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Sustainable Development09.15.05 Excellence Roundtable: John Norquist: Unlocking the Value of the Urban FormSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/11/2005 - 23:58.
09/15/2005 - 07:00 Northeast Ohio leaders have realized we have lessons to learn from afar, as we face changing economic challenges at home, like sprawl and neglected urban assets and strategies. As our urban core, that Cleveland remain strong is essential to the millions of people in the region. Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
09.06.05 Excellence Roundtable Invitation - Optimizing New Economy MentalitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/06/2005 - 07:00.
09/06/2005 - 10:30 In NEO today, we see a growing consciousness in the alternative energy and sustainability movement, a resounding catalyst in the digital cities OneCleveland phenomenum, and many other indicators that we are finally developing a vibrant new economy mentality. Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
Let's make NEO "Open for Business"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/30/2005 - 05:05.
Earlier this month, REALNEO IT Analyst Derek Arnold attended the O'Reilly Open Source Convention and Drupal Conference in Portland, Oregon, and he brought back more than new code, knowledge and relationships - he brought back the State of Oregon's vision of being "an epicenter for Open Technology (Linux and Open Source-enabled hardware, software and services)". The State of NEO needs to embrace such a vision!
Cycle Canalway A-ZSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 08/26/2005 - 13:30.
09/17/2005 - 08:00 This is a special bike ride where participants will begin their journey from the lower Harvard Avenue Canal Reservation Trailhead, just below ALCOA. (A) (9 a.m.) From here, they will bike 6 miles to Rockside Rd. and board the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railrod with bike (10:15 a.m.) for a trip to Peninsula. At Peninsula they will depart, (11:15 am) and cycle back to Zeleznick's (Z) for a Bar-B-Que (1-4 p.m.). Location
Lower Harvard Avenue Canal Reservation Trailhead, just below ALCOA
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I-Open Forum: Building Sustainable Communities through Collaborative Planning for Our Waterways and GreenspaceSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 08/26/2005 - 12:52.
08/30/2005 - 17:00 Learn why collaborative planning for our waterways and greenspace is vital to building a sustainable community. Ed Hauser, with the Friends of Whiskey Island, will share his thoughts on this topic and give an update on the latest Whiskey Island issues. A discussion about how we should plan for the future of our waterways and greenspace will follow the presentation. The forum is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Location
Maple Heights Regional Library, 5225 Library Lane- off Libby Rd. just east of Broadway Ave.
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Soils and Sustainable BuildingSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 08/26/2005 - 12:35.
09/08/2005 - 07:15 With interest growing in bioswales, green roofs, etc., comes the need to better understand on-site conditions and vegitative components to produce the desired effect on water quality in post construction. The meeting is from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location
Broadview Hts. City Hall
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Celebrate Cleveland dialoguesSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 08/26/2005 - 11:09.
08/31/2005 - 15:00 From Public Square to University Circle, a number of large-scale investments are being made in new development, research, and health care that will have long-term impacts on our region's economy. Join us to learn more about how these exciting new projects are changing the shape of the region. Free and open to the public. The dialogue will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Location
Levin College of Urban Affairs, 1717 Euclid Ave.
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NEO-X-NY Roundtable outcomes and next stepsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/24/2005 - 12:10.
As is our tradition, at the NEO Excellence portal, we have posted some notes and an attendee list from the First NEO-X-NY Roundtable, in a book bound at Our roundtables are outcome oriented, and the outcomes we pursue from the first NEO-X roundtable include developing the Community Development Venture Capital (CDVC) Fund we introduced in New York, expanding the NEO-X network in support of economic development in NEO, and assisting NEO Expatriates to return to or collaborate with NEO. A NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR NORTHERN OHIO - LEARNING FROM THE DUTCH EXPERIENCESubmitted by johnmcgovern on Tue, 08/23/2005 - 14:49.
09/27/2005 - 07:00 People across Northeast Ohio are talking Location
Levin College of Urban Affairs : Glickman- Miller Hall 1717 Euclid Avenue
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A NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR NORTHERN OHIO - LEARNING FROM THE DUTCH EXPERIENCESubmitted by johnmcgovern on Tue, 08/23/2005 - 14:45.
09/26/2005 - 07:00 People across Northeast Ohio are talking Location
Levin College of Urban Affairs @ Glickman-Miller Hall - 1717 Euclid Avenue
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DIKE 14 EVENTSubmitted by johnmcgovern on Tue, 08/23/2005 - 14:33.
09/17/2005 - 06:30
An opportunity to learn about Location( categories: )
DIKE 14 EVENTSubmitted by johnmcgovern on Tue, 08/23/2005 - 14:27.
from waste comes incredible opportunity, right on our lakefront...... click HERE for more info.
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$40 million equity fund for CoolTowns may be good model for NEO-CDVC FundSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 08/20/2005 - 13:41.
