West 54th & Store image
Submitted by Rebecca Kempton on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 17:26.
Your remarks sounded more like a backhanded compliment than actual accolades to the neighborhood who worked hard to make a beautiful & colorful green space.
If you expect the best from people sometimes you will get it!!
Rebecca Kempton
picture of 54th& Storer
Rebecca Kempton
I dont think I posted this correctly ; (
... I wanted to share the beautiful artwork on the mural at Storer & West 54th.
I like this a lot; I don't know how I missed it. I am going to see it tomorrow. Thanks, Rebecca/
The other night, I rode my bike through the area, where you will find this mural. I also found beautiful, well tended yards, homes next to boarded up homes. Clark has a vibrancy all it's own. Kids strutting up and down the street hoping to meet their friends or impress girls and vice versa. It's a Paul Cadmus painting come alive. Thank you for posting this image Rebecca.
Rebecca KemptonI would
Rebecca Kempton
Oh yes, i did see the
Oh yes, i did see the butterfly mural too. I also saw a beautiful mural painted on a storefront right in that same area. I don't care what anybody says, those tires are neat and the entire little lot they're on looks so nice. Those people deserve a lot of credit for re-cycling the tires and cleaning up the space.
I do believe it's award winning.
car, too
Did you notice the little convertible car near the back, also planted with flowers? It carries out the theme and it really creative.
Yea I did, but I thought it
Yea I did, but I thought it was there for the to ride around and play with? The day I passed by there was a young man there with a little kid so I thought it was fixed up as a play area.