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Green DevelopmentFighting Dinosaurs? Lead Poisoning and Urban RedevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 14:07.
If these are average Clevelanders, living in older urban neighborhoods like around University Circle their entire lives, they have been lead poisoned, perhaps severely. Thursday morning, May 22nd, join 100s of NEOs leaders concerned with our community's health, intelligence, safety and economy meeting at the Cleveland Natural History Museum for a free breakfast, keynote discussion and breakout sessions about lead poisoning and urban redevelopment. I guarantee you will leave this brief event with a completely realigned understanding of the core barriers to the success of our urban neighborhoods, leading to better planning for a healthy, effective region in the future.
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Any Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaners in Cleveland?Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 22:42.
Hopefully after this week I will be able to put my sweaters and other wool clothes away until next fall. I have a large pile of items ready to go to the dry cleaner but I know the perchloroethelene most dry cleaners use is bad for the environment and bad for my family. What are the alternatives? I have already reduced the number of dry clean only garments in my wardrobe, but many vintage items require dry cleaning.
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Green ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 14:32.
This certainly has been a perfect spring for flowering trees, still exploding with color all over the near East Side. Here are some views at Lakeview Cemetery, where the plantings are exceptional any time of year, and especially about now. Check it out!
Here's the ClevelandBikes "Bike to Work" Schedule for Cleveland Bicycle Week - Join Us!Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 09:54.
Join the nonprofit organization ClevelandBikes on its annual "Bike to Work" rides, everyday May 12-16, now bigger than ever by partnering with other riding organizations in the first Cleveland Bicycle Week. Ride and you can be elgible for great prizes! This year, you can also find partners on your own through a "Bike Buddy" system brought to you by NOACA. And remember, join us for our ride on Wednesday May 14th and wear yellow for Lance Armstrong Foundation's LIVESTRONG Day! * ClevelandBikes hosts commuting rides downtown to our host, the Greater Cleveland YMCA (2200 Prospect Avenue), every day during Cleveland Bicycle Week, May 12-16. Join us for coffee, while the YMCA provides free, secure bike parking, showers and free passes for the day. Join us and share your goals about riding in Northeast Ohio, while riders are eligible for fun prizes. * ClevelandBikes is also pleased to assist with the Northeast Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), which is offering to match solo riders through th Ohio Ride Share "Bike Buddy" program, matching riders with common starting points,ride times and common destinations ( * ClevelandBikes also supports a major health initiative, with a "Bike to Work"ride for the Lance Armstrong Foundation ( and "LIVESTRONG" day on Wednesday May 14. * ClevelandBikes will host "Bike to Work" rides on the final Friday of every month and special rides for festivals and other activities. Pick a starting location from the list below and ride along with a ClevelandBikes ride leader, or just meet us between 8:00 and 9:00 AM at our downtown host, the Greater Cleveland YMCA, which is offering free showers, secure bike parking and free day passes for YMCA activities. East Side Starting Points 7:45 AM Arabica at 11300 Juniper in University Circle South Side Starting Point West Side Starting Points National "Bike to Work" Week is sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists (, which offers bicycle advocacy and support programs for more than 125 years. ClevelandBikes , a 501C3 nonprofit organization, is committed to advancing all forms of bicycling as economical and healthful recreation, sport and transportation. For More Information, Contact: Kevin Cronin
What is a "Green Roof"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 00:34.
What is a "Green Roof" and what does it look like? At the house on Roxbury, the green roof is where the raccoons still live.
Another serious drive by on Roxbury... they happen every daySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 22:16.
One great thing about a gravel driveway is you can hear them coming. This afternoon, Claes and I were chilling at home in East Cleveland, minding our own business, when we heard that crunch of rocks under heavy tires. Then the slam of a car door, and heavy feet on the front porch... another drive-by had arrived. It's been happening regularly since we started renovating the house on Roxbury, late last Summer.... especially on a beautiful day like today.
The China Problem!?Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 23:19.
So I am just back from 14 days in Japan. Interesting to be on the sidelines as 3,000 Japanese police protect the olympic toarch from what I thought would be a calm, reserved crowd. Dont get me wrong, I was not in Nagano, I was in Shibuya / Tokyo.. but it got a lot of attention. Pro and anti China student groups and observers literally throwing punches, 70 year old Japanese men going to jail for throwing tomatoes in the face of the police protecting the toarch... etc. It was akin to what I saw in the USA when the toarch came thru California.
Question of the Day: How are you greening your republic?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 09:26.
As we begin a new Spring - a new beginning - what are you doing to green your republic?
Fritz Haeg - Edible EstatesSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 03/29/2008 - 08:51.
03/31/2008 - 19:00 03/31/2008 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-5
CIA Gund Building
11141 East Boulevard Aitken Auditorium
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Earth DaySubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/23/2008 - 16:21.
04/20/2008 - 21:00 Etc/GMT-5
![]() At the City Club recently, Cuyahoga County Commissioner Peter Lawson-Jones suggested that the first priority for the County goverment was "economic development", and that's why the Commissioners and Fred the Fixer Nance were working so hard to be able to pay a wealthy developer from out of state to build and operate a public-private pirate ship here in Cuyahoga.
Kevin O'Brien's column "Forget Global Warming" made more sense in CanadianSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/18/2008 - 23:14.
