What should a gateway to University Circle/East Cleveland look like?
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 14:12.

These photos were taken on my typical walk from my home in East Cleveland to University Circle. Most of the walk is very pleasant, but under this bridge (RTA and railroad) is one of the ugliest sights you will see in Cleveland. It is dark and damp, but worst of all it is littered with so much trash.
Who's responsible for cleaning this up and emptying the trash can on the University Circle side that has been overflowing for weeks? Enough people obviously cared enough to put their trash in the right place, but long ago the can filled up. How much better could this site look if there was a trash can on each side of the bridge and they were emptied regularly? My long term hopes are that some day these bridges -- gateways between University Circle and the surrounding neighborhoods -- might become public art projects through paint, mosaic, lighting or other materials. I don't know where the money should come from but it would be a good investment.
Talk to Chris Roynane, the mayor of University Circle.
I know this underpass too well. I have to hold my nose to endure the urine stench. The East 120th RTA station is an abomination. Why, in god's name, did RTA not move it to Mayfield Rd. before embarking on the Euclid Corridor boondoggle????
Oh, of course, it would eliminate the justification for the Opportunity Corridor!