A very interesting organization called CoolTown Studios is offering access to $40 million for CoolTown real estate development projects - seems some projects in Cleveland and environs would fit their criteria - and their concept may be a good model for the Community Development Venture Capital Fund we are developing for NEO. See the criteria at the CoolTown website and posted below... Sustainable Elementary SchoolSubmitted by johnmcgovern on Mon, 08/15/2005 - 07:43.
*It seems like there's something quite cool going on in the city of McKinney, Texas. First there was the prototype of an eco-Walmart, then the eco-dealership by Toyota, and now - thanks to reader littleCatalyst for pointing it out - we learn that the city also has a sustainable elementary school that has been named (pdf link) one of the ten Most Environmentally Responsible Design Projects in the Nation by the American Institute of Architects. They have some great green architecture and landscaping, harvest rainwater in 6 cisterns (10,000 gallons capacity) and produce electricity with a wind turbine, but most importantly, they teach the kids about sustainability (it warms my heart!). Read more about it here >>
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Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce launches “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� with Rebecca RyanSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/14/2005 - 14:30.
08/29/2005 - 16:30 Our community is being challenged by the migration of homegrown talent to other areas. Join area business leaders Aug. 29 as Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce launches “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� a major economic development initiative poised at retaining and attracting young talent for the Stark County community. The Chamber has hired Rebecca Ryan, economist, futurist and president of Next Generation Consulting Inc. to lead this effort. Next Generation is a talent cooperative that helps communities uncover the “best of what is� in the community to retain and attract the brightest young talent. In-depth research is conducted to make this happen. Be a part of the solution; ensure the community’s future. Start by attending “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� a free presentation. Light complimentary refreshments will be available. Location
Cable Recital Hall, Cultural Center, 1001 Market St. N, Canton
08.30.05 Excellence Roundtable Invitation: Gen-X Expert Rebecca Ryan on NEO Gen-X-appealSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/14/2005 - 13:49.
08/30/2005 - 10:30 Engaging the Next Generation Do you think all Gen X'ers are lazy apathetic slackers? Think Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
08.23.05 Excellence Roundtable Invitation: New Arts Innovation in NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/14/2005 - 13:45.
08/23/2005 - 10:30 The 08.23.05 NEO Excellence Roundtable will feature leaders of new arts innovations and movements in NEO, including William Scheele of newCAT, the New Collaboration for Arts and Technology, who will be able to update attendees on Ingenuity Fest, with which he is affiliated - we'll invite other Ingenuity spokespersons to attend as well. Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
08.16.05 Excellence Roundtable Invitation: Making NEO World's Most Empowering Learning CommunitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/14/2005 - 09:03.
08/16/2005 - 10:30 The last few weeks have seen the subject of education reach front and center across Northeast Ohio. Public school funding, the end of the BBB era and the hyper-politicizing of the selection of her successor, and the realization we need progress educating the region's children are all important drivers for discussion. The NEO Excellence Roundtable has maintained an ongoing dialogue on such key issues impacting economic development in Northeast Ohio, which we will broaden beginning at the August 16th session. Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
08.11.05 NEO-X Roundtable NOTES: NEO-X-Pats in NYNY know no place like NEO homeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/12/2005 - 00:24.
![]() The August 11, 2005, NEO-X Roundtable, at the Jones Day building in New York, New York, brought together a fascinating cross section of former Clevelanders now living or working in the New York area, sharing the common bond that we all still care about NEO. cleveland bikesSubmitted by johnmcgovern on Thu, 08/11/2005 - 15:00.
check out ClevelandBikes new website at for all the info you'll need to know to ride your bike around our beautiful city.
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Please join the NEO-X Roundtable in New York - extending our excellence with NEO "expatriates"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/07/2005 - 18:10.
08/11/2005 - 10:30 REALNEO is pleased to host a luncheon at the New York offices of Jones Day, 222 East 41st Street, Thursday, August 11th, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, for the NEO-X Roundtable. Location
Jones Day, 222 East 41st Street, New York, NY
Ohio Great Lakes Restoration Public MeetingSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 08/05/2005 - 14:08.
08/23/2005 - 17:30
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is calling for public comments on “The Location
Cleveland Public Library- Downtown
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Discuss Draft Agreements for Implementation of the Great Lakes Water Management InitiativeSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Thu, 08/04/2005 - 13:33.
08/18/2005 - 18:00
Independence Civic Center- 6363 Selig Boulevard, Independence, Ohio
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Sustainable Transportation ChoicesSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Thu, 08/04/2005 - 09:59.
08/16/2005 - 16:30 The Location
Great Lakes Brewing Company - Tasting Room
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Whiskey Island-RiverDay 2005Submitted by Ed Hauser on Wed, 08/03/2005 - 15:44.
08/13/2005 - 11:00 NOON - 2 PM: Celebrate this historic event and show your support to keep our waterfront parkland and public access marina. In 2004, Cuyahoga County acquired the 20-acre parkland and 10-acre marina for continued public access and recreation. In June 2005, Wendy Park at Whiskey Island was dedicated. The initial cleanup and restoration efforts of the parkland, the only natural shoreline in downtown Cleveland, and the River Boardwalk are complete. Location
Whiskey Island - Cleveland
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