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EducationNEO Excellence Roundtable: Urban Farming with Maurice SmallSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 07:35.
06/24/2008 - 18:00 06/24/2008 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Two weeks ago, City Fresh's Maurice Small met with friends in East Cleveland to discuss City Fresh, urban farming, and how we may convert a typical urban convenient store, Brown's Market, into a pilot City Fresh local foods market. During our discussions, Maurice mentioned that a dedicated urban farmer may earn more than $30,000 per year from sales of food grown on one typical urban lot (say 1/10th an acre). That being the case, and considering our ever-growing need and realigning demand for locally grown food, and the fact food may be grown locally as cost effectively as elsewhere in the world, it occurred to me that the highest and best use for most of the land now cleared, abandoned, blighted and wasted in our urban neighborhoods is for urban farming. So that is a use we are now planning to be core to redevelopment of the Star Neighborhood. Intrigued? Discuss and plan for this reality with Maurice and friends this Tuesday, from 6-7 PM, at that house on Roxbury, in East Cleveland. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. Location
Star Neighborhood Development
1894 Roxbury Road
East Cleveland
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Assuming HEK/MAK/BAK/KAM are people, their reward or punishment for their presence in NEO should be?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 12:55.
Appreciation and economic opportunity to develop their artistic value (e.g. workshops, commissions, grants, purchases) 33% (24 votes) Graffiti is part of urban fabric - can be artistic and cool - coverup problem graffiti and focus on gang tags and related crime 33% (24 votes) Art, shmart - they are thugs and should be punished doing community service addressing graffiti problem... and grow up 18% (13 votes) VANDALS! Prosecute them - they are felons, should have criminal records, and made prisoners for as long as possible... years 15% (11 votes) Total votes: 72
I GRO EC for City FreshSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 06/11/2008 - 11:46.
Maurice Small is the most economically and ecologically sensible planner I know. Joe Stanley, Sudhir Kade and I have been brainstorming with City Fresh's Maurice Small about "I GRO EC" - Independent Green Republic Of East Cleveland. City Fresh already operates a Fresh Stop at Huron Road Hospital - which Maurice reports is doing great - and is active in community farming in East Cleveland. Recently, we've been discussing City Fresh having an involvement converting Brown's Convenient store into a pilot City Fresh Market, which could offer a paradigm-shifting model for bringing local food, farming and their economies into very needy urban neighborhoods, in very innovative and important ways.
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Bush Government Sues To Make Testing Meat IllegalSubmitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 19:19.
by Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 05.12.08
Fighting Dinosaurs? Lead Poisoning and Urban RedevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 14:07.
If these are average Clevelanders, living in older urban neighborhoods like around University Circle their entire lives, they have been lead poisoned, perhaps severely. Thursday morning, May 22nd, join 100s of NEOs leaders concerned with our community's health, intelligence, safety and economy meeting at the Cleveland Natural History Museum for a free breakfast, keynote discussion and breakout sessions about lead poisoning and urban redevelopment. I guarantee you will leave this brief event with a completely realigned understanding of the core barriers to the success of our urban neighborhoods, leading to better planning for a healthy, effective region in the future.
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What is a "Green Roof"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 00:34.
What is a "Green Roof" and what does it look like? At the house on Roxbury, the green roof is where the raccoons still live.
Reinventing Browns Deli into The Star Market and Cafe - transformational neighborhood redevelopment, one convenience at a timeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 00:35.
Welcome to The Star Market and Cafe! What would make you walk, ride and drive out of your way and stop here? When? Why? Now is the time for Star Neighborhood Development to reinvent a blighted urban convenient store into a community asset. But how? That depends on you. What will you support here?
The China Problem!?Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 23:19.
So I am just back from 14 days in Japan. Interesting to be on the sidelines as 3,000 Japanese police protect the olympic toarch from what I thought would be a calm, reserved crowd. Dont get me wrong, I was not in Nagano, I was in Shibuya / Tokyo.. but it got a lot of attention. Pro and anti China student groups and observers literally throwing punches, 70 year old Japanese men going to jail for throwing tomatoes in the face of the police protecting the toarch... etc. It was akin to what I saw in the USA when the toarch came thru California.
REAL HIGH GRAFFITISubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 04/30/2008 - 16:33.
![]() Does this night shot of Good Year's noisy, fuel-sucking, electronically advertizing Blimp pounding down commercial money messages over the Indian's commercial electronical big screen stadium filled with it's captive electronically numb audience constitute GRAFITTI?
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Question of the day: What is your favorite cookbook?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 23:19.
All species, all races, everywhere, we all must eat, frequently, so we humans may as well eat well. I prefer to eat at home, food I prepare, of ingredients I know, in a kitchen I trust... there are few restaurants in the world that make me happier than homemade. But I certainly turn to experts for advice on food selection and preparation, and many of my favorite books - the ones I read over and over, and can't do without - are cookbooks. I find all types interesting... international, ethnic, historical, regional... and consider many required reading. I'd be interesting for other foodie realneo members who share an interest in cooking to share their favorite cookbooks... some of mine are the header for today...
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Question of the Day: How are you greening your republic?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 09:26.
As we begin a new Spring - a new beginning - what are you doing to green your republic?
BUTTERFLY TO FLOWER - PERFECT MATCH?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 14:21.
"It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic,
Kevin O'Brien's column "Forget Global Warming" made more sense in CanadianSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/18/2008 - 23:14.