On March 12, 2008, Cleveland Plain Dealer deputy editorial page director Kevin O'Brien published a snide, pointless editorial taking the position global warming is over-hyped. His conclusion is a Russian scientist predicts the world is entering a new Ice Age, which trumps Global Warming, so do nothing about Global Warming. I googled the Russian scientist O'Brien references - Oleg Sorokhtin - and came across a February 25th National Post column, by conservative Canadian columnist Lorne Gunter, to which O'Brien's March 12th column is so similar as to be plagiarism, in my book. Alarmist AprilSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 15:23.
04/11/2008 - 11:00 04/11/2008 - 11:01 Etc/GMT-5 There is a need for the thoughtful people of Northeast Ohio to speak up loud and clear - sound an alarm - about environmental issues here, and our impact here on environmental issues worldwide. We should do this in our everyday life, and we should participate in community efforts to speak in harmony about saving planet Earth. One way to shout-out that "This is a state of global emergency" is to become an "Alarmist". As posted on REALNEO here, for this April 11, at 11 AM local time, for one minute, and each 11th of the month thereafter, at 11 AM, Alarmists declare, "We need to set off the world's alarms. Join in. It could be the alarm on your phone, in your home, in your car. You could gather some friends to make some noise. Organise a flash mob. Schedule a company fire drill. Borrow a vintage air raid siren... Be creative. Raise the alarm." So, people of REALNEO, how should we sound the first Alarmism minute? LocationTBD
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
PAY IT FORWARD - THEN THROW IT AWAY - CUYAHOGA WASTE SPECIALTYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 19:14.
![]() On April 3, 2007 there was a discussion about the proposal for a new Cuyahoga County Administration building here on Realneo. Around that time I had read a letter written by Tim Ferris which suggested that the present County Administration building was originally built to be expanded upward. Today I add the photo above to confirm that the building was intended to be continued upward – you can see the columns projecting right up through the roof on both the main Administration Building and the Annex building. I’ll bet if you removed the copper flashing from the top of the columns, there would be a plate with bolt holes already in it, ready to accept the steel columns for floors 5, 6, 7, etc.
'Fritz Haeg: Attack on the Front Lawn': Activism disguised as artSubmitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 21:40.
'Fritz Haeg: Attack on the Front Lawn': Activism disguised as art
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![]() The Cleveland City Council Chamber is a grand room, with wood paneling, curved seating and a colorful mural above President Sweeney’s high backed seat.
PETER GRIESINGER WRITES CLEVELAND COUNCIL RE: AMP COAL PLANSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 14:30.
Dear Cleveland City Council Members:
This is an urgent plea to exercise your right to cancel the 50 YEAR obligation by Cleveland Public Power to purchase 100MW of electricity from American Municipal Power’s proposed $3.4 billion power plant in Meigs County, OH.
The AMP Contract is The Wrong Deal for ClevelandSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 20:07.
Cleveland City Council should rescind its involvement in AMP-Ohio's proposed coal-fired utility in southern Ohio. A fifty year commitment to coal is the wrong direction, for Cleveland Public Power (CPP), its customers and the environment. Instead, CPP should develop a comprehensive plan for energy need and energy sources, that includes efforts to reduce demand through conservation, insulation, wind, solar and other alternative sources.
AMP OHIO NEGOTIATES IN BAD FAITH WITH CLEVELANDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 16:24.
![]() Committing to American Municipal Power's proposed Meigs County pulverized coal generator for 50 years is a death trap for the City of Cleveland - and AMP knows it. Attending the Cleveland City Council subcommittee on CPP all day yesterday brought things to my mind that wouldn’t have aligned in my head if I hadn’t sat and listened to the back and forth for hours. AMP OHIO is negotiating with Cleveland in BAD FAITH.
![]() The 15 story Dulski Federal Building in Buffalo, New York is undergoing a down to the steel skeleton re-hab. This building was constructed in the early 1970’s, and besides the time of its construction, shares other similarities with the Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower built in 1971 in Cleveland, Ohio.
East Cleveland Awarded $25,000 grant to become Garden of Hopes and Dreams and Playful City, USA !Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 20:49.
I just received fantastic news from Annie Stahlheber with the Cardiovascular Task Force and Cuyahoga County Board of Health. East Cleveland won one of only three $25,000 grants awarded nationally by Kaboom! as Playful City, USA. This awards video reviews all the winners, from honorable mentions to grand prize grants. East Cleveland's award is presented at the conclusion of the video and includes a nice bit featuring Mayor Eric Brewer and a select group of East Cleveland's young players.
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WHISKEY ISLAND - NEW COUNTY BRIDGE TAKES SHAPESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 21:42.
Ed Hauser introduced me to Whiskey Island a few years back, and since then I have taken a keen interest in this part of Cleveland. So today I thought I would check up on the new bridge which the County promised - to replace the former one lane bridge which was located next to the rail road tracks just before you get to the Whiskey Island Marina and Wendy Park.
![]() The Buffalo News reports today that the complicated gearboxes on the Clipper wind turbines in Lackawanna, New York have caused the facility to shut down. The photo above was taken in September of 2007 and shows the eight Clipper turbines on the old Bethlehem slag heaps with Buffalo in the left hand background.
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Happy New Year 2008Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 17:23.
Happy New Year 2008 to all the top-through-under dogs of Northeast Ohio. My resolution is to question everything.
Trees planted here help streams, rivers, Lake ErieSubmitted by Charles Frost on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 19:52.
Thursday, December 27, 2007 By Rachael Derrick Brunswick Sun Times
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