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Welcome to REALNEO! We are an open, free social network & Content Management System of a non-profit coop of individuals-REAL.COOP-interested in arts&culture, economy, education, environment, health & technology with a focus on North East Ohio-NEO-but REAL.COOP has global membership & perspectives. Please enjoy the content. There is no need to register. If you have a comment, or wish to publish a report, then you need to have administrative approval for user status – please submit your prospective content to admin via the "contact" link above.
PALM SPRINGS' WIND FARMSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 11:26.
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"HIGH RISK" PERFORMANCE @ PORT AUTHORITYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 01/21/2007 - 12:23.
![]() Corruption and self-dealing continues the demise of NEO - and these people sleeping on the street are direct victims of our civic malfeasance.
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Ed Hauser's Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority Public Records Request - one man for the citizensSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 01:25.
There is lots of major news related to the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority and their plans for the region, these days. A story where individuals are making differences, for good and bad: The Historic Coast Guard StationSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 17:30.
I met a few days ago with Ed Hauser - the "Citizen Hauser" who single-handedly saved Whiskey Island for the public - to see what he's been up to for the past few months. In brief, besides helping save Northeast Ohio from ODOT and their foolish pursuit of their ill-conceived Innerbelt Bridge and Trench plans, and continuing to single-handedly challenge the Port Authority's ongoing attempts to destroy Whiskey Island, Ed is taking next steps in his one man, multi-year battle to save the remarkable National Historic Landmark Coast Guard Station, at the tip of Whiskey Island, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga, designed by J. Milton Dyer, also architect of Cleveland City Hall. Ed mentioned to me he in the process of pressuring the city of Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi to seek a court order to force the city to comply with its own landmarks-preservation law, which requires owners of city landmarks to keep the properties secure and water tight, and, if the city fails to act responsibly and lawfully, Ed intends to file a citizens lawsuit against the city. Today, the Plain Dealer picked up the scent of the story, and shared some of the sad commentary of some of those related to the sorry state of this landmark, and the declining historic integrity of this city. Thoughts from Panel discussion on "Sustainable, Affordable, Innovative Housing Design in Cleveland"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 18:38.
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Rest in peace, Salim Alsoliman, 54. Real NEO cares.Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 17:09.
Around 3:30 AM last night, I went to visit the Edgewater Deli where, a few hours earlier, Salim Alsoliman, 54, was murdered. A home-grown bouquet of flowers memorialized the site - I added some mums from my garden, to express my sadness for the loss of a neighbor and champion of the region. While I was there, some shocked friends of Salim and the other shooting victim of this senseless crime pulled up - recent immigrants to Cleveland, it seemed, as were the victims, I believe... the details are still not available.
What about: Allen T. Jones, 23, of Montgomery, Ala., who died near West 48th Street and Detroit.Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 15:45.
The high profile murders of John Jackson and Masumi Hayashi, and now Detective Schroeder, have made me more aware of violent crime in NEO, and in my neighborhood. In reviewing PD coverage of the Jackson/Hayashi kllings, I saw Allen T. Jones was killed a block from my house... from the 08/14/06 PD: "A 23-year-old man was killed Friday on the West Side. Allen T. Jones of Montgomery, Ala., was shot in the abdomen about 3:45 a.m. near the corner of West 48th Street and Detroit Avenue.
? of the Day: How often do you notice the pollution in NEO in your neighborhood?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 23:55.
Evelyn has been sneezing all evening and just commented that there is a strange smell in the air. I went outside and realized she is correct... it stinks in Ohio City tonight. It is obvious why... the wind is coming from the East, where Mittal is located. I've lived on the near west side of Cleveland for over a year, on and off, and usually the air is very nice, coming from the north-west and so from over the lake... the nearest major pollution source I can think of are power plants down lake. But when the wind shifts, as with tonight, the smell of the air is brutal...
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Question of the day: Why are we wrecking our environment?Submitted by Graci on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 12:12.
My theory is, we want an easier way of doing things and we want a shortcut to getting what we want and we will stop at nothing to get there. For example... the Bush admin. and some other important people "need" places to build their stupid little developments. But the only way to do that in places like California is to cut down one of the most ancient and sacred trees we have, the Sequoia. It really bothers me that someone would willingly destroy these trees some of which are over 300 years old!
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Art for all time: John Jackson, rest in peaceSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/18/2006 - 15:46.
John Jackson, "Green Goddess", 2005: Graphite, charcoal, and paint on paper
i|\|g3nUiTHAI 2006 RecyclingSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 18:58.
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SHAW H.S. MARCHING BANDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 13:25.
When the seemingly quiet and understated, but superbly in control, band leader gave the double whistle, the Shaw High School Marching Band went into gear like a locomotive pulling 100 100ton cars. Made my eyes get wetter...
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BUILDING BRIDGES MURAL PROGRAMSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 10:07.
Building Bridges Mural Program’s brochure suggests that the program “empowers communities one brushstroke at a time”.
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Certainty of conflict of interest insures Nancy Lesic's clients must be excluded from future planningSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 07:55.
