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Thank YOU Mandel FoundationSubmitted by lmcshane on Fri, 10/01/2021 - 09:26.
The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation has awarded a grant of $50 million to The Cleveland Orchestra. The gift, one of the most significant ever made to a major symphony orchestra, is the largest gift in the Orchestra’s 103-year history and the largest grant in the Mandel Foundation’s 68-year history. On September 30, 2021, André Gremillet, the Orchestra’s President & CEO, announced the grant to the musicians and staff during a rehearsal. This grant will greatly strengthen the finances of the institution while increasing its impact in the local and global community. Cleveland is fortunate to have an amazing philanthropic community. The Mandel Family gives me great optimism for our future. The Mandel Family also supports Justin Bibb for Mayor. Unlike the Ratners, who controlled Mike White, I have faith that the Mandel Family is operating NOT out of self-interest, but in the interest of our collective future. Please watch their story here:
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3 Beautiful Brothers - Donate $50M to Cleveland Orchestra
In 1940, Jack, Joe and Mort Mandel invested $900 and bought the furniture, fixtures and inventory remnants of a small auto parts business from their uncle, Jacob Mandel, and started Premier Automotive Supply Company which later became Premier Industrial Corporation as they diversified.
The three brothers began the company with the modest goal of making a living for their families. They started by selling popular auto parts. In 1947, after service by two brothers in World War II, the Mandel brothers recognized that to succeed, they had to more fully satisfy the needs of their customers. They began asking their customers what parts were hard to find. This was the start of their “find a need and fill it” philosophy that would help propel the company’s growth for decades to come.
In 1960, Premier Industrial Corporation sold shares to the public and four years later, Premier was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Premier subsequently established earnings records in 34 of the following 36 years.
By the late 1960’s, Premier served over 100,000 customers in North America and Western Europe. In 1996, Premier was merged with Farnell Electronics PLC, a British company, in a $3 billion transaction. The combined entity, Premier Farnell PLC, became one of the largest industrial and electronic component suppliers in the world. Mort Mandel served as the Deputy Chairman from 1996 to 2002.
Remember the Sackler's amazing fabulous generosity to the arts
The Cleveland Orchestra is clearly in trouble. With the exciting new "health" and "safety" mandates issued by the dwarf from Kanada who is calling the shots, which include the dreaded vaxxxine "passports" AND MASKS, they have hundreds and hundreds of empty seats for their kickoff concerts on Oct. 14-16. How fabulously fun it will be to line up hours early masked and ready to show your papers upon entry to the MANDEL CENTER formerly know as Severance Hall. Who will be checking these credentials? The Negro uniformed "help" that stand at the entrances to hold open the doors in freezing temperatures to the largely rich white OLD LIBERAL patrons? So some "reaching out" was clearly done to Stephen Hoffman formerly a TCO board member and is now paid $695,000 for some vague position as a TRUSTEE guessed it...the Jackie Joey and Mortie Mandel Supporting Foundation.
The humble DEAD brothers who trafficked in very very lucrative used car parts or something grace the name of Jack Joseph and Morton Mandel Supporting Foundation, but Stephen is very much alive. According to the IRS 990 this is their mission. "Mandel Supporting Foundation is a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation and as such is organized and operated exclusively for charitable eduational or religious purposes by conducting supporting activities to carry out the purposes of the federation. WHAT EXACTLY DOES THAT MEAN. But here's the kicker "IT WAS ESTABLISHED TO MEET IDENTIFIED NEEDS OF THE JEWISH and general communities." As of their 2019 IRS 990, the most recent available to the nosey public, the Mandel SUPPORTING foundation was worth $2,154,651,999. That's 2 BILLION and lots of change. Here's how the Mandel Support Foundation "earned" some of their money in 2018. $68,808,029 for closely held stock. AND GET THIS $1,603,493,328 from ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS. That would be 1 BILLION 603 MILLION dollars from ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS. The mind does wander here. Arms sales. Drug trafficking. Child trafficking. Prostitution. Alternative investments.
In tax year 2018 they handed out through various "wire transfers" and "checks" a SHITLOAD OF MONEY. All TAX FREE coming and going. To support various unspecified support for support around the world but not the arts. At least not specifically. Here are some examples. Jewish Federation of Cleveland (which Mr. Stephen HOFFMAN ran for 30 years and then "retired" to the Mandel Support Foundation). $4,503,333. Middle East and Africa. $28,214,440 for "grantmaking". Central America and the Caribbean $541,523,556 for "investments" IN WHAT EXACTLY? 541 MILLION is a lot of change that's more than the GNP of most Central American and Caribbean countries. WTF?? Ten times what the Cleveland Orchestra got for selling out their history and their legacy for their new digital future. Or whatever. $17,305,831 to Europe for "investments". Middle East and North Africa a check for $2,578,200 for "humanities program" Isn't the very first place you think of for a HUMANITIES PROGRAM...the Middle East? Seriously? Three different "wire transfers" totalling $17,976,240 for "operating support" to the Middle East and North Africa. Operating support. Support is very very big vague unspecified "support" to unspecified countries with huge continents. Then we get to the spare change support donations. The ones with only one comma separating the digits. The higher learning donations. Case Western Reserve $333,334 for the Mandel Center for Jewish studies. Brandeis $333,334 for the Mandel School of applied sciences. $33,333 to Hebrew Union College for the Mandel Initiative for Building Capacity on Visionary Leadership. $125,000 to the Jewish Community Centers for the Mandel Center for Jewish Education. The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach scored $450,000 for "annual campaign".
I once loved the Cleveland Orchestra. Not anymore. THAT Cleveland Orchestra is gone. I won't be going back.
TY Mabeldog
I don't know if all of the Mandel family are dead - but those who are dead are probably turning in their graves. I knew you would know the back story.