STORIES! COMPLAINTS HAVE BEEN LODGED WITH THE FBI, HUD, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, AND UNCOUNTABLE OTHER OVERSIGHT RESOURCES. THESE FOLKS NEED ALL THE FACTUAL INFO THEY CAN GET...SUBMIT YOUR INFO AT WILL TO THEM. INVESTIGATORS ARE WORKING DILIGENTLY TO CONNECT THE DOTS, ASCERTAIN THE VIABLE EVIDENCE & FACTS TO PROSECUTE THEIR CASES, AND TO OVERCOME THIS ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE TANGLED WEB OF CONNECTIONS AND VIOLATIONS AT SO MANY LEVELS IN AND OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT THAT ITS MIND BOGGLING. HOWEVER AS WE ALL KNOW....IT'S A TIME MANAGEMENT THING FOR THEM... THEY HAVE THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS THEY ARE REACTING TO...A WORLD OF CORRUPTION... AND THERE JUST ARE NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY... AT THIS POINT, IT'D BE EASIER TO BREAK IT DOWN FOR THEM IN ORDER TO MAKE IT EASIER.... IN SIMPLICITY, WHAT IS THE GOAL OF REALNEO??? THE REALNEO COOP OBJECTIVE IS QUITE SIMPLE....DISRUPTING CORRUPTION, DEMANDING ETHICAL PRACTICES, AND PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZENS OF OUR COMMUNITY WHILE PROMOTING CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH CITIZEN ACTIVISM AND COMMUNITY ADVOCACY. IT'S BEEN A LONG ROAD TO TRAVEL TO GET TO THIS DEGREE OF UNDERSTANDING THAT PROMOTES TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND WE HAVE QUITE AN UPHILL BATTLE TO GO IN THIS MATTER--- MOSTLY BECAUSE ALL OF THESE NEGATIVE PRACTICES WERE ALLOWED TO GROW OVER YEARS OF DENEGRATION OF THE LOW INCOME, DISABLED, AND DEMOGRAPHICALLY DISADVANTAGED CITIZENS WHO TRIED TO FIGHT THIS REGIME. NOW, AFTER YEARS OF BEING STEPPED ON, OUR COLLECTIVE VOICE AND UNITED MISSIONS TO REMAIN STEADFAST AND TO DEMAND HIGHER ETHICS, MORE PROTECTION OF OUR RIGHTS, AND TO BE RESPECTED IS BEGINNING TO MAKE A POWERFUL DIFFERENCE. Many of these folks are now learning to do the right thing...but cleaning up the years of issues is absolutely amazing. They are scared of being found out for their little deceits, choices to support corruption in one way or another, and they are scared that we will reveal them for breaking the rules of law & ethics in being public servants. WHILE THE CORRUPT CONGREGATED AND DISEMPOWERED THE CITIZENS OF OUR COMMUNITY, THEY HAD ONCE LEFT US IN THE DUST. HOWEVER, IN 2010...WE HAVE UNITED AND THE CITIZENS OF REALNEO HAVE BECOME SERIOUS VINDICATORS OF THE OPPRESSED. REALNEO IS NO LONGER TOLERANT OF ABUSIVE PRACTICES BY ANY CITIZEN, COMMUNITY, OR DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP BY THE PUBLIC SERVANTS AT ALL LEVELS WHO WORK UNETHICALLY. IT IS OUR SOVERIEGN RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WEAK, THE DISABLED AND ANY CITIZEN WHO IS ABUSED IN OUR COMMUNITY. WE PLEDGE TO DEMAND TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND PROMOTE THE PROTECTION OF OUR RIGHTS AT ALL DEGREES. WE PLEDGE TO EMPOWER EACHOTHER, TO STAND UNITED, AND TO REMAIN STEADFAST. FOR THOSE CORRUPT FOLKS, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: BEWARE THAT WE ARE WORKING DAILY TO PROVIDE THE TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABILITY THAT YOU HAVE HISTORICALLY DEPRIVED US OF WHILE YOU CONDUCTED YOUR BACK ROOM DEALS. BEWARE THAT WE ARE ALL DEDICATED TO ENSURING THAT YOU KNOW WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE INTIMIDATED, ABUSED, OR VIOLATED BY YOU AS WE DEMAND JUSTICE. BEWARE THAT UNITED WE STAND COLLECTIVELY TO UPHOLD DEMOCRACY AND PROTECT OUR RIGHTS. LET FREEDOM RING IN REALNEO! UNITED WE STAND! EMPOWERING THE CITIZENS TO FEEL SAFE, TO HAVE A VOICE, AND TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT ALONE!!!! MY SALUTE TO THE REALNEO COOP! MY SALUTE TO THE FEARLESS WHISTLEBLOWERS WHO REMAIN STEADFAST. MY SALUTE TO THE TRUTH SEEKERS. MY SALUTE TO THE FOLKS WHO ARE UNYIELDINGLY COLLABORATING TO CONQUER THESE ISSUES DAILY. MY SALUTE TO THE FAMILIES WHO STRUGGLE TO OVERCOME THE ISSUES PORTRAYED ON THEIR LIVES BY THESE DYNAMICS. MY ADMIRATION AND LOVE TO ALL OF OUR "REAL" PEOPLE!!! DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY!!!
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