In a really fascinating development, the Plain Dealer attempts today to structure a deal whereby Cleveland citizens accept the idea that the former press secretary to the very dubious former Mayor Mike White, highest-level PR-statute Nancy Lesic is now under contract with the President of the Cleveland City Council, for $48,000, while also being PR-statute to the Port Authority, and the Clev
Tale of two cities: Battle of Public Square is one of privilege vs. homelessnessSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 01:57.
The value of learning from other regionsSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 10:55.
Last week, I was busy, as Valdis Krebs would say, "closing triangles" between leaders in Oklahoma City and Lexington, Kentucky. First, you need some background. Beginning in 1993, I worked with the Chamber of Commerce in Oklahoma City to design a new economic development strategy. In the past, Oklahoma City, like many other cities, defined economic development in terms of recruitment. The main focus of their efforts was to identify a large companies and try to recruit them to the area.
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? of the Day: Is air pollution in the region becoming better, staying the same or becoming worse?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 20:05.
I was driving my 6 year old daughter on 490 past ISG and she said it stank and wanted to roll up the windows... and the air the past few days has been oppressive in general. Is ISG just the obvious problem and not a big deal, as we are led to believe... is air pollution a big deal in NEO at all? I don't see big Ozone alerts around town so I assume we're doing great, but on this, I am uninformed. Who really knows the truth, day in and day out, on whether our air is safe or not, and where it is safest? Is it getting better or worse? I'm checking the web to see what I can learn - anyone else know anything about this that they can share?
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East Cleveland Undivided about bridging the digital divideSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 03:38.
(This article was written as a progress report for the East Cleveland newsletter to residents of the city, Greg Williams, son of Hot Sauce Williams Founder Lamond Williams, helping bring surplus computers into the new digital divide bridging center they are helping create at their property in East Cleveland - the awesome, historic former Hough Bakery Complex on Lakeview - where the ongoing REALNEO team is founding an open source incubator for entrepreneurs to help truly jump start the new economy in NEO... at the Star Incubator (the complex was the Star Bakery before it was the Hough Bakery). The City of East Cleveland is leading Northeast Ohio into the new economy by bridging the digital divide. This means the City of East Cleveland is upgrading our internal computer network and services, increasing city bandwidth to the Internet, enhancing our website services, making sure all of our residents who want and need personal computers may have them at home, providing training in some computer programs, and helping residents get access to the Internet at the lowest possible cost or for free. This all provides a "bridge" for residents to go across the "digital divide" to the "new economy". Welcome!
Parade the Circle - June 10, 2006Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 06/10/2006 - 23:35.
10,000s of NEOans turned out on a perfectly crisp, clear Saturday in University Circle for "Parade The Circle", the annual public art participation extravagansa organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art. This book contains photos and comments from a heavenly day in NEO... see the links in the navigation block on the left and below and enjoy the parade!
What does Ubuntu mean?Submitted by Phillip Williams on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 05:43.
At RealNEO the concepts of openness, sharing and community are realized not just in how we as a group of people interact, but also in the tools we use. The best example of one of these tools is the software used on many of the team members notebooks.
Cycling Needs to Play Part In A National Energy StrategySubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sat, 06/03/2006 - 21:15.
While Congress debates energy and gas saving strategies, they should consider one to help North East Ohio residents adopt personal energy and cost saving strategies, by reducing fuel demand, traffic congestion and promoting improved health. Congress can help America get out of their car and onto a bike. Cycling can be an important component in a national energy strategy.
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If Beethoven died of lead poisoning, then its good enough for youSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 08:11.
Lots of people know that lead poisoning played a role in the fall of the Roman Empire (lead pipes) but in December 2005 it was learned that Beethoven died of lead poisoning - probably from a combination of pipes, lead seals on wine and documents, crystal, ceramics and paints - they started outlawing lead in Europe at the end of the 19th Century... it took America nearly a century longer...
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Brush with lead poison - day 1: Interpreting Blood Lead Test Results DifficultSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/20/2006 - 00:46.
My son just turned one and we had him lead tested - the pediatrician's office called to report the results are less than 3 micrograms per deciliter - no level of lead is safe, and 3 µg/dL is certainly harmful.
stopping to enjoy in just springSubmitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 10:23.
I have a laptop. (A slow starter/late adopter you're thinking.) It was a holiday gift that was meant to free me from my house. I can get out and write, correspond, research anywhere I can get online. But the cold weather and my deep appreciation for my home environment and my dogs have kept me in the house. Now, however, I sit most days in the sunny breakfast room of my 89 year old Cleveland Heights home and write surrounded by windows.
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DAFFODIL SUNDAY at Lake View CemeterySubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 13:55.
04/16/2006 - 07:30 04/16/2006 - 17:30 Etc/GMT-4 The annual blossoming of Daffodil Hill, a collection of over 100,000 bulbs, an ongoing project since the 1940's, is one Lake View Cemetery's most popular attractions. Location
Lake View Cemetery
12316 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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