Eddy "Citizen" Hauser Read about Ed …
From PreservationNation:
"It continues to intrigue me that taking a position in favor of rehabilitation and modernization of these old structures—even a position that includes calls for selective demolition to reconnect buildings with neighborhoods by restoring street grids—is automatically seen as favoring a return to the bad old days of public housing mismanagement.
There is clearly a visceral reaction to these inanimate structures, which is so strong that people want them eliminated. A leader of the local Unitarian congregation put his finger on it, when at the Council meeting he observed that the passion to destroy the buildings seemed to emerge out of bad theology and a mystical belief in atonement—that the buildings’ destruction would somehow wash away the sins of the past."
[where: 44114]
I received an email from Advance Northeast Ohio posting sentiments of hope for Northeast Ohio. The best one yet, comes from Steve McQuillin posted by Tim Ferris at Save our Land.
Here is the link to more information on Historic Tax Credits.
Advance Hope
I received an email from Advance Northeast Ohio posting sentiments of hope for Northeast Ohio. The best one yet, comes from Steve McQuillin posted by Tim Ferris at Save our Land.
Here is the link to more information on Historic Tax Credits.