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Robert Triozzi Steps Down As Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's Law Director, Says He's Running For County ProsecutorSubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 00:53.
From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has allegedly fired his law director, sources say, though Robert Triozzi, a former Cleveland Municipal Court judge who lost to Jackson in the 2005 non-partisan primary race with Jackson going on to win against incumbent mayor Jane Campbell and then a second four-year term in 2009, claims he is leaving to run for county prosecutor. The latter, however, is a questionable scenario since he only got 3 percent of the vote in his laughable primary race for mayor in 2005, let alone winning a countywide prosecutor's race that is expected to have people like controversial but well known Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Tim McGinty, among others, vying in the May 2012 Democrartic Primary for Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason's up- for- grabs seat.
Mason won't comment publicly on his decision to forego reelection, though sources also say that he is backing McGinty and key Jackson supporters are backing somebody other than both McGinty and the ousted Triozzi, famous for losing a lawsuit brought by the city in 2008 against 21 mortgage companies and banks, like Wells Fargo Bank, and with no statutory or other legal basis for it, court records say. He had claimed in the suit that the city had a claim under common law to just sue for Cleveland's high foreclosure rates. Those high rates, Jackson once said, were a basis for the federal mortgage lawsuit, and for taking on banks and mortgage companies that are tearing at the fabric of the predominantly Black major metropolitan city of some 400,000 people.
A Democrat lilke Jackson whom the mayor appointed law directot when he first took mayoral office in 2006, Triozzi leaves with little fanfare, though Jackson told the Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper, following Triozzi's announcement to it on Wed. of his resignation and decision to seek Mason's seat, that Triozzi is a committed public servant and that he wishes him luck. But some question how much luck the out-of-a-job Triozzi can really have without a job and on a wing and a prayer if the-non-political-machining-having former city law director hopes to replace the smart and crafty Mason in 2013.
Mason spokesperson Ryan Miday, whom the media respected as informed and easygoing, also exited in the last two weeks but with no immediate replacement by the county prosecutor, and no sound explanation for his departure. Replacing Triozzi on an interim basis is Barabra Langhenry, chief counsel for the city.
"Regardless of why Mr. Triozzi is leaving, we are pleased that he is out of the way so that he can no longer maliciously prosecute innocent Black women for the city, harass police and other union leaders in union contract negotiations, neglect necessary prosecutions of serial murderers and be a noose around the mayor's neck in terms of his lack of credibility as the city's chief lawyer," said Kathy Wray Coleman, leader of The Imperial Women. "We urge the mayor to now diversify his top level law enforcement leadership team that has no Blacks as chief prosecutor, chief of police, law director, safety director or EMS commissioner and we urge the Black community and others that believe in the administration of justice to for not a minute consider backing Triozzi to further his malicious prosecutions of Blacks in the seat of the county prosecutor and corrupt Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty is no better."
Triozzi's tenure as law director was mediocre at best, data show. He fought with the lawyers and leaders of the city's police and other unions during contract negotiations, filed a frivolous mortgage lawsuit that got international attention, and neglected an early prosecution of serial murderer Anthony Sowell in 2008 upon his capture where six of the 11 murdered women of Imperial Ave died thereafter and the since convicted Sowell was not arrested again until late in 2009. And he usurped the role of Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez to maliciously prosecute Black women for Jackson and others, going after journalist and community activist Kathy Wray Coleman in 2008 and now being sued along with Jackson, The City of Cleveland and others after Coleman was exonerated in 2009 of misdemeanor charges of aggravated disorderly conduct, making false alarms and obstruction of official business. Moreover, he brought misdemeanor charges of obstruction of official business and resisting arrest for the city against Cleveland Collinwood High School graduate Destini Bronaugh, after Mason had bogus criminal charges by the State of Ohio dropped, and he did so in alleged retaliation for a peaceful student protest at the school last year over teacher layoffs and school closings.
Bronaugh, a senior at the time of the school arrest that generated mainstream media coverage and protests from activist groups like The Imperial Women, Black on Black Crime, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor and The Oppressed People's Nation, took a diversion program with the charges to be dismissed in Oct. after her mother, Tina Bronaugh, said that her daughter could not get a fair trial with the corruption in the Cleveland Municipal Court by some judges, magistrates, Triozzi and others.
The elder Bronaugh says she welcomes Triozzi's exit as law director for the city of Cleveland.
"I'm glad that he is gone and no sane person would have brought charges for the city against Destini," said Tina Bronaugh.
Journalist and Community Activist Kathy Wray Coleman can be reached at 216-932-3114 and ktcoleman8 [at] aol [dot] com
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Triozzi and Jackson's Campaign
Great article. Keep them coming. The speculation on who will run against Frank Jackson has begun. The timing of Dimora's sentencing in January should be interesting. Thanks for putting this out there :)
Thank you and thanks for
Thank you and thanks for your support--Kathy Wray Coleman
Baggage at City Hall
Jackson is jettisoning excess baggage--in preparation for his mayoral campaign--see original Kathy Wray Coleman post above---
will the Feds come LOOK at how they COOK the books at City Hall?
One would hope. Good luck Adam....
I am convinced that the region, state and federal government will only begin to repair communities by turning off the tap to all HUD and CDBG slush funds--the last thing we need are "Community Development Corporations." Shut them down.
See also:
Master Plans have been levied against uninformed citizens of the City of Cleveland without true public participation and proper notice through collusive, racketeering, and unethical CDC's who use the citizens as quotas to ascertain HUGE federal grant paychecks to allegedly conduct: Community Development by reinventing the wheels of the City of Cleveland (dys)functional areas like Code Enforcement vs City Inspectors.
Visit the Cleveland Planning Commission and Cuyahoga Planning Commission sites to see more about long term objectives of your alleged CDC's....How much do you know about which areas are slated for demo and which are slated for development? Politicians in Cleveland have abused our town with CD funding for 36 years....
Community Development is AN INDUSTRY that should be disassembled and privatized again; putting legitimate business investors and families back in control of long term development and planning within our city. The idea that these places are steered and continually violate citizens like FRANK GIGLIO is UNACCEPTABLE.... (See for more details about being "GIGLIO'd in Cleveland!)