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Why isn't Cleveland on the list? We have great African Art here!Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 10/29/2008 - 12:41.
Benin Bronze, Head of an Oba, Cleveland Museum of Art I found this interesting article through an online community of African Art collectors and connoisseurs. "29 African Artworks to See Before You Die" Cleveland doe not make the list - why? The writer of this article definitely has his biases, but that aside, why don't we have a world class museum collection of African Art exhibited here in Cleveland? The African Art gallery at the Cleveland Museum of Art is still closed for renovation, but the collection there is unnessisarily small. There is great African Art here in Cleveland, and there have been a number of important collectors right here in Cleveland, though you would hardly know it. Most people don't know of the efforts that have been made over the years to create a more ambitious permanent collection for Cleveland. None of our old guard museums have stepped up to the challenge. For now, one place to go to see an exhibit of African Art is the East Cleveland Public Library
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