Frog Blog
Submitted by metroparks muse on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 17:10.

Jeff - This is my kind of exhibit (actually a road toad)
If you go to the zoo be sure to admire the Yagga Tree in Australia. This pretend tree cost a cool million. And those 'lifelike' animatronic figures: pulled when when bids came too high, but added back in later. It then turned out that a full time repair person was needed for them ... Two vets for all the living zoo animals; one "doctor" for three pretend ones. But the money spent was not make believe.
Your pictures are more magical, in my opinion. As you observed, we rarely have a clear view of the world. If it's not a dirty windshield, it's our distorted perspective. So when the 'experts' offer us a perfect picture - we should be suspicious and check for ourselves. And if we're willing to have our zoo dollars spent on pretend animals instead of live ones .... shame on us.
Toad ID
We all have to work on our field biology skills*, especially as it pertains to management lapses at the Metroparks. It's hard for me to see through the distortion. I know and deeply respect so many people there, and all the while, often cringe at the decisions made by--dare I insult an amphibian (!?)--the big toads.
*True Toads