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Cleveland IndieClub March 19 Meeting - Free to publicSubmitted by MDIFILM on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 10:50.
03/19/2006 - 13:00 03/19/2006 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-4 Cleveland IndieClub FREE Monthly Networking Meeting – March 19, 2006
The Cleveland IndieClub meets every month, free of charge, for those who have the passion for making movies using film or video (whether it is in acting, directing, producing, writing, lighting or any other skill) and are looking for others who have similar interests.
Cleveland IndieClub is administrated by Johnny K. Wu with the collaboration of Bill Johns and generally hosted each month by their members, which offers each an opportunity to create a variety of interest and topic. Cleveland IndieClub official website:
NOTE: Every months we have had a standing room only of over 65 people participating, come early to get a seat. :)
Sunday, March 19, 1pm to 4pm at
The Hyacinth Lofts
3030 East 63rd Street Cleveland, Ohio, 44127 Please park on the street and enter from front of the building. Dial 022 to be buzzed in
Hosted by Nick D'Amico
Guest speaker: Alan Tuskes
Topic: Writing a Script - Putting a Crew - Finding Actor - What to do...
Both Al and Nick are going to talk about what to do and what not to do when writing a script, putting together a crew, finding actors, and shooting and editing with a lot of Q & A
In addition, Cleveland IndieClub will screen and discusss short films, scenes, and trailers from:
- Johnny Wu's music video Drama Queen with Sweden artist Bimbo Boy (3 min)
- Christine and Chandler Chapman's Rubble short film (7mins) - Johnny Wu's comedy short film with Award Winning writer Pamela Merky's - Going Postal (12mins) - The Safety of the Grave by Ryan Labo (18 mins) - Hitcher by Kipp Poe Speicher (1.5mins) - A Cold Blood by Louie Cowan (19:57mins) - Scenes from Bill Johns latest feature film Madness Raffle for DVDs from your local filmmakers
For more information about Cleveland IndieClub, visit Cleveland IndieClub @
Organized and sponsored by Johnny K. Wu & Media Design Imaging ( Co-sponsored by Michael Balas & Media Group Studios (, David Perkowski & The Hyacinth Lofts (, Bill Johns & Cinevid Productions (, the Cleveland IndieClub members, and the current monthly host. For the past first 2 years, Cleveland IndieClub was also co-sponsored by Talkies Movie & Coffee Bar ( located at Ohio City.
Next meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2006 Hosted by Bill Johns
NOTE: If you have a movie on dvd that you would like to have it raffled, bring it to the meeting to have it raffled off to the participants. We have monthly attendees of around 60 people, if you have short films (no longer than 30 mins) that you would like to present and talk about it for future meetings, please email me at johnny [at] mdifilm [dot] com (first come first serve)
The Hyacinth Lofts
3030 East 63rd Street
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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