On March 12, 2008, Cleveland Plain Dealer deputy editorial page director Kevin O'Brien published a snide, pointless editorial taking the position global warming is over-hyped. His conclusion is a Russian scientist predicts the world is entering a new Ice Age, which trumps Global Warming, so do nothing about Global Warming. I googled the Russian scientist O'Brien references - Oleg Sorokhtin - and came across a February 25th National Post column, by conservative Canadian columnist Lorne Gunter, to which O'Brien's March 12th column is so similar as to be plagiarism, in my book. Alarmist AprilSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 15:23.
04/11/2008 - 11:00 04/11/2008 - 11:01 Etc/GMT-5 There is a need for the thoughtful people of Northeast Ohio to speak up loud and clear - sound an alarm - about environmental issues here, and our impact here on environmental issues worldwide. We should do this in our everyday life, and we should participate in community efforts to speak in harmony about saving planet Earth. One way to shout-out that "This is a state of global emergency" is to become an "Alarmist". As posted on REALNEO here, for this April 11, at 11 AM local time, for one minute, and each 11th of the month thereafter, at 11 AM, Alarmists declare, "We need to set off the world's alarms. Join in. It could be the alarm on your phone, in your home, in your car. You could gather some friends to make some noise. Organise a flash mob. Schedule a company fire drill. Borrow a vintage air raid siren... Be creative. Raise the alarm." So, people of REALNEO, how should we sound the first Alarmism minute? LocationTBD
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
TIBET - MONKS REACT TO INTENTIONAL CULTURAL DISSOLUTION BY CHINASubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 13:25.
![]() What is it about Buddhists that encourages their intense involvement in politics?
An Invitation: The Intergenerational School… Is Re‐inventing Public Education ‐ here in Cleveland!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 23:12.
03/13/2008 - 17:30 03/13/2008 - 19:30 Etc/GMT-5 The Intergenerational School is holding a Wine & Cheese Open House (with Student‐Led Tours!), this Thursday, March 13, 2008 - 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm - and I strongly encourage those interested in innovation in education and aging to attend. Read through the whole invitation to learn more about the school - it is astounding, as are the founders... Cathy and Peter Whitehouse. This is the school that I hope to expand in the former Hough Bakeries complex, as the anchor for redevelopment of the surrounding neighborhood, so if you are interested in that project then you are interested in TIS.... I hope to see you there Thursday... be sure to RSVP! Location
The Intergenerational School
12200 Fairhill Road Fairhill Center, Second Floor
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Fight Melting Oceans From The Comfort of Your Own Home While Raising Bait!!Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Mon, 03/10/2008 - 22:11.
03/15/2008 - 13:00 03/15/2008 - 14:00 Etc/GMT-5 Who: What: Location
Moebius Nature Center
929 East Mennonite Road
Aurora, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Welcome to REALNEO, Max X B Roulet - Welcome to the RevolutionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 07:53.
Max Xavier Bayard Roulet Day 1
WEATHER ELSEWHERE - PEOPLE ELSEWHERE - GOVERNMENT ELSEWHERESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 20:39.
![]() While snow piles up outside in NEO, in Hawaii the anthurium are brilliant, waxy red. A friend just arrived Friday from Hawaii and hand carried these spectacular delicate stems. What a thoughtful present.
REALNEO Regionalism Proposal #1: Merge Cleveland, UCI, Case, UH, and Clinic Police DepartmentsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 00:08.
In living and working around University Circle, it occurs to me how stupid it is that there are literally five or six police forces operating within overlapping turfs... Cleveland, University Circle, Case, University Hospitals, and the Clinic each have significant police forces. In addition, Cuyahoga County has patrols in the area... all intersecting within a mile of each other... and you are probably as likely to get shot within a mile of that intersection as anywhere in America.
DANCE VIDEO OF THE DAY - LINEAR MOTORSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 19:23.
Here is a dance video which NEO should watch and understand - and understand how to program. A dance that union workers, and all workers, need to learn.
History being written right, today... Tech Czar on Medical MartSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 17:30.
I spotted a link on BFD to Tech Czar Michael DeAloia's fascinating write up on the Medical Mart, so much in our pocketbooks and news every day, in real neo. Well, it seems we have one community leader interested to set the records straight today and from now on, in his world, on his blog, about his world, which is fascinating. I'm glad to see Michael more active than ever, leading the community, since leaving City Hall, and I appreciate the honest facts about the Medical Mart that are missing everywhere else. Read this tidbit below and you'll link through for the rest...
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Be ObamaSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 20:56.
The day Ohioans and others around America failed the world and allowed Bush and his clan 4 more years was the saddest of my life, and I was depressed by life after that until I posted the following... ( categories:
Join the Inner Circle for Obama to Watch the Final Democratic DebateSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 21:46.
02/26/2008 - 18:00 02/27/2008 - 00:00 Etc/GMT-4 The ward office is open from 9 AM until..., each day through March 04, 2008, so feel free to come early and often to see how you may help, pick up campaign literature and signs, talk Obama, and proudly cheer with fellow champions for change. I've been around the Inner Circle of Obama supporters enough to say their enthusiasm and love for Barack can't be beat. This will be a great experience and I plan to watch the debate here, and I encourage you to join the fun.
PETER GRIESINGER WRITES CLEVELAND COUNCIL RE: AMP COAL PLANSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 14:30.
Dear Cleveland City Council Members:
This is an urgent plea to exercise your right to cancel the 50 YEAR obligation by Cleveland Public Power to purchase 100MW of electricity from American Municipal Power’s proposed $3.4 billion power plant in Meigs County, OH